# "The COW filesystem for Linux that won't eat your data". Bcachefs is an advanced new filesystem for Linux, with an emphasis on reliability and robustness and the complete set of features one would expect from a modern filesystem. * Copy on write (COW) - like zfs or btrfs * Full data and metadata checksumming * Multiple devices * Replication * [[Erasure coding|ErasureCoding]] (not stable) * [[Caching, data placement|Caching]] * [[Compression]] * [[Encryption]] * [[Snapshots]] * Scalable - has been tested to 100+ TB, expected to scale far higher (testers wanted!) * High performance, low tail latency * Already working and stable, with a small community of users ## Philosophy We prioritize robustness and reliability over features: we make every effort to ensure you won't lose data. It's building on top of a codebase with a pedigree - bcache already has a reasonably good track record for reliability Starting from there, bcachefs development has prioritized incremental development, and keeping things stable, and aggressively fixing design issues as they are found; the bcachefs codebase is considerably more robust and mature than upstream bcache. ## Documentation [[Getting Started|GettingStarted]] [[User manual|bcachefs-principles-of-operation.pdf]] [[FAQ]] ## Contact and support Developing a filesystem is also not cheap, quick, or easy; we need funding! Please chip in on [[Patreon|https://www.patreon.com/bcachefs]] Join us in the bcache [[IRC|Irc]] channel, we have a small group of bcachefs users and testers there: #bcache on OFTC (irc.oftc.net). Mailing list: [[https://lore.kernel.org/linux-bcachefs/]], or linux-bcachefs@vger.kernel.org.