It's past time for the allocator to be redesigned, or at least heavily reconsidered. Nothing should be off the table at this point - we could conceivably even move away from bucket based allocation. Here's a list of considerations: * The bucket based allocator does have advantages. It's fast - most of the work in the allocator is per bucket, which are typically 512k to 2M, even up to 8M. Metadata is one key per bucket, and the alloc btree uses the btree key cache, which is very good for performance - it means extents btree updates don't have to do a second (relatively expensive) btree update to update alloc info, they're only updating the key cache. * The bucket based allocator also lets us store and cheaply discard cached data, by incrementing the generation number for that bucket. * Disadvantage: the bucket allocator requires us to have copygc, with everything that entails. * It would be really nice to have backpointers at some point - copygc would greatly benefit from having backpointers (currently we have to scan the entire extents and reflink btrees to find data that needs to be moved), and erasure coding could also make good use of backpointers. If we added another btree for backpointers, it wouldn't make sense for it to use the btree key cache, and thus extents btree updates would get more expensive. Perhaps alloc keys could include a list of backpointers? They'd be 32 bytes each, and bkeys can be a little short of 2k - that's only ~50 backpointers per bkey, which we'd easily overflow with small writes and large buckets. If a secondary backpointers btree was just used as a fallback, it would be getting used right when the performance impact matters most - small writes. We should investigate the actual performance overhead of adding another btree update for backpointers - it might not be all that bad. Right now we're looking at ~450k random updates per second on a single core, and that includes the full `bch2_trans_commit()` path, and the most expensive things in that are per transaction commit, not per btree update (e.g. getting the journal reservation). Also, we'll hopefully be getting gap buffers soon, which will improve btree update performance. The most pressing consideration though is that we need to eliminate, as much as possible, the periodic scanning the allocator thread(s) have to do to find available buckets. It's too easy to end up with bugs where this scanning is happening repeatedly (we have one now...), and it's a scalability issue and we shouldn't be doing it at all. ## In memory bucket array - kill We need to get rid of the in memory array of buckets - it's another scalability issue, and at this point it's an anachronism since now it mostly just mirrors what's in the btree, in `KEY_TYPE_alloc` keys. Exceptions: * `journal_seq`, which is the journal sequence number of the last btree update that touched that bucket. It's needed for knowing whether we need to flush the journal before allocating and writing to that bucket - we need to create another data structure for bucket that can't be used until the journal is flushed. * `owned_by_allocator`, which is true if an `open_bucket` referencing that bucket exists - `open_buckets` represest buckets currently being allocated from, they're reference counted to prevent buckets from being double allocated (with writes taking a reference when they allocate space and releasing that ref after they create the extent that points to that space). Currently, the main obstacle to getting rid of the bucket array is that we need to start the allocator threads to run journal replay, but we can't use btree iterators until journal replay has at least finished replaying updates to interior btree nodes. We have code in recovery.c for iterators that iterate over the btree with keys from the journal overlaid; it may be time to move this support into regular btree iterators in `btree_iter.c`. ## WHAT WE NEED IN THE REWRITE: ### Data structures: * buckets containing cached data that can be used if they are invalidated * buckets that are waiting on journal commit until they can be used * buckets ready to be discarded * buckets that are ready to be used now Buckets that are ready to be used now should be stored in sorted order. Buckets that are waiting on journal commit should be indexed by what journal seq needs to be flushed. Buckets that contain cached data should be stored on a heap. TASK LIST: * Move incrementing of bucket gens to happen when a bucket becomes empty (and doesn't have an `open_bucket` pointing to it) - also need to add code to `open_bucket_put()` to increment bucket gen if necessary * At the same time, add bucket to list of buckets awaiting journal commit * Add a flags field to `bch_alloc_v2` and a flag indicating bucket needs to be discarded * Add a flag indicating whether a bucket had cached data in it - if not, we don't need to track `oldest_gen` STATE TRANSITIONS: Cached data bucket -> empty uncommitted bucket Dirty data bucket -> empty uncommitted bucket In either case, the empty bucket first goes on the list of buckets awaiting journal commit. After journal commit: empty uncommited bucket -> empty undiscarded bucket After discard