Frequently Asked Questions ## Does bcachefs support ACL/xattrs ? Yes it supports both ACL and xattrs. ## Do I have to reformat my bcache drive to use the new bcachefs ? To use the caching device (cdev) with the new bcachefs, you will need to reformat it. In principle this should not be a problem, as they can be removed from a backing device (bdev/bcache). If you wish to reuse the backing device (bdev/bcache), you can't this is nolonger an option. If you wish to use bcachefs as a filesystem you will have to format the backing device (bdev/bcache) with the new filesystem. ## Does bcachefs still have the bcache caching functionality of block devices ? No. ## Where do I obtain statically linked bcachefs-tool (for use in initramfs) ? You can either compile them yourself from source, or refer to your distribution on how to obtain a statically linked set. About: Statically linked programs have all the required dependencies compiled in. As such, they require no external libraries at runtime. This does however increase the size of the binary.