path: root/rust-src/mount/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rust-src/mount/src/')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/rust-src/mount/src/ b/rust-src/mount/src/
index 89865bc4..430d3c64 100644
--- a/rust-src/mount/src/
+++ b/rust-src/mount/src/
@@ -1,158 +1,159 @@
extern "C" {
- pub static stdout: *mut libc::FILE;
+ pub static stdout: *mut libc::FILE;
use getset::{CopyGetters, Getters};
use std::path::PathBuf;
#[derive(Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct FileSystem {
- /// External UUID of the bcachefs
- #[getset(get = "pub")]
- uuid: uuid::Uuid,
- /// Whether filesystem is encrypted
- #[getset(get_copy = "pub")]
- encrypted: bool,
- /// Super block
- #[getset(get = "pub")]
- sb: bcachefs::bch_sb_handle,
- /// Member devices for this filesystem
- #[getset(get = "pub")]
- devices: Vec<PathBuf>,
+ /// External UUID of the bcachefs
+ #[getset(get = "pub")]
+ uuid: uuid::Uuid,
+ /// Whether filesystem is encrypted
+ #[getset(get_copy = "pub")]
+ encrypted: bool,
+ /// Super block
+ #[getset(get = "pub")]
+ sb: bcachefs::bch_sb_handle,
+ /// Member devices for this filesystem
+ #[getset(get = "pub")]
+ devices: Vec<PathBuf>,
impl std::fmt::Debug for FileSystem {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- f.debug_struct("FileSystem")
- .field("uuid", &self.uuid)
- .field("encrypted", &self.encrypted)
- .field("devices", &self.device_string())
- .finish()
- }
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("FileSystem")
+ .field("uuid", &self.uuid)
+ .field("encrypted", &self.encrypted)
+ .field("devices", &self.device_string())
+ .finish()
+ }
use std::fmt;
impl std::fmt::Display for FileSystem {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- let devs = self.device_string();
- write!(
- f,
- "{:?}: locked?={lock} ({}) ",
- self.uuid,
- devs,
- lock = self.encrypted
- )
- }
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ let devs = self.device_string();
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "{:?}: locked?={lock} ({}) ",
+ self.uuid,
+ devs,
+ lock = self.encrypted
+ )
+ }
impl FileSystem {
- pub(crate) fn new(sb: bcachefs::bch_sb_handle) -> Self {
- Self {
- uuid:,
- encrypted:,
- sb: sb,
- devices: Vec::new(),
- }
- }
- pub fn device_string(&self) -> String {
- use itertools::Itertools;
- self.devices.iter().map(|d| d.display()).join(":")
- }
- pub fn mount(
- &self,
- target: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
- options: impl AsRef<str>,
- ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- tracing::info_span!("mount").in_scope(|| {
- let src = self.device_string();
- let (data, mountflags) = parse_mount_options(options);
- // let fstype = c_str!("bcachefs");
- tracing::info!(msg="mounting bcachefs filesystem", target=%target.as_ref().display());
- mount_inner(src, target, "bcachefs", mountflags, data)
- })
- }
+ pub(crate) fn new(sb: bcachefs::bch_sb_handle) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ uuid:,
+ encrypted:,
+ sb: sb,
+ devices: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn device_string(&self) -> String {
+ use itertools::Itertools;
+ self.devices.iter().map(|d| d.display()).join(":")
+ }
+ pub fn mount(
+ &self,
+ target: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+ options: impl AsRef<str>,
+ ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ tracing::info_span!("mount").in_scope(|| {
+ let src = self.device_string();
+ let (data, mountflags) = parse_mount_options(options);
+ // let fstype = c_str!("bcachefs");
+ tracing::info!(msg="mounting bcachefs filesystem", target=%target.as_ref().display());
+ mount_inner(src, target, "bcachefs", mountflags, data)
+ })
+ }
fn mount_inner(
- src: String,
- target: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
- fstype: &str,
- mountflags: u64,
- data: Option<String>,
+ src: String,
+ target: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+ fstype: &str,
+ mountflags: u64,
+ data: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- use std::{
- ffi::{c_void, CString},
- os::{raw::c_char, unix::ffi::OsStrExt},
- };
- // bind the CStrings to keep them alive
- let src = CString::new(src)?;
- let target = CString::new(target.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes())?;
- let data =;
- let fstype = CString::new(fstype)?;
- // convert to pointers for ffi
- let src = src.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
- let target = target.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
- let data = data.as_ref().map_or(std::ptr::null(), |data| {
- data.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_void
- });
- let fstype = fstype.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
- let ret = {let _entered = tracing::info_span!("libc::mount").entered();
- tracing::info!("mounting filesystem");
- unsafe { libc::mount(src, target, fstype, mountflags, data) }
- };
- match ret {
- 0 => Ok(()),
- _ => Err(crate::ErrnoError(errno::errno()).into()),
- }
+ use std::{
+ ffi::{c_void, CString},
+ os::{raw::c_char, unix::ffi::OsStrExt},
+ };
+ // bind the CStrings to keep them alive
+ let src = CString::new(src)?;
+ let target = CString::new(target.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes())?;
+ let data =;
+ let fstype = CString::new(fstype)?;
+ // convert to pointers for ffi
+ let src = src.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let target = target.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let data = data.as_ref().map_or(std::ptr::null(), |data| {
+ data.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_void
+ });
+ let fstype = fstype.as_c_str().to_bytes_with_nul().as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let ret = {
+ let _entered = tracing::info_span!("libc::mount").entered();
+ tracing::info!("mounting filesystem");
+ unsafe { libc::mount(src, target, fstype, mountflags, data) }
+ };
+ match ret {
+ 0 => Ok(()),
+ _ => Err(crate::ErrnoError(errno::errno()).into()),
+ }
/// Parse a comma-separated mount options and split out mountflags and filesystem
/// specific options.
fn parse_mount_options(options: impl AsRef<str>) -> (Option<String>, u64) {
- use either::Either::*;
- tracing::debug!(msg="parsing mount options", options=?options.as_ref());
- let (opts, flags) = options
- .as_ref()
- .split(",")
- .map(|o| match o {
- "dirsync" => Left(libc::MS_DIRSYNC),
- "lazytime" => Left(1 << 25), // MS_LAZYTIME
- "mand" => Left(libc::MS_MANDLOCK),
- "noatime" => Left(libc::MS_NOATIME),
- "nodev" => Left(libc::MS_NODEV),
- "nodiratime" => Left(libc::MS_NODIRATIME),
- "noexec" => Left(libc::MS_NOEXEC),
- "nosuid" => Left(libc::MS_NOSUID),
- "ro" => Left(libc::MS_RDONLY),
- "rw" => Left(0),
- "relatime" => Left(libc::MS_RELATIME),
- "strictatime" => Left(libc::MS_STRICTATIME),
- "sync" => Left(libc::MS_SYNCHRONOUS),
- "" => Left(0),
- o @ _ => Right(o),
- })
- .fold((Vec::new(), 0), |(mut opts, flags), next| match next {
- Left(f) => (opts, flags | f),
- Right(o) => {
- opts.push(o);
- (opts, flags)
- }
- });
- use itertools::Itertools;
- (
- if opts.len() == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- Some(opts.iter().join(","))
- },
- flags,
- )
+ use either::Either::*;
+ tracing::debug!(msg="parsing mount options", options=?options.as_ref());
+ let (opts, flags) = options
+ .as_ref()
+ .split(",")
+ .map(|o| match o {
+ "dirsync" => Left(libc::MS_DIRSYNC),
+ "lazytime" => Left(1 << 25), // MS_LAZYTIME
+ "mand" => Left(libc::MS_MANDLOCK),
+ "noatime" => Left(libc::MS_NOATIME),
+ "nodev" => Left(libc::MS_NODEV),
+ "nodiratime" => Left(libc::MS_NODIRATIME),
+ "noexec" => Left(libc::MS_NOEXEC),
+ "nosuid" => Left(libc::MS_NOSUID),
+ "ro" => Left(libc::MS_RDONLY),
+ "rw" => Left(0),
+ "relatime" => Left(libc::MS_RELATIME),
+ "strictatime" => Left(libc::MS_STRICTATIME),
+ "sync" => Left(libc::MS_SYNCHRONOUS),
+ "" => Left(0),
+ o @ _ => Right(o),
+ })
+ .fold((Vec::new(), 0), |(mut opts, flags), next| match next {
+ Left(f) => (opts, flags | f),
+ Right(o) => {
+ opts.push(o);
+ (opts, flags)
+ }
+ });
+ use itertools::Itertools;
+ (
+ if opts.len() == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(opts.iter().join(","))
+ },
+ flags,
+ )
use bch_bindgen::bcachefs;
@@ -161,53 +162,57 @@ use uuid::Uuid;
pub fn probe_filesystems() -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<Uuid, FileSystem>> {
- tracing::trace!("enumerating udev devices");
- let mut udev = udev::Enumerator::new()?;
- udev.match_subsystem("block")?; // find kernel block devices
- let mut fs_map = HashMap::new();
- let devresults =
- udev.scan_devices()?
- .into_iter()
- .filter_map(|dev| dev.devnode().map(ToOwned::to_owned));
- for pathbuf in devresults {
- match get_super_block_uuid(&pathbuf)? {
- Ok((uuid_key, superblock)) => {
- let fs = fs_map.entry(uuid_key).or_insert_with(|| {
- tracing::info!(msg="found bcachefs pool", uuid=?uuid_key);
- FileSystem::new(superblock)
- });
- fs.devices.push(pathbuf);
- },
- Err(e) => { tracing::debug!(inner2_error=?e);}
- }
- }
- tracing::info!(msg = "found filesystems", count = fs_map.len());
- Ok(fs_map)
+ tracing::trace!("enumerating udev devices");
+ let mut udev = udev::Enumerator::new()?;
+ udev.match_subsystem("block")?; // find kernel block devices
+ let mut fs_map = HashMap::new();
+ let devresults = udev
+ .scan_devices()?
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter_map(|dev| dev.devnode().map(ToOwned::to_owned));
+ for pathbuf in devresults {
+ match get_super_block_uuid(&pathbuf)? {
+ Ok((uuid_key, superblock)) => {
+ let fs = fs_map.entry(uuid_key).or_insert_with(|| {
+ tracing::info!(msg="found bcachefs pool", uuid=?uuid_key);
+ FileSystem::new(superblock)
+ });
+ fs.devices.push(pathbuf);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ tracing::debug!(inner2_error=?e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tracing::info!(msg = "found filesystems", count = fs_map.len());
+ Ok(fs_map)
// #[tracing_attributes::instrument(skip(dev, fs_map))]
-fn get_super_block_uuid(path: &std::path::Path) -> std::io::Result<std::io::Result<(Uuid, bcachefs::bch_sb_handle)>> {
- use gag::{BufferRedirect};
- // Stop libbcachefs from spamming the output
- let gag = BufferRedirect::stdout().unwrap();
- let sb = bch_bindgen::rs::read_super(&path)?;
- let super_block = match sb {
- Err(e) => { return Ok(Err(e)); }
- Ok(sb) => sb,
- };
- drop(gag);
- let uuid = (&super_block).sb().uuid();
- tracing::debug!(found="bcachefs superblock", devnode=?path, ?uuid);
- Ok(Ok((uuid, super_block)))
+fn get_super_block_uuid(
+ path: &std::path::Path,
+) -> std::io::Result<std::io::Result<(Uuid, bcachefs::bch_sb_handle)>> {
+ use gag::BufferRedirect;
+ // Stop libbcachefs from spamming the output
+ let gag = BufferRedirect::stdout().unwrap();
+ let sb = bch_bindgen::rs::read_super(&path)?;
+ let super_block = match sb {
+ Err(e) => {
+ return Ok(Err(e));
+ }
+ Ok(sb) => sb,
+ };
+ drop(gag);
+ let uuid = (&super_block).sb().uuid();
+ tracing::debug!(found="bcachefs superblock", devnode=?path, ?uuid);
+ Ok(Ok((uuid, super_block)))