From 1567c3e3467cddeb019a7b53ec632f834b6a9239 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Giovanni Gherdovich Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 16:16:12 +0100 Subject: x86, sched: Add support for frequency invariance Implement arch_scale_freq_capacity() for 'modern' x86. This function is used by the scheduler to correctly account usage in the face of DVFS. The present patch addresses Intel processors specifically and has positive performance and performance-per-watt implications for the schedutil cpufreq governor, bringing it closer to, if not on-par with, the powersave governor from the intel_pstate driver/framework. Large performance gains are obtained when the machine is lightly loaded and no regression are observed at saturation. The benchmarks with the largest gains are kernel compilation, tbench (the networking version of dbench) and shell-intensive workloads. 1. FREQUENCY INVARIANCE: MOTIVATION * Without it, a task looks larger if the CPU runs slower 2. PECULIARITIES OF X86 * freq invariance accounting requires knowing the ratio freq_curr/freq_max 2.1 CURRENT FREQUENCY * Use delta_APERF / delta_MPERF * freq_base (a.k.a "BusyMHz") 2.2 MAX FREQUENCY * It varies with time (turbo). As an approximation, we set it to a constant, i.e. 4-cores turbo frequency. 3. EFFECTS ON THE SCHEDUTIL FREQUENCY GOVERNOR * The invariant schedutil's formula has no feedback loop and reacts faster to utilization changes 4. KNOWN LIMITATIONS * In some cases tasks can't reach max util despite how hard they try 5. PERFORMANCE TESTING 5.1 MACHINES * Skylake, Broadwell, Haswell 5.2 SETUP * baseline Linux v5.2 w/ non-invariant schedutil. Tested freq_max = 1-2-3-4-8-12 active cores turbo w/ invariant schedutil, and intel_pstate/powersave 5.3 BENCHMARK RESULTS 5.3.1 NEUTRAL BENCHMARKS * NAS Parallel Benchmark (HPC), hackbench 5.3.2 NON-NEUTRAL BENCHMARKS * tbench (10-30% better), kernbench (10-15% better), shell-intensive-scripts (30-50% better) * no regressions 5.3.3 SELECTION OF DETAILED RESULTS 5.3.4 POWER CONSUMPTION, PERFORMANCE-PER-WATT * dbench (5% worse on one machine), kernbench (3% worse), tbench (5-10% better), shell-intensive-scripts (10-40% better) 6. MICROARCH'ES ADDRESSED HERE * Xeon Core before Scalable Performance processors line (Xeon Gold/Platinum etc have different MSRs semantic for querying turbo levels) 7. REFERENCES * MMTests performance testing framework, +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1. FREQUENCY INVARIANCE: MOTIVATION +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ For example; suppose a CPU has two frequencies: 500 and 1000 Mhz. When running a task that would consume 1/3rd of a CPU at 1000 MHz, it would appear to consume 2/3rd (or 66.6%) when running at 500 MHz, giving the false impression this CPU is almost at capacity, even though it can go faster [*]. In a nutshell, without frequency scale-invariance tasks look larger just because the CPU is running slower. [*] (footnote: this assumes a linear frequency/performance relation; which everybody knows to be false, but given realities its the best approximation we can make.) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2. PECULIARITIES OF X86 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Accounting for frequency changes in PELT signals requires the computation of the ratio freq_curr / freq_max. On x86 neither of those terms is readily available. 2.1 CURRENT FREQUENCY ==================== Since modern x86 has hardware control over the actual frequency we run at (because amongst other things, Turbo-Mode), we cannot simply use the frequency as requested through cpufreq. Instead we use the APERF/MPERF MSRs to compute the effective frequency over the recent past. Also, because reading MSRs is expensive, don't do so every time we need the value, but amortize the cost by doing it every tick. 2.2 MAX FREQUENCY ================= Obtaining freq_max is also non-trivial because at any time the hardware can provide a frequency boost to a selected subset of cores if the package has enough power to spare (eg: Turbo Boost). This means that the maximum frequency available to a given core changes with time. The approach taken in this change is to arbitrarily set freq_max to a constant value at boot. The value chosen is the "4-cores (4C) turbo frequency" on most microarchitectures, after evaluating the following candidates: * 1-core (1C) turbo frequency (the fastest turbo state available) * around base frequency (a.k.a. max P-state) * something in between, such as 4C turbo To interpret these options, consider that this is the denominator in freq_curr/freq_max, and that ratio will be used to scale PELT signals such as util_avg and load_avg. A large denominator will undershoot (util_avg looks a bit smaller than it really is), viceversa with a smaller denominator PELT signals will tend to overshoot. Given that PELT drives frequency selection in the schedutil governor, we will have: freq_max set to | effect on DVFS --------------------+------------------ 1C turbo | power efficiency (lower freq choices) base freq | performance (higher util_avg, higher freq requests) 4C turbo | a bit of both 4C turbo proves to be a good compromise in a number of benchmarks (see below). +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3. EFFECTS ON THE SCHEDUTIL FREQUENCY GOVERNOR +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Once an architecture implements a frequency scale-invariant utilization (the PELT signal util_avg), schedutil switches its frequency selection formula from freq_next = 1.25 * freq_curr * util [non-invariant util signal] to freq_next = 1.25 * freq_max * util [invariant util signal] where, in the second formula, freq_max is set to the 1C turbo frequency (max turbo). The advantage of the second formula, whose usage we unlock with this patch, is that freq_next doesn't depend on the current frequency in an iterative fashion, but can jump to any frequency in a single update. This absence of feedback in the formula makes it quicker to react to utilization changes and more robust against pathological instabilities. Compare it to the update formula of intel_pstate/powersave: freq_next = 1.25 * freq_max * Busy% where again freq_max is 1C turbo and Busy% is the percentage of time not spent idling (calculated with delta_MPERF / delta_TSC); essentially the same as invariant schedutil, and largely responsible for intel_pstate/powersave good reputation. The non-invariant schedutil formula is derived from the invariant one by approximating util_inv with util_raw * freq_curr / freq_max, but this has limitations. Testing shows improved performances due to better frequency selections when the machine is lightly loaded, and essentially no change in behaviour at saturation / overutilization. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4. KNOWN LIMITATIONS +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's been shown that it is possible to create pathological scenarios where a CPU-bound task cannot reach max utilization, if the normalizing factor freq_max is fixed to a constant value (see [Lelli-2018]). If freq_max is set to 4C turbo as we do here, one needs to peg at least 5 cores in a package doing some busywork, and observe that none of those task will ever reach max util (1024) because they're all running at less than the 4C turbo frequency. While this concern still applies, we believe the performance benefit of frequency scale-invariant PELT signals outweights the cost of this limitation. [Lelli-2018] +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5. PERFORMANCE TESTING +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5.1 MACHINES ============ We tested the patch on three machines, with Skylake, Broadwell and Haswell CPUs. The details are below, together with the available turbo ratios as reported by the appropriate MSRs. * 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA: Single socket E3-1240 v5, Skylake 4 cores/8 threads Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz): EFFIC 800 |******** BASE 3500 |*********************************** 4C 3700 |************************************* 3C 3800 |************************************** 2C 3900 |*************************************** 1C 3900 |*************************************** * 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA: Two sockets E5-2698 v4, 2x Broadwell 20 cores/40 threads Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz): EFFIC 1200 |************ BASE 2200 |********************** 8C 2900 |***************************** 7C 3000 |****************************** 6C 3100 |******************************* 5C 3200 |******************************** 4C 3300 |********************************* 3C 3400 |********************************** 2C 3600 |************************************ 1C 3600 |************************************ * 48x-HASWELL-NUMA Two sockets E5-2670 v3, 2x Haswell 12 cores/24 threads Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz): EFFIC 1200 |************ BASE 2300 |*********************** 12C 2600 |************************** 11C 2600 |************************** 10C 2600 |************************** 9C 2600 |************************** 8C 2600 |************************** 7C 2600 |************************** 6C 2600 |************************** 5C 2700 |*************************** 4C 2800 |**************************** 3C 2900 |***************************** 2C 3100 |******************************* 1C 3100 |******************************* 5.2 SETUP ========= * The baseline is Linux v5.2 with schedutil (non-invariant) and the intel_pstate driver in passive mode. * The rationale for choosing the various freq_max values to test have been to try all the 1-2-3-4C turbo levels (note that 1C and 2C turbo are identical on all machines), plus one more value closer to base_freq but still in the turbo range (8C turbo for both 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA and 48x-HASWELL-NUMA). * In addition we've run all tests with intel_pstate/powersave for comparison. * The filesystem is always XFS, the userspace is openSUSE Leap 15.1. * 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA is capable of HWP (Hardware-Managed P-States), so the runs with active intel_pstate on this machine use that. This gives, in terms of combinations tested on each machine: * 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA * Baseline: Linux v5.2, non-invariant schedutil, intel_pstate passive * intel_pstate active + powersave + HWP * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 1C turbo * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 3C turbo * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 4C turbo * both 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA and 48x-HASWELL-NUMA * [same as 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA, but no HWP capable] * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 8C turbo (which on 48x-HASWELL-NUMA is the same as 12C turbo, or "all cores turbo") 5.3 BENCHMARK RESULTS ===================== 5.3.1 NEUTRAL BENCHMARKS ------------------------ Tests that didn't show any measurable difference in performance on any of the test machines between non-invariant schedutil and our patch are: * NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) using either MPI or openMP for IPC, any computational kernel * flexible I/O (FIO) * hackbench (using threads or processes, and using pipes or sockets) 5.3.2 NON-NEUTRAL BENCHMARKS ---------------------------- What follow are summary tables where each benchmark result is given a score. * A tilde (~) means a neutral result, i.e. no difference from baseline. * Scores are computed with the ratio result_new / result_baseline, so a tilde means a score of 1.00. * The results in the score ratio are the geometric means of results running the benchmark with different parameters (eg: for kernbench: using 1, 2, 4, ... number of processes; for pgbench: varying the number of clients, and so on). * The first three tables show higher-is-better kind of tests (i.e. measured in operations/second), the subsequent three show lower-is-better kind of tests (i.e. the workload is fixed and we measure elapsed time, think kernbench). * "gitsource" is a name we made up for the test consisting in running the entire unit tests suite of the Git SCM and measuring how long it takes. We take it as a typical example of shell-intensive serialized workload. * In the "I_PSTATE" column we have the results for intel_pstate/powersave. Other columns show invariant schedutil for different values of freq_max. 4C turbo is circled as it's the value we've chosen for the final implementation. 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 8C pgbench-ro 1.14 ~ ~ | 1.11 | 1.14 pgbench-rw ~ ~ ~ | ~ | ~ netperf-udp 1.06 ~ 1.06 | 1.05 | 1.07 netperf-tcp ~ 1.03 ~ | 1.01 | 1.02 tbench4 1.57 1.18 1.22 | 1.30 | 1.56 +------+ 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (comparison ratio; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE/HWP 1C 3C | 4C | pgbench-ro ~ ~ ~ | ~ | pgbench-rw ~ ~ ~ | ~ | netperf-udp ~ ~ ~ | ~ | netperf-tcp ~ ~ ~ | ~ | tbench4 1.30 1.14 1.14 | 1.16 | +------+ 48x-HASWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 12C pgbench-ro 1.15 ~ ~ | 1.06 | 1.16 pgbench-rw ~ ~ ~ | ~ | ~ netperf-udp 1.05 0.97 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.02 netperf-tcp 0.96 1.01 1.01 | 1.01 | 1.01 tbench4 1.50 1.05 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.25 +------+ In the table above we see that active intel_pstate is slightly better than our 4C-turbo patch (both in reference to the baseline non-invariant schedutil) on read-only pgbench and much better on tbench. Both cases are notable in which it shows that lowering our freq_max (to 8C-turbo and 12C-turbo on 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA and 48x-HASWELL-NUMA respectively) helps invariant schedutil to get closer. If we ignore active intel_pstate and focus on the comparison with baseline alone, there are several instances of double-digit performance improvement. 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; lower is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 8C dbench4 1.23 0.95 0.95 | 0.95 | 0.95 kernbench 0.93 0.83 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.82 gitsource 0.98 0.49 0.49 | 0.49 | 0.48 +------+ 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (comparison ratio; lower is better) +------+ I_PSTATE/HWP 1C 3C | 4C | dbench4 ~ ~ ~ | ~ | kernbench ~ ~ ~ | ~ | gitsource 0.92 0.55 0.55 | 0.55 | +------+ 48x-HASWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; lower is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 8C dbench4 ~ ~ ~ | ~ | ~ kernbench 0.94 0.90 0.89 | 0.90 | 0.90 gitsource 0.97 0.69 0.69 | 0.69 | 0.69 +------+ dbench is not very remarkable here, unless we notice how poorly active intel_pstate is performing on 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA: 23% regression versus non-invariant schedutil. We repeated that run getting consistent results. Out of scope for the patch at hand, but deserving future investigation. Other than that, we previously ran this campaign with Linux v5.0 and saw the patch doing better on dbench a the time. We haven't checked closely and can only speculate at this point. On the NUMA boxes kernbench gets 10-15% improvements on average; we'll see in the detailed tables that the gains concentrate on low process counts (lightly loaded machines). The test we call "gitsource" (running the git unit test suite, a long-running single-threaded shell script) appears rather spectacular in this table (gains of 30-50% depending on the machine). It is to be noted, however, that gitsource has no adjustable parameters (such as the number of jobs in kernbench, which we average over in order to get a single-number summary score) and is exactly the kind of low-parallelism workload that benefits the most from this patch. When looking at the detailed tables of kernbench or tbench4, at low process or client counts one can see similar numbers. 5.3.3 SELECTION OF DETAILED RESULTS ----------------------------------- Machine : 48x-HASWELL-NUMA Benchmark : tbench4 (i.e. dbench4 over the network, actually loopback) Varying parameter : number of clients Unit : MB/sec (higher is better) 5.2.0 vanilla (BASELINE) 5.2.0 intel_pstate 5.2.0 1C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hmean 1 126.73 +- 0.31% ( ) 315.91 +- 0.66% ( 149.28%) 125.03 +- 0.76% ( -1.34%) Hmean 2 258.04 +- 0.62% ( ) 614.16 +- 0.51% ( 138.01%) 269.58 +- 1.45% ( 4.47%) Hmean 4 514.30 +- 0.67% ( ) 1146.58 +- 0.54% ( 122.94%) 533.84 +- 1.99% ( 3.80%) Hmean 8 1111.38 +- 2.52% ( ) 2159.78 +- 0.38% ( 94.33%) 1359.92 +- 1.56% ( 22.36%) Hmean 16 2286.47 +- 1.36% ( ) 3338.29 +- 0.21% ( 46.00%) 2720.20 +- 0.52% ( 18.97%) Hmean 32 4704.84 +- 0.35% ( ) 4759.03 +- 0.43% ( 1.15%) 4774.48 +- 0.30% ( 1.48%) Hmean 64 7578.04 +- 0.27% ( ) 7533.70 +- 0.43% ( -0.59%) 7462.17 +- 0.65% ( -1.53%) Hmean 128 6998.52 +- 0.16% ( ) 6987.59 +- 0.12% ( -0.16%) 6909.17 +- 0.14% ( -1.28%) Hmean 192 6901.35 +- 0.25% ( ) 6913.16 +- 0.10% ( 0.17%) 6855.47 +- 0.21% ( -0.66%) 5.2.0 3C-turbo 5.2.0 4C-turbo 5.2.0 12C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hmean 1 128.43 +- 0.28% ( 1.34%) 130.64 +- 3.81% ( 3.09%) 153.71 +- 5.89% ( 21.30%) Hmean 2 311.70 +- 6.15% ( 20.79%) 281.66 +- 3.40% ( 9.15%) 305.08 +- 5.70% ( 18.23%) Hmean 4 641.98 +- 2.32% ( 24.83%) 623.88 +- 5.28% ( 21.31%) 906.84 +- 4.65% ( 76.32%) Hmean 8 1633.31 +- 1.56% ( 46.96%) 1714.16 +- 0.93% ( 54.24%) 2095.74 +- 0.47% ( 88.57%) Hmean 16 3047.24 +- 0.42% ( 33.27%) 3155.02 +- 0.30% ( 37.99%) 3634.58 +- 0.15% ( 58.96%) Hmean 32 4734.31 +- 0.60% ( 0.63%) 4804.38 +- 0.23% ( 2.12%) 4674.62 +- 0.27% ( -0.64%) Hmean 64 7699.74 +- 0.35% ( 1.61%) 7499.72 +- 0.34% ( -1.03%) 7659.03 +- 0.25% ( 1.07%) Hmean 128 6935.18 +- 0.15% ( -0.91%) 6942.54 +- 0.10% ( -0.80%) 7004.85 +- 0.12% ( 0.09%) Hmean 192 6901.62 +- 0.12% ( 0.00%) 6856.93 +- 0.10% ( -0.64%) 6978.74 +- 0.10% ( 1.12%) This is one of the cases where the patch still can't surpass active intel_pstate, not even when freq_max is as low as 12C-turbo. Otherwise, gains are visible up to 16 clients and the saturated scenario is the same as baseline. The scores in the summary table from the previous sections are ratios of geometric means of the results over different clients, as seen in this table. Machine : 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA Benchmark : kernbench (kernel compilation) Varying parameter : number of jobs Unit : seconds (lower is better) 5.2.0 vanilla (BASELINE) 5.2.0 intel_pstate 5.2.0 1C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amean 2 379.68 +- 0.06% ( ) 330.20 +- 0.43% ( 13.03%) 285.93 +- 0.07% ( 24.69%) Amean 4 200.15 +- 0.24% ( ) 175.89 +- 0.22% ( 12.12%) 153.78 +- 0.25% ( 23.17%) Amean 8 106.20 +- 0.31% ( ) 95.54 +- 0.23% ( 10.03%) 86.74 +- 0.10% ( 18.32%) Amean 16 56.96 +- 1.31% ( ) 53.25 +- 1.22% ( 6.50%) 48.34 +- 1.73% ( 15.13%) Amean 32 34.80 +- 2.46% ( ) 33.81 +- 0.77% ( 2.83%) 30.28 +- 1.59% ( 12.99%) Amean 64 26.11 +- 1.63% ( ) 25.04 +- 1.07% ( 4.10%) 22.41 +- 2.37% ( 14.16%) Amean 128 24.80 +- 1.36% ( ) 23.57 +- 1.23% ( 4.93%) 21.44 +- 1.37% ( 13.55%) Amean 160 24.85 +- 0.56% ( ) 23.85 +- 1.17% ( 4.06%) 21.25 +- 1.12% ( 14.49%) 5.2.0 3C-turbo 5.2.0 4C-turbo 5.2.0 8C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amean 2 284.08 +- 0.13% ( 25.18%) 283.96 +- 0.51% ( 25.21%) 285.05 +- 0.21% ( 24.92%) Amean 4 153.18 +- 0.22% ( 23.47%) 154.70 +- 1.64% ( 22.71%) 153.64 +- 0.30% ( 23.24%) Amean 8 87.06 +- 0.28% ( 18.02%) 86.77 +- 0.46% ( 18.29%) 86.78 +- 0.22% ( 18.28%) Amean 16 48.03 +- 0.93% ( 15.68%) 47.75 +- 1.99% ( 16.17%) 47.52 +- 1.61% ( 16.57%) Amean 32 30.23 +- 1.20% ( 13.14%) 30.08 +- 1.67% ( 13.57%) 30.07 +- 1.67% ( 13.60%) Amean 64 22.59 +- 2.02% ( 13.50%) 22.63 +- 0.81% ( 13.32%) 22.42 +- 0.76% ( 14.12%) Amean 128 21.37 +- 0.67% ( 13.82%) 21.31 +- 1.15% ( 14.07%) 21.17 +- 1.93% ( 14.63%) Amean 160 21.68 +- 0.57% ( 12.76%) 21.18 +- 1.74% ( 14.77%) 21.22 +- 1.00% ( 14.61%) The patch outperform active intel_pstate (and baseline) by a considerable margin; the summary table from the previous section says 4C turbo and active intel_pstate are 0.83 and 0.93 against baseline respectively, so 4C turbo is 0.83/0.93=0.89 against intel_pstate (~10% better on average). There is no noticeable difference with regard to the value of freq_max. Machine : 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA Benchmark : gitsource (time to run the git unit test suite) Varying parameter : none Unit : seconds (lower is better) 5.2.0 vanilla 5.2.0 intel_pstate/hwp 5.2.0 1C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amean 858.85 +- 1.16% ( ) 791.94 +- 0.21% ( 7.79%) 474.95 ( 44.70%) 5.2.0 3C-turbo 5.2.0 4C-turbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amean 475.26 +- 0.20% ( 44.66%) 474.34 +- 0.13% ( 44.77%) In this test, which is of interest as representing shell-intensive (i.e. fork-intensive) serialized workloads, invariant schedutil outperforms intel_pstate/powersave by a whopping 40% margin. 5.3.4 POWER CONSUMPTION, PERFORMANCE-PER-WATT --------------------------------------------- The following table shows average power consumption in watt for each benchmark. Data comes from turbostat (package average), which in turn is read from the RAPL interface on CPUs. We know the patch affects CPU frequencies so it's reasonable to ignore other power consumers (such as memory or I/O). Also, we don't have a power meter available in the lab so RAPL is the best we have. turbostat sampled average power every 10 seconds for the entire duration of each benchmark. We took all those values and averaged them (i.e. with don't have detail on a per-parameter granularity, only on whole benchmarks). 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (power consumption, watts) +--------+ BASELINE I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 8C pgbench-ro 130.01 142.77 131.11 132.45 | 134.65 | 136.84 pgbench-rw 68.30 60.83 71.45 71.70 | 71.65 | 72.54 dbench4 90.25 59.06 101.43 99.89 | 101.10 | 102.94 netperf-udp 65.70 69.81 66.02 68.03 | 68.27 | 68.95 netperf-tcp 88.08 87.96 88.97 88.89 | 88.85 | 88.20 tbench4 142.32 176.73 153.02 163.91 | 165.58 | 176.07 kernbench 92.94 101.95 114.91 115.47 | 115.52 | 115.10 gitsource 40.92 41.87 75.14 75.20 | 75.40 | 75.70 +--------+ 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (power consumption, watts) +--------+ BASELINE I_PSTATE/HWP 1C 3C | 4C | pgbench-ro 46.49 46.68 46.56 46.59 | 46.52 | pgbench-rw 29.34 31.38 30.98 31.00 | 31.00 | dbench4 27.28 27.37 27.49 27.41 | 27.38 | netperf-udp 22.33 22.41 22.36 22.35 | 22.36 | netperf-tcp 27.29 27.29 27.30 27.31 | 27.33 | tbench4 41.13 45.61 43.10 43.33 | 43.56 | kernbench 42.56 42.63 43.01 43.01 | 43.01 | gitsource 13.32 13.69 17.33 17.30 | 17.35 | +--------+ 48x-HASWELL-NUMA (power consumption, watts) +--------+ BASELINE I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 12C pgbench-ro 128.84 136.04 129.87 132.43 | 132.30 | 134.86 pgbench-rw 37.68 37.92 37.17 37.74 | 37.73 | 37.31 dbench4 28.56 28.73 28.60 28.73 | 28.70 | 28.79 netperf-udp 56.70 60.44 56.79 57.42 | 57.54 | 57.52 netperf-tcp 75.49 75.27 75.87 76.02 | 76.01 | 75.95 tbench4 115.44 139.51 119.53 123.07 | 123.97 | 130.22 kernbench 83.23 91.55 95.58 95.69 | 95.72 | 96.04 gitsource 36.79 36.99 39.99 40.34 | 40.35 | 40.23 +--------+ A lower power consumption isn't necessarily better, it depends on what is done with that energy. Here are tables with the ratio of performance-per-watt on each machine and benchmark. Higher is always better; a tilde (~) means a neutral ratio (i.e. 1.00). 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 8C pgbench-ro 1.04 1.06 0.94 | 1.07 | 1.08 pgbench-rw 1.10 0.97 0.96 | 0.96 | 0.97 dbench4 1.24 0.94 0.95 | 0.94 | 0.92 netperf-udp ~ 1.02 1.02 | ~ | 1.02 netperf-tcp ~ 1.02 ~ | ~ | 1.02 tbench4 1.26 1.10 1.06 | 1.12 | 1.26 kernbench 0.98 0.97 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.98 gitsource ~ 1.11 1.11 | 1.11 | 1.13 +------+ 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE/HWP 1C 3C | 4C | pgbench-ro ~ ~ ~ | ~ | pgbench-rw 0.95 0.97 0.96 | 0.96 | dbench4 ~ ~ ~ | ~ | netperf-udp ~ ~ ~ | ~ | netperf-tcp ~ ~ ~ | ~ | tbench4 1.17 1.09 1.08 | 1.10 | kernbench ~ ~ ~ | ~ | gitsource 1.06 1.40 1.40 | 1.40 | +------+ 48x-HASWELL-NUMA (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better) +------+ I_PSTATE 1C 3C | 4C | 12C pgbench-ro 1.09 ~ 1.09 | 1.03 | 1.11 pgbench-rw ~ 0.86 ~ | ~ | 0.86 dbench4 ~ 1.02 1.02 | 1.02 | ~ netperf-udp ~ 0.97 1.03 | 1.02 | ~ netperf-tcp 0.96 ~ ~ | ~ | ~ tbench4 1.24 ~ 1.06 | 1.05 | 1.11 kernbench 0.97 0.97 0.98 | 0.97 | 0.96 gitsource 1.03 1.33 1.32 | 1.32 | 1.33 +------+ These results are overall pleasing: in plenty of cases we observe performance-per-watt improvements. The few regressions (read/write pgbench and dbench on the Broadwell machine) are of small magnitude. kernbench loses a few percentage points (it has a 10-15% performance improvement, but apparently the increase in power consumption is larger than that). tbench4 and gitsource, which benefit the most from the patch, keep a positive score in this table which is a welcome surprise; that suggests that in those particular workloads the non-invariant schedutil (and active intel_pstate, too) makes some rather suboptimal frequency selections. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6. MICROARCH'ES ADDRESSED HERE +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The patch addresses Xeon Core processors that use MSR_PLATFORM_INFO and MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT to advertise their base frequency and turbo frequencies respectively. This excludes the recent Xeon Scalable Performance processors line (Xeon Gold, Platinum etc) whose MSRs have to be parsed differently. Subsequent patches will address: * Xeon Scalable Performance processors and Atom Goldmont/Goldmont Plus * Xeon Phi (Knights Landing, Knights Mill) * Atom Silvermont +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7. REFERENCES +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Tests have been run with the help of the MMTests performance testing framework, see The configuration file names for the benchmark used are: db-pgbench-timed-ro-small-xfs db-pgbench-timed-rw-small-xfs io-dbench4-async-xfs network-netperf-unbound network-tbench scheduler-unbound workload-kerndevel-xfs workload-shellscripts-xfs hpc-nas-c-class-mpi-full-xfs hpc-nas-c-class-omp-full All those benchmarks are generally available on the web: pgbench: netperf: dbench/tbench: gitsource: git unit test suite, NAS Parallel Benchmarks: hackbench: Suggested-by: Peter Zijlstra Signed-off-by: Giovanni Gherdovich Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Doug Smythies Acked-by: Rafael J. Wysocki Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 1 + kernel/sched/sched.h | 7 +++++++ 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 89e54f3ed571..45f79bcc3146 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3600,6 +3600,7 @@ void scheduler_tick(void) struct task_struct *curr = rq->curr; struct rq_flags rf; + arch_scale_freq_tick(); sched_clock_tick(); rq_lock(rq, &rf); diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 1a88dc8ad11b..0844e81964e5 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -1968,6 +1968,13 @@ static inline int hrtick_enabled(struct rq *rq) #endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_HRTICK */ +#ifndef arch_scale_freq_tick +static __always_inline +void arch_scale_freq_tick(void) +{ +} +#endif + #ifndef arch_scale_freq_capacity static __always_inline unsigned long arch_scale_freq_capacity(int cpu) -- cgit v1.2.3 From bec2860a2bd6cd38ea34434d04f4033eb32f0f31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Srikar Dronamraju Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 22:54:22 +0530 Subject: sched/fair: Optimize select_idle_core() Currently we loop through all threads of a core to evaluate if the core is idle or not. This is unnecessary. If a thread of a core is not idle, skip evaluating other threads of a core. Also while clearing the cpumask, bits of all CPUs of a core can be cleared in one-shot. Collecting ticks on a Power 9 SMT 8 system around select_idle_core while running schbench shows us (units are in ticks, hence lesser is better) Without patch N Min Max Median Avg Stddev x 130 151 1083 284 322.72308 144.41494 With patch N Min Max Median Avg Stddev Improvement x 164 88 610 201 225.79268 106.78943 30.03% Signed-off-by: Srikar Dronamraju Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: Valentin Schneider Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Acked-by: Mel Gorman Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 6 ++++-- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 25dffc03f0f6..1a0ce83e835a 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -5787,10 +5787,12 @@ static int select_idle_core(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int bool idle = true; for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_smt_mask(core)) { - __cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, cpus); - if (!available_idle_cpu(cpu)) + if (!available_idle_cpu(cpu)) { idle = false; + break; + } } + cpumask_andnot(cpus, cpus, cpu_smt_mask(core)); if (idle) return core; -- cgit v1.2.3 From b4fb015eeff7f3e5518a7dbe8061169a3e2f2bc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Konstantin Khlebnikov Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 17:50:38 +0300 Subject: sched/rt: Optimize checking group RT scheduler constraints Group RT scheduler contains protection against setting zero runtime for cgroup with RT tasks. Right now function tg_set_rt_bandwidth() iterates over all CPU cgroups and calls tg_has_rt_tasks() for any cgroup which runtime is zero (not only for changed one). Default RT runtime is zero, thus tg_has_rt_tasks() will is called for almost at CPU cgroups. This protection already is slightly racy: runtime limit could be changed between cpu_cgroup_can_attach() and cpu_cgroup_attach() because changing cgroup attribute does not lock cgroup_mutex while attach does not lock rt_constraints_mutex. Changing task scheduler class also races with changing rt runtime: check in __sched_setscheduler() isn't protected. Function tg_has_rt_tasks() iterates over all threads in the system. This gives NR_CGROUPS * NR_TASKS operations under single tasklist_lock locked for read tg_set_rt_bandwidth(). Any concurrent attempt of locking tasklist_lock for write (for example fork) will stuck with disabled irqs. This patch makes two optimizations: 1) Remove locking tasklist_lock and iterate only tasks in cgroup 2) Call tg_has_rt_tasks() iff rt runtime changes from non-zero to zero All changed code is under CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED. Testcase: # mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/test{1..10000} # echo 0 | tee /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/test*/cpu.rt_runtime_us At the same time without patch fork time will be >100ms: # perf trace -e clone --duration 100 stress-ng --fork 1 Also remote ping will show timings >100ms caused by irq latency. Signed-off-by: Konstantin Khlebnikov Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/rt.c | 24 +++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/rt.c b/kernel/sched/rt.c index 4043abe45459..55a4a5042292 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/rt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/rt.c @@ -2449,10 +2449,11 @@ const struct sched_class rt_sched_class = { */ static DEFINE_MUTEX(rt_constraints_mutex); -/* Must be called with tasklist_lock held */ static inline int tg_has_rt_tasks(struct task_group *tg) { - struct task_struct *g, *p; + struct task_struct *task; + struct css_task_iter it; + int ret = 0; /* * Autogroups do not have RT tasks; see autogroup_create(). @@ -2460,12 +2461,12 @@ static inline int tg_has_rt_tasks(struct task_group *tg) if (task_group_is_autogroup(tg)) return 0; - for_each_process_thread(g, p) { - if (rt_task(p) && task_group(p) == tg) - return 1; - } + css_task_iter_start(&tg->css, 0, &it); + while (!ret && (task = css_task_iter_next(&it))) + ret |= rt_task(task); + css_task_iter_end(&it); - return 0; + return ret; } struct rt_schedulable_data { @@ -2496,9 +2497,10 @@ static int tg_rt_schedulable(struct task_group *tg, void *data) return -EINVAL; /* - * Ensure we don't starve existing RT tasks. + * Ensure we don't starve existing RT tasks if runtime turns zero. */ - if (rt_bandwidth_enabled() && !runtime && tg_has_rt_tasks(tg)) + if (rt_bandwidth_enabled() && !runtime && + tg->rt_bandwidth.rt_runtime && tg_has_rt_tasks(tg)) return -EBUSY; total = to_ratio(period, runtime); @@ -2564,7 +2566,6 @@ static int tg_set_rt_bandwidth(struct task_group *tg, return -EINVAL; mutex_lock(&rt_constraints_mutex); - read_lock(&tasklist_lock); err = __rt_schedulable(tg, rt_period, rt_runtime); if (err) goto unlock; @@ -2582,7 +2583,6 @@ static int tg_set_rt_bandwidth(struct task_group *tg, } raw_spin_unlock_irq(&tg->rt_bandwidth.rt_runtime_lock); unlock: - read_unlock(&tasklist_lock); mutex_unlock(&rt_constraints_mutex); return err; @@ -2641,9 +2641,7 @@ static int sched_rt_global_constraints(void) int ret = 0; mutex_lock(&rt_constraints_mutex); - read_lock(&tasklist_lock); ret = __rt_schedulable(NULL, 0, 0); - read_unlock(&tasklist_lock); mutex_unlock(&rt_constraints_mutex); return ret; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 82e0516ce3a147365a5dd2a9bedd5ba43a18663d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Scott Wood Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 19:35:58 -0500 Subject: sched/core: Remove duplicate assignment in sched_tick_remote() A redundant "curr = rq->curr" was added; remove it. Fixes: ebc0f83c78a2 ("timers/nohz: Update NOHZ load in remote tick") Signed-off-by: Scott Wood Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 45f79bcc3146..377ec26e9159 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3683,7 +3683,6 @@ static void sched_tick_remote(struct work_struct *work) if (cpu_is_offline(cpu)) goto out_unlock; - curr = rq->curr; update_rq_clock(rq); if (!is_idle_task(curr)) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From b7a331615d254191e7f5f0e35aec9adcd6acdc54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Morten Rasmussen Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 19:19:54 +0000 Subject: sched/fair: Add asymmetric CPU capacity wakeup scan Issue ===== On asymmetric CPU capacity topologies, we currently rely on wake_cap() to drive select_task_rq_fair() towards either: - its slow-path (find_idlest_cpu()) if either the previous or current (waking) CPU has too little capacity for the waking task - its fast-path (select_idle_sibling()) otherwise Commit: 3273163c6775 ("sched/fair: Let asymmetric CPU configurations balance at wake-up") points out that this relies on the assumption that "[...]the CPU capacities within an SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES domain (sd_llc) are homogeneous". This assumption no longer holds on newer generations of big.LITTLE systems (DynamIQ), which can accommodate CPUs of different compute capacity within a single LLC domain. To hopefully paint a better picture, a regular big.LITTLE topology would look like this: +---------+ +---------+ | L2 | | L2 | +----+----+ +----+----+ |CPU0|CPU1| |CPU2|CPU3| +----+----+ +----+----+ ^^^ ^^^ LITTLEs bigs which would result in the following scheduler topology: DIE [ ] <- sd_asym_cpucapacity MC [ ] [ ] <- sd_llc 0 1 2 3 Conversely, a DynamIQ topology could look like: +-------------------+ | L3 | +----+----+----+----+ | L2 | L2 | L2 | L2 | +----+----+----+----+ |CPU0|CPU1|CPU2|CPU3| +----+----+----+----+ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ LITTLEs bigs which would result in the following scheduler topology: MC [ ] <- sd_llc, sd_asym_cpucapacity 0 1 2 3 What this means is that, on DynamIQ systems, we could pass the wake_cap() test (IOW presume the waking task fits on the CPU capacities of some LLC domain), thus go through select_idle_sibling(). This function operates on an LLC domain, which here spans both bigs and LITTLEs, so it could very well pick a CPU of too small capacity for the task, despite there being fitting idle CPUs - it very much depends on the CPU iteration order, on which we have absolutely no guarantees capacity-wise. Implementation ============== Introduce yet another select_idle_sibling() helper function that takes CPU capacity into account. The policy is to pick the first idle CPU which is big enough for the task (task_util * margin < cpu_capacity). If no idle CPU is big enough, we pick the idle one with the highest capacity. Unlike other select_idle_sibling() helpers, this one operates on the sd_asym_cpucapacity sched_domain pointer, which is guaranteed to span all known CPU capacities in the system. As such, this will work for both "legacy" big.LITTLE (LITTLEs & bigs split at MC, joined at DIE) and for newer DynamIQ systems (e.g. LITTLEs and bigs in the same MC domain). Note that this limits the scope of select_idle_sibling() to select_idle_capacity() for asymmetric CPU capacity systems - the LLC domain will not be scanned, and no further heuristic will be applied. Signed-off-by: Morten Rasmussen Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 1a0ce83e835a..6fb47a2f7383 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -5896,6 +5896,40 @@ static int select_idle_cpu(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int t return cpu; } +/* + * Scan the asym_capacity domain for idle CPUs; pick the first idle one on which + * the task fits. If no CPU is big enough, but there are idle ones, try to + * maximize capacity. + */ +static int +select_idle_capacity(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int target) +{ + unsigned long best_cap = 0; + int cpu, best_cpu = -1; + struct cpumask *cpus; + + sync_entity_load_avg(&p->se); + + cpus = this_cpu_cpumask_var_ptr(select_idle_mask); + cpumask_and(cpus, sched_domain_span(sd), p->cpus_ptr); + + for_each_cpu_wrap(cpu, cpus, target) { + unsigned long cpu_cap = capacity_of(cpu); + + if (!available_idle_cpu(cpu) && !sched_idle_cpu(cpu)) + continue; + if (task_fits_capacity(p, cpu_cap)) + return cpu; + + if (cpu_cap > best_cap) { + best_cap = cpu_cap; + best_cpu = cpu; + } + } + + return best_cpu; +} + /* * Try and locate an idle core/thread in the LLC cache domain. */ @@ -5904,6 +5938,28 @@ static int select_idle_sibling(struct task_struct *p, int prev, int target) struct sched_domain *sd; int i, recent_used_cpu; + /* + * For asymmetric CPU capacity systems, our domain of interest is + * sd_asym_cpucapacity rather than sd_llc. + */ + if (static_branch_unlikely(&sched_asym_cpucapacity)) { + sd = rcu_dereference(per_cpu(sd_asym_cpucapacity, target)); + /* + * On an asymmetric CPU capacity system where an exclusive + * cpuset defines a symmetric island (i.e. one unique + * capacity_orig value through the cpuset), the key will be set + * but the CPUs within that cpuset will not have a domain with + * SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY. These should follow the usual symmetric + * capacity path. + */ + if (!sd) + goto symmetric; + + i = select_idle_capacity(p, sd, target); + return ((unsigned)i < nr_cpumask_bits) ? i : target; + } + +symmetric: if (available_idle_cpu(target) || sched_idle_cpu(target)) return target; -- cgit v1.2.3 From a526d466798d65cff120ee00ef92931075bf3769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Morten Rasmussen Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 19:19:55 +0000 Subject: sched/topology: Remove SD_BALANCE_WAKE on asymmetric capacity systems SD_BALANCE_WAKE was previously added to lower sched_domain levels on asymmetric CPU capacity systems by commit: 9ee1cda5ee25 ("sched/core: Enable SD_BALANCE_WAKE for asymmetric capacity systems") to enable the use of find_idlest_cpu() and friends to find an appropriate CPU for tasks. That responsibility has now been shifted to select_idle_sibling() and friends, and hence the flag can be removed. Note that this causes asymmetric CPU capacity systems to no longer enter the slow wakeup path (find_idlest_cpu()) on wakeups - only on execs and forks (which is aligned with all other mainline topologies). Signed-off-by: Morten Rasmussen [Changelog tweaks] Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret Link: --- kernel/sched/topology.c | 15 +++------------ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/topology.c b/kernel/sched/topology.c index dfb64c08a407..00911884b7e7 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/topology.c +++ b/kernel/sched/topology.c @@ -1374,18 +1374,9 @@ sd_init(struct sched_domain_topology_level *tl, * Convert topological properties into behaviour. */ - if (sd->flags & SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY) { - struct sched_domain *t = sd; - - /* - * Don't attempt to spread across CPUs of different capacities. - */ - if (sd->child) - sd->child->flags &= ~SD_PREFER_SIBLING; - - for_each_lower_domain(t) - t->flags |= SD_BALANCE_WAKE; - } + /* Don't attempt to spread across CPUs of different capacities. */ + if ((sd->flags & SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY) && sd->child) + sd->child->flags &= ~SD_PREFER_SIBLING; if (sd->flags & SD_SHARE_CPUCAPACITY) { sd->imbalance_pct = 110; -- cgit v1.2.3 From f8459197e75b045d8d1d87b9856486b39e375721 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 19:19:56 +0000 Subject: sched/core: Remove for_each_lower_domain() The last remaining user of this macro has just been removed, get rid of it. Suggested-by: Dietmar Eggemann Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret Link: --- kernel/sched/sched.h | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 0844e81964e5..878910e8b299 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -1337,8 +1337,6 @@ extern void sched_ttwu_pending(void); for (__sd = rcu_dereference_check_sched_domain(cpu_rq(cpu)->sd); \ __sd; __sd = __sd->parent) -#define for_each_lower_domain(sd) for (; sd; sd = sd->child) - /** * highest_flag_domain - Return highest sched_domain containing flag. * @cpu: The CPU whose highest level of sched domain is to -- cgit v1.2.3 From 000619680c3714020ce9db17eef6a4a7ce2dc28b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Morten Rasmussen Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 19:19:57 +0000 Subject: sched/fair: Remove wake_cap() Capacity-awareness in the wake-up path previously involved disabling wake_affine in certain scenarios. We have just made select_idle_sibling() capacity-aware, so this isn't needed anymore. Remove wake_cap() entirely. Signed-off-by: Morten Rasmussen [Changelog tweaks] Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) [Changelog tweaks] Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 30 +----------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 29 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 6fb47a2f7383..a7e11b1bb64c 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -6145,33 +6145,6 @@ static unsigned long cpu_util_without(int cpu, struct task_struct *p) return min_t(unsigned long, util, capacity_orig_of(cpu)); } -/* - * Disable WAKE_AFFINE in the case where task @p doesn't fit in the - * capacity of either the waking CPU @cpu or the previous CPU @prev_cpu. - * - * In that case WAKE_AFFINE doesn't make sense and we'll let - * BALANCE_WAKE sort things out. - */ -static int wake_cap(struct task_struct *p, int cpu, int prev_cpu) -{ - long min_cap, max_cap; - - if (!static_branch_unlikely(&sched_asym_cpucapacity)) - return 0; - - min_cap = min(capacity_orig_of(prev_cpu), capacity_orig_of(cpu)); - max_cap = cpu_rq(cpu)->rd->max_cpu_capacity; - - /* Minimum capacity is close to max, no need to abort wake_affine */ - if (max_cap - min_cap < max_cap >> 3) - return 0; - - /* Bring task utilization in sync with prev_cpu */ - sync_entity_load_avg(&p->se); - - return !task_fits_capacity(p, min_cap); -} - /* * Predicts what cpu_util(@cpu) would return if @p was migrated (and enqueued) * to @dst_cpu. @@ -6436,8 +6409,7 @@ select_task_rq_fair(struct task_struct *p, int prev_cpu, int sd_flag, int wake_f new_cpu = prev_cpu; } - want_affine = !wake_wide(p) && !wake_cap(p, cpu, prev_cpu) && - cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr); + want_affine = !wake_wide(p) && cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr); } rcu_read_lock(); -- cgit v1.2.3 From f22aef4afb0d6cc22e408d8254cf6d02d7982ef1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:12 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Trace when no candidate CPU was found on the preferred node sched:sched_stick_numa is meant to fire when a task is unable to migrate to the preferred node. The case where no candidate CPU could be found is not traced which is an important gap. The tracepoint is not fired when the task is not allowed to run on any CPU on the preferred node or the task is already running on the target CPU but neither are interesting corner cases. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index f38ff5a335d3..f524ce3cea82 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1848,8 +1848,10 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) } /* No better CPU than the current one was found. */ - if (env.best_cpu == -1) + if (env.best_cpu == -1) { + trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, -1); return -EAGAIN; + } best_rq = cpu_rq(env.best_cpu); if (env.best_task == NULL) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From b2b2042b204796190af7c20069ab790a614c36d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:13 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Distinguish between the different task_numa_migrate() failure cases sched:sched_stick_numa is meant to fire when a task is unable to migrate to the preferred node but from the trace, it's possibile to tell the difference between "no CPU found", "migration to idle CPU failed" and "tasks could not be swapped". Extend the tracepoint accordingly. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman [ Minor edits. ] Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- include/trace/events/sched.h | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- kernel/sched/fair.c | 6 +++--- 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/trace/events/sched.h b/include/trace/events/sched.h index 420e80e56e55..9c3ebb7c83a5 100644 --- a/include/trace/events/sched.h +++ b/include/trace/events/sched.h @@ -487,7 +487,11 @@ TRACE_EVENT(sched_process_hang, ); #endif /* CONFIG_DETECT_HUNG_TASK */ -DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(sched_move_task_template, +/* + * Tracks migration of tasks from one runqueue to another. Can be used to + * detect if automatic NUMA balancing is bouncing between nodes. + */ +TRACE_EVENT(sched_move_numa, TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *tsk, int src_cpu, int dst_cpu), @@ -519,23 +523,7 @@ DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(sched_move_task_template, __entry->dst_cpu, __entry->dst_nid) ); -/* - * Tracks migration of tasks from one runqueue to another. Can be used to - * detect if automatic NUMA balancing is bouncing between nodes - */ -DEFINE_EVENT(sched_move_task_template, sched_move_numa, - TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *tsk, int src_cpu, int dst_cpu), - - TP_ARGS(tsk, src_cpu, dst_cpu) -); - -DEFINE_EVENT(sched_move_task_template, sched_stick_numa, - TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *tsk, int src_cpu, int dst_cpu), - - TP_ARGS(tsk, src_cpu, dst_cpu) -); - -TRACE_EVENT(sched_swap_numa, +DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(sched_numa_pair_template, TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *src_tsk, int src_cpu, struct task_struct *dst_tsk, int dst_cpu), @@ -561,11 +549,11 @@ TRACE_EVENT(sched_swap_numa, __entry->src_ngid = task_numa_group_id(src_tsk); __entry->src_cpu = src_cpu; __entry->src_nid = cpu_to_node(src_cpu); - __entry->dst_pid = task_pid_nr(dst_tsk); - __entry->dst_tgid = task_tgid_nr(dst_tsk); - __entry->dst_ngid = task_numa_group_id(dst_tsk); + __entry->dst_pid = dst_tsk ? task_pid_nr(dst_tsk) : 0; + __entry->dst_tgid = dst_tsk ? task_tgid_nr(dst_tsk) : 0; + __entry->dst_ngid = dst_tsk ? task_numa_group_id(dst_tsk) : 0; __entry->dst_cpu = dst_cpu; - __entry->dst_nid = cpu_to_node(dst_cpu); + __entry->dst_nid = dst_cpu >= 0 ? cpu_to_node(dst_cpu) : -1; ), TP_printk("src_pid=%d src_tgid=%d src_ngid=%d src_cpu=%d src_nid=%d dst_pid=%d dst_tgid=%d dst_ngid=%d dst_cpu=%d dst_nid=%d", @@ -575,6 +563,23 @@ TRACE_EVENT(sched_swap_numa, __entry->dst_cpu, __entry->dst_nid) ); +DEFINE_EVENT(sched_numa_pair_template, sched_stick_numa, + + TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *src_tsk, int src_cpu, + struct task_struct *dst_tsk, int dst_cpu), + + TP_ARGS(src_tsk, src_cpu, dst_tsk, dst_cpu) +); + +DEFINE_EVENT(sched_numa_pair_template, sched_swap_numa, + + TP_PROTO(struct task_struct *src_tsk, int src_cpu, + struct task_struct *dst_tsk, int dst_cpu), + + TP_ARGS(src_tsk, src_cpu, dst_tsk, dst_cpu) +); + + /* * Tracepoint for waking a polling cpu without an IPI. */ diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index f524ce3cea82..5d9c23c134af 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) /* No better CPU than the current one was found. */ if (env.best_cpu == -1) { - trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, -1); + trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, NULL, -1); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) ret = migrate_task_to(p, env.best_cpu); WRITE_ONCE(best_rq->numa_migrate_on, 0); if (ret != 0) - trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, env.best_cpu); + trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, NULL, env.best_cpu); return ret; } @@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) WRITE_ONCE(best_rq->numa_migrate_on, 0); if (ret != 0) - trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, task_cpu(env.best_task)); + trace_sched_stick_numa(p, env.src_cpu, env.best_task, env.best_cpu); put_task_struct(env.best_task); return ret; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6d4d22468dae3d8757af9f8b81b848a76ef4409d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:14 +0000 Subject: sched/fair: Reorder enqueue/dequeue_task_fair path The walk through the cgroup hierarchy during the enqueue/dequeue of a task is split in 2 distinct parts for throttled cfs_rq without any added value but making code less readable. Change the code ordering such that everything related to a cfs_rq (throttled or not) will be done in the same loop. In addition, the same steps ordering is used when updating a cfs_rq: - update_load_avg - update_cfs_group - update *h_nr_running This reordering enables the use of h_nr_running in PELT algorithm. No functional and performance changes are expected and have been noticed during tests. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: "Dietmar Eggemann " Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 5d9c23c134af..a6c7f8bfc0e5 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -5260,32 +5260,31 @@ enqueue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); enqueue_entity(cfs_rq, se, flags); - /* - * end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq - * - * note: in the case of encountering a throttled cfs_rq we will - * post the final h_nr_running increment below. - */ - if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - break; cfs_rq->h_nr_running++; cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running += idle_h_nr_running; + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ + if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) + goto enqueue_throttle; + flags = ENQUEUE_WAKEUP; } for_each_sched_entity(se) { cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); - cfs_rq->h_nr_running++; - cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running += idle_h_nr_running; + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - break; + goto enqueue_throttle; update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); update_cfs_group(se); + + cfs_rq->h_nr_running++; + cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running += idle_h_nr_running; } +enqueue_throttle: if (!se) { add_nr_running(rq, 1); /* @@ -5346,17 +5345,13 @@ static void dequeue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); dequeue_entity(cfs_rq, se, flags); - /* - * end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq - * - * note: in the case of encountering a throttled cfs_rq we will - * post the final h_nr_running decrement below. - */ - if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - break; cfs_rq->h_nr_running--; cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running -= idle_h_nr_running; + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ + if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) + goto dequeue_throttle; + /* Don't dequeue parent if it has other entities besides us */ if (cfs_rq->load.weight) { /* Avoid re-evaluating load for this entity: */ @@ -5374,16 +5369,19 @@ static void dequeue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) for_each_sched_entity(se) { cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); - cfs_rq->h_nr_running--; - cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running -= idle_h_nr_running; + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - break; + goto dequeue_throttle; update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); update_cfs_group(se); + + cfs_rq->h_nr_running--; + cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running -= idle_h_nr_running; } +dequeue_throttle: if (!se) sub_nr_running(rq, 1); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6499b1b2dd1b8d404a16b9fbbf1af6b9b3c1d83d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:15 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Replace runnable_load_avg by load_avg Similarly to what has been done for the normal load balancer, we can replace runnable_load_avg by load_avg in numa load balancing and track the other statistics like the utilization and the number of running tasks to get to better view of the current state of a node. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: "Dietmar Eggemann " Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index a6c7f8bfc0e5..bc3d6518a06c 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1473,38 +1473,35 @@ bool should_numa_migrate_memory(struct task_struct *p, struct page * page, group_faults_cpu(ng, src_nid) * group_faults(p, dst_nid) * 4; } -static inline unsigned long cfs_rq_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq); - -static unsigned long cpu_runnable_load(struct rq *rq) -{ - return cfs_rq_runnable_load_avg(&rq->cfs); -} +/* + * 'numa_type' describes the node at the moment of load balancing. + */ +enum numa_type { + /* The node has spare capacity that can be used to run more tasks. */ + node_has_spare = 0, + /* + * The node is fully used and the tasks don't compete for more CPU + * cycles. Nevertheless, some tasks might wait before running. + */ + node_fully_busy, + /* + * The node is overloaded and can't provide expected CPU cycles to all + * tasks. + */ + node_overloaded +}; /* Cached statistics for all CPUs within a node */ struct numa_stats { unsigned long load; - + unsigned long util; /* Total compute capacity of CPUs on a node */ unsigned long compute_capacity; + unsigned int nr_running; + unsigned int weight; + enum numa_type node_type; }; -/* - * XXX borrowed from update_sg_lb_stats - */ -static void update_numa_stats(struct numa_stats *ns, int nid) -{ - int cpu; - - memset(ns, 0, sizeof(*ns)); - for_each_cpu(cpu, cpumask_of_node(nid)) { - struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu); - - ns->load += cpu_runnable_load(rq); - ns->compute_capacity += capacity_of(cpu); - } - -} - struct task_numa_env { struct task_struct *p; @@ -1521,6 +1518,47 @@ struct task_numa_env { int best_cpu; }; +static unsigned long cpu_load(struct rq *rq); +static unsigned long cpu_util(int cpu); + +static inline enum +numa_type numa_classify(unsigned int imbalance_pct, + struct numa_stats *ns) +{ + if ((ns->nr_running > ns->weight) && + ((ns->compute_capacity * 100) < (ns->util * imbalance_pct))) + return node_overloaded; + + if ((ns->nr_running < ns->weight) || + ((ns->compute_capacity * 100) > (ns->util * imbalance_pct))) + return node_has_spare; + + return node_fully_busy; +} + +/* + * XXX borrowed from update_sg_lb_stats + */ +static void update_numa_stats(struct task_numa_env *env, + struct numa_stats *ns, int nid) +{ + int cpu; + + memset(ns, 0, sizeof(*ns)); + for_each_cpu(cpu, cpumask_of_node(nid)) { + struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu); + + ns->load += cpu_load(rq); + ns->util += cpu_util(cpu); + ns->nr_running += rq->cfs.h_nr_running; + ns->compute_capacity += capacity_of(cpu); + } + + ns->weight = cpumask_weight(cpumask_of_node(nid)); + + ns->node_type = numa_classify(env->imbalance_pct, ns); +} + static void task_numa_assign(struct task_numa_env *env, struct task_struct *p, long imp) { @@ -1556,6 +1594,11 @@ static bool load_too_imbalanced(long src_load, long dst_load, long orig_src_load, orig_dst_load; long src_capacity, dst_capacity; + + /* If dst node has spare capacity, there is no real load imbalance */ + if (env->dst_stats.node_type == node_has_spare) + return false; + /* * The load is corrected for the CPU capacity available on each node. * @@ -1788,10 +1831,10 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) dist = env.dist = node_distance(env.src_nid, env.dst_nid); taskweight = task_weight(p, env.src_nid, dist); groupweight = group_weight(p, env.src_nid, dist); - update_numa_stats(&env.src_stats, env.src_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.src_stats, env.src_nid); taskimp = task_weight(p, env.dst_nid, dist) - taskweight; groupimp = group_weight(p, env.dst_nid, dist) - groupweight; - update_numa_stats(&env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); /* Try to find a spot on the preferred nid. */ task_numa_find_cpu(&env, taskimp, groupimp); @@ -1824,7 +1867,7 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) env.dist = dist; env.dst_nid = nid; - update_numa_stats(&env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); task_numa_find_cpu(&env, taskimp, groupimp); } } @@ -3686,11 +3729,6 @@ static void remove_entity_load_avg(struct sched_entity *se) raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfs_rq->removed.lock, flags); } -static inline unsigned long cfs_rq_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) -{ - return cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg; -} - static inline unsigned long cfs_rq_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) { return cfs_rq->avg.load_avg; -- cgit v1.2.3 From fb86f5b2119245afd339280099b4e9417cc0b03a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:16 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Use similar logic to the load balancer for moving between domains with spare capacity The standard load balancer generally tries to keep the number of running tasks or idle CPUs balanced between NUMA domains. The NUMA balancer allows tasks to move if there is spare capacity but this causes a conflict and utilisation between NUMA nodes gets badly skewed. This patch uses similar logic between the NUMA balancer and load balancer when deciding if a task migrating to its preferred node can use an idle CPU. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index bc3d6518a06c..7a3c66f1762f 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1520,6 +1520,7 @@ struct task_numa_env { static unsigned long cpu_load(struct rq *rq); static unsigned long cpu_util(int cpu); +static inline long adjust_numa_imbalance(int imbalance, int src_nr_running); static inline enum numa_type numa_classify(unsigned int imbalance_pct, @@ -1594,11 +1595,6 @@ static bool load_too_imbalanced(long src_load, long dst_load, long orig_src_load, orig_dst_load; long src_capacity, dst_capacity; - - /* If dst node has spare capacity, there is no real load imbalance */ - if (env->dst_stats.node_type == node_has_spare) - return false; - /* * The load is corrected for the CPU capacity available on each node. * @@ -1757,19 +1753,42 @@ unlock: static void task_numa_find_cpu(struct task_numa_env *env, long taskimp, long groupimp) { - long src_load, dst_load, load; bool maymove = false; int cpu; - load = task_h_load(env->p); - dst_load = env->dst_stats.load + load; - src_load = env->src_stats.load - load; - /* - * If the improvement from just moving env->p direction is better - * than swapping tasks around, check if a move is possible. + * If dst node has spare capacity, then check if there is an + * imbalance that would be overruled by the load balancer. */ - maymove = !load_too_imbalanced(src_load, dst_load, env); + if (env->dst_stats.node_type == node_has_spare) { + unsigned int imbalance; + int src_running, dst_running; + + /* + * Would movement cause an imbalance? Note that if src has + * more running tasks that the imbalance is ignored as the + * move improves the imbalance from the perspective of the + * CPU load balancer. + * */ + src_running = env->src_stats.nr_running - 1; + dst_running = env->dst_stats.nr_running + 1; + imbalance = max(0, dst_running - src_running); + imbalance = adjust_numa_imbalance(imbalance, src_running); + + /* Use idle CPU if there is no imbalance */ + if (!imbalance) + maymove = true; + } else { + long src_load, dst_load, load; + /* + * If the improvement from just moving env->p direction is better + * than swapping tasks around, check if a move is possible. + */ + load = task_h_load(env->p); + dst_load = env->dst_stats.load + load; + src_load = env->src_stats.load - load; + maymove = !load_too_imbalanced(src_load, dst_load, env); + } for_each_cpu(cpu, cpumask_of_node(env->dst_nid)) { /* Skip this CPU if the source task cannot migrate */ @@ -8694,6 +8713,21 @@ next_group: } } +static inline long adjust_numa_imbalance(int imbalance, int src_nr_running) +{ + unsigned int imbalance_min; + + /* + * Allow a small imbalance based on a simple pair of communicating + * tasks that remain local when the source domain is almost idle. + */ + imbalance_min = 2; + if (src_nr_running <= imbalance_min) + return 0; + + return imbalance; +} + /** * calculate_imbalance - Calculate the amount of imbalance present within the * groups of a given sched_domain during load balance. @@ -8790,24 +8824,9 @@ static inline void calculate_imbalance(struct lb_env *env, struct sd_lb_stats *s } /* Consider allowing a small imbalance between NUMA groups */ - if (env->sd->flags & SD_NUMA) { - unsigned int imbalance_min; - - /* - * Compute an allowed imbalance based on a simple - * pair of communicating tasks that should remain - * local and ignore them. - * - * NOTE: Generally this would have been based on - * the domain size and this was evaluated. However, - * the benefit is similar across a range of workloads - * and machines but scaling by the domain size adds - * the risk that lower domains have to be rebalanced. - */ - imbalance_min = 2; - if (busiest->sum_nr_running <= imbalance_min) - env->imbalance = 0; - } + if (env->sd->flags & SD_NUMA) + env->imbalance = adjust_numa_imbalance(env->imbalance, + busiest->sum_nr_running); return; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 0dacee1bfa70e171be3a12a30414c228453048d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:17 +0000 Subject: sched/pelt: Remove unused runnable load average Now that runnable_load_avg is no more used, we can remove it to make space for a new signal. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: "Dietmar Eggemann " Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- include/linux/sched.h | 5 +- kernel/sched/core.c | 2 - kernel/sched/debug.c | 8 ---- kernel/sched/fair.c | 130 +++++++------------------------------------------- kernel/sched/pelt.c | 62 ++++++++++-------------- kernel/sched/sched.h | 7 +-- 6 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/sched.h b/include/linux/sched.h index 04278493bf15..037eaffabc24 100644 --- a/include/linux/sched.h +++ b/include/linux/sched.h @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ struct util_est { /* * The load_avg/util_avg accumulates an infinite geometric series - * (see __update_load_avg() in kernel/sched/fair.c). + * (see __update_load_avg_cfs_rq() in kernel/sched/pelt.c). * * [load_avg definition] * @@ -401,11 +401,9 @@ struct util_est { struct sched_avg { u64 last_update_time; u64 load_sum; - u64 runnable_load_sum; u32 util_sum; u32 period_contrib; unsigned long load_avg; - unsigned long runnable_load_avg; unsigned long util_avg; struct util_est util_est; } ____cacheline_aligned; @@ -449,7 +447,6 @@ struct sched_statistics { struct sched_entity { /* For load-balancing: */ struct load_weight load; - unsigned long runnable_weight; struct rb_node run_node; struct list_head group_node; unsigned int on_rq; diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index e94819d573be..8e6f38073ab3 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -761,7 +761,6 @@ static void set_load_weight(struct task_struct *p, bool update_load) if (task_has_idle_policy(p)) { load->weight = scale_load(WEIGHT_IDLEPRIO); load->inv_weight = WMULT_IDLEPRIO; - p->se.runnable_weight = load->weight; return; } @@ -774,7 +773,6 @@ static void set_load_weight(struct task_struct *p, bool update_load) } else { load->weight = scale_load(sched_prio_to_weight[prio]); load->inv_weight = sched_prio_to_wmult[prio]; - p->se.runnable_weight = load->weight; } } diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c index 879d3ccf3806..cfecaad387c0 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/debug.c +++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c @@ -402,11 +402,9 @@ static void print_cfs_group_stats(struct seq_file *m, int cpu, struct task_group } P(se->load.weight); - P(se->runnable_weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP P(se->avg.load_avg); P(se->avg.util_avg); - P(se->avg.runnable_load_avg); #endif #undef PN_SCHEDSTAT @@ -524,11 +522,8 @@ void print_cfs_rq(struct seq_file *m, int cpu, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %d\n", "nr_running", cfs_rq->nr_running); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %ld\n", "load", cfs_rq->load.weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %ld\n", "runnable_weight", cfs_rq->runnable_weight); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "load_avg", cfs_rq->avg.load_avg); - SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "runnable_load_avg", - cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "util_avg", cfs_rq->avg.util_avg); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %u\n", "util_est_enqueued", @@ -947,13 +942,10 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, "nr_involuntary_switches", (long long)p->nivcsw); P(se.load.weight); - P(se.runnable_weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP P(se.avg.load_sum); - P(se.avg.runnable_load_sum); P(se.avg.util_sum); P(se.avg.load_avg); - P(se.avg.runnable_load_avg); P(se.avg.util_avg); P(se.avg.last_update_time); P(se.avg.util_est.ewma); diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 7a3c66f1762f..b0fb3d6a6185 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -741,9 +741,7 @@ void init_entity_runnable_average(struct sched_entity *se) * nothing has been attached to the task group yet. */ if (entity_is_task(se)) - sa->runnable_load_avg = sa->load_avg = scale_load_down(se->load.weight); - - se->runnable_weight = se->load.weight; + sa->load_avg = scale_load_down(se->load.weight); /* when this task enqueue'ed, it will contribute to its cfs_rq's load_avg */ } @@ -2898,25 +2896,6 @@ account_entity_dequeue(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) } while (0) #ifdef CONFIG_SMP -static inline void -enqueue_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) -{ - cfs_rq->runnable_weight += se->runnable_weight; - - cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg += se->avg.runnable_load_avg; - cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_sum += se_runnable(se) * se->avg.runnable_load_sum; -} - -static inline void -dequeue_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) -{ - cfs_rq->runnable_weight -= se->runnable_weight; - - sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg, se->avg.runnable_load_avg); - sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_sum, - se_runnable(se) * se->avg.runnable_load_sum); -} - static inline void enqueue_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { @@ -2932,28 +2911,22 @@ dequeue_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) } #else static inline void -enqueue_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { } -static inline void -dequeue_runnable_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { } -static inline void enqueue_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { } static inline void dequeue_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { } #endif static void reweight_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, - unsigned long weight, unsigned long runnable) + unsigned long weight) { if (se->on_rq) { /* commit outstanding execution time */ if (cfs_rq->curr == se) update_curr(cfs_rq); account_entity_dequeue(cfs_rq, se); - dequeue_runnable_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); } dequeue_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); - se->runnable_weight = runnable; update_load_set(&se->load, weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP @@ -2961,16 +2934,13 @@ static void reweight_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, u32 divider = LOAD_AVG_MAX - 1024 + se->avg.period_contrib; se->avg.load_avg = div_u64(se_weight(se) * se->avg.load_sum, divider); - se->avg.runnable_load_avg = - div_u64(se_runnable(se) * se->avg.runnable_load_sum, divider); } while (0); #endif enqueue_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); - if (se->on_rq) { + if (se->on_rq) account_entity_enqueue(cfs_rq, se); - enqueue_runnable_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); - } + } void reweight_task(struct task_struct *p, int prio) @@ -2980,7 +2950,7 @@ void reweight_task(struct task_struct *p, int prio) struct load_weight *load = &se->load; unsigned long weight = scale_load(sched_prio_to_weight[prio]); - reweight_entity(cfs_rq, se, weight, weight); + reweight_entity(cfs_rq, se, weight); load->inv_weight = sched_prio_to_wmult[prio]; } @@ -3092,50 +3062,6 @@ static long calc_group_shares(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) */ return clamp_t(long, shares, MIN_SHARES, tg_shares); } - -/* - * This calculates the effective runnable weight for a group entity based on - * the group entity weight calculated above. - * - * Because of the above approximation (2), our group entity weight is - * an load_avg based ratio (3). This means that it includes blocked load and - * does not represent the runnable weight. - * - * Approximate the group entity's runnable weight per ratio from the group - * runqueue: - * - * grq->avg.runnable_load_avg - * ge->runnable_weight = ge->load.weight * -------------------------- (7) - * grq->avg.load_avg - * - * However, analogous to above, since the avg numbers are slow, this leads to - * transients in the from-idle case. Instead we use: - * - * ge->runnable_weight = ge->load.weight * - * - * max(grq->avg.runnable_load_avg, grq->runnable_weight) - * ----------------------------------------------------- (8) - * max(grq->avg.load_avg, grq->load.weight) - * - * Where these max() serve both to use the 'instant' values to fix the slow - * from-idle and avoid the /0 on to-idle, similar to (6). - */ -static long calc_group_runnable(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, long shares) -{ - long runnable, load_avg; - - load_avg = max(cfs_rq->avg.load_avg, - scale_load_down(cfs_rq->load.weight)); - - runnable = max(cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg, - scale_load_down(cfs_rq->runnable_weight)); - - runnable *= shares; - if (load_avg) - runnable /= load_avg; - - return clamp_t(long, runnable, MIN_SHARES, shares); -} #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */ static inline int throttled_hierarchy(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq); @@ -3147,7 +3073,7 @@ static inline int throttled_hierarchy(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq); static void update_cfs_group(struct sched_entity *se) { struct cfs_rq *gcfs_rq = group_cfs_rq(se); - long shares, runnable; + long shares; if (!gcfs_rq) return; @@ -3156,16 +3082,15 @@ static void update_cfs_group(struct sched_entity *se) return; #ifndef CONFIG_SMP - runnable = shares = READ_ONCE(gcfs_rq->tg->shares); + shares = READ_ONCE(gcfs_rq->tg->shares); if (likely(se->load.weight == shares)) return; #else shares = calc_group_shares(gcfs_rq); - runnable = calc_group_runnable(gcfs_rq, shares); #endif - reweight_entity(cfs_rq_of(se), se, shares, runnable); + reweight_entity(cfs_rq_of(se), se, shares); } #else /* CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED */ @@ -3290,11 +3215,11 @@ void set_task_rq_fair(struct sched_entity *se, * _IFF_ we look at the pure running and runnable sums. Because they * represent the very same entity, just at different points in the hierarchy. * - * Per the above update_tg_cfs_util() is trivial and simply copies the running - * sum over (but still wrong, because the group entity and group rq do not have - * their PELT windows aligned). + * Per the above update_tg_cfs_util() is trivial * and simply copies the + * running sum over (but still wrong, because the group entity and group rq do + * not have their PELT windows aligned). * - * However, update_tg_cfs_runnable() is more complex. So we have: + * However, update_tg_cfs_load() is more complex. So we have: * * ge->avg.load_avg = ge->load.weight * ge->avg.runnable_avg (2) * @@ -3375,11 +3300,11 @@ update_tg_cfs_util(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq } static inline void -update_tg_cfs_runnable(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq *gcfs_rq) +update_tg_cfs_load(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq *gcfs_rq) { long delta_avg, running_sum, runnable_sum = gcfs_rq->prop_runnable_sum; - unsigned long runnable_load_avg, load_avg; - u64 runnable_load_sum, load_sum = 0; + unsigned long load_avg; + u64 load_sum = 0; s64 delta_sum; if (!runnable_sum) @@ -3427,20 +3352,6 @@ update_tg_cfs_runnable(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cf se->avg.load_avg = load_avg; add_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.load_avg, delta_avg); add_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.load_sum, delta_sum); - - runnable_load_sum = (s64)se_runnable(se) * runnable_sum; - runnable_load_avg = div_s64(runnable_load_sum, LOAD_AVG_MAX); - - if (se->on_rq) { - delta_sum = runnable_load_sum - - se_weight(se) * se->avg.runnable_load_sum; - delta_avg = runnable_load_avg - se->avg.runnable_load_avg; - add_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg, delta_avg); - add_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_sum, delta_sum); - } - - se->avg.runnable_load_sum = runnable_sum; - se->avg.runnable_load_avg = runnable_load_avg; } static inline void add_tg_cfs_propagate(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, long runnable_sum) @@ -3468,7 +3379,7 @@ static inline int propagate_entity_load_avg(struct sched_entity *se) add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, gcfs_rq->prop_runnable_sum); update_tg_cfs_util(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); - update_tg_cfs_runnable(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); + update_tg_cfs_load(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); trace_pelt_cfs_tp(cfs_rq); trace_pelt_se_tp(se); @@ -3612,8 +3523,6 @@ static void attach_entity_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *s div_u64(se->avg.load_avg * se->avg.load_sum, se_weight(se)); } - se->avg.runnable_load_sum = se->avg.load_sum; - enqueue_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); cfs_rq->avg.util_avg += se->avg.util_avg; cfs_rq->avg.util_sum += se->avg.util_sum; @@ -4074,14 +3983,12 @@ enqueue_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags) /* * When enqueuing a sched_entity, we must: * - Update loads to have both entity and cfs_rq synced with now. - * - Add its load to cfs_rq->runnable_avg * - For group_entity, update its weight to reflect the new share of * its group cfs_rq * - Add its new weight to cfs_rq->load.weight */ update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG | DO_ATTACH); update_cfs_group(se); - enqueue_runnable_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); account_entity_enqueue(cfs_rq, se); if (flags & ENQUEUE_WAKEUP) @@ -4158,13 +4065,11 @@ dequeue_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags) /* * When dequeuing a sched_entity, we must: * - Update loads to have both entity and cfs_rq synced with now. - * - Subtract its load from the cfs_rq->runnable_avg. * - Subtract its previous weight from cfs_rq->load.weight. * - For group entity, update its weight to reflect the new share * of its group cfs_rq. */ update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); - dequeue_runnable_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); update_stats_dequeue(cfs_rq, se, flags); @@ -7649,9 +7554,6 @@ static inline bool cfs_rq_is_decayed(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) if (cfs_rq->avg.util_sum) return false; - if (cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_sum) - return false; - return true; } diff --git a/kernel/sched/pelt.c b/kernel/sched/pelt.c index bd006b79b360..3eb0ed333dcb 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/pelt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/pelt.c @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static u32 __accumulate_pelt_segments(u64 periods, u32 d1, u32 d3) */ static __always_inline u32 accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, - unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running) + unsigned long load, int running) { u32 contrib = (u32)delta; /* p == 0 -> delta < 1024 */ u64 periods; @@ -121,8 +121,6 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, */ if (periods) { sa->load_sum = decay_load(sa->load_sum, periods); - sa->runnable_load_sum = - decay_load(sa->runnable_load_sum, periods); sa->util_sum = decay_load((u64)(sa->util_sum), periods); /* @@ -148,8 +146,6 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, if (load) sa->load_sum += load * contrib; - if (runnable) - sa->runnable_load_sum += runnable * contrib; if (running) sa->util_sum += contrib << SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT; @@ -186,7 +182,7 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, */ static __always_inline int ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, - unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running) + unsigned long load, int running) { u64 delta; @@ -222,7 +218,7 @@ ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, * Also see the comment in accumulate_sum(). */ if (!load) - runnable = running = 0; + running = 0; /* * Now we know we crossed measurement unit boundaries. The *_avg @@ -231,14 +227,14 @@ ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, * Step 1: accumulate *_sum since last_update_time. If we haven't * crossed period boundaries, finish. */ - if (!accumulate_sum(delta, sa, load, runnable, running)) + if (!accumulate_sum(delta, sa, load, running)) return 0; return 1; } static __always_inline void -___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable) +___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load) { u32 divider = LOAD_AVG_MAX - 1024 + sa->period_contrib; @@ -246,7 +242,6 @@ ___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load, unsigned long runna * Step 2: update *_avg. */ sa->load_avg = div_u64(load * sa->load_sum, divider); - sa->runnable_load_avg = div_u64(runnable * sa->runnable_load_sum, divider); WRITE_ONCE(sa->util_avg, sa->util_sum / divider); } @@ -254,17 +249,13 @@ ___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load, unsigned long runna * sched_entity: * * task: - * se_runnable() == se_weight() + * se_weight() = se->load.weight * * group: [ see update_cfs_group() ] * se_weight() = tg->weight * grq->load_avg / tg->load_avg - * se_runnable() = se_weight(se) * grq->runnable_load_avg / grq->load_avg * - * load_sum := runnable_sum - * load_avg = se_weight(se) * runnable_avg - * - * runnable_load_sum := runnable_sum - * runnable_load_avg = se_runnable(se) * runnable_avg + * load_sum := runnable + * load_avg = se_weight(se) * load_sum * * XXX collapse load_sum and runnable_load_sum * @@ -272,15 +263,12 @@ ___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load, unsigned long runna * * load_sum = \Sum se_weight(se) * se->avg.load_sum * load_avg = \Sum se->avg.load_avg - * - * runnable_load_sum = \Sum se_runnable(se) * se->avg.runnable_load_sum - * runnable_load_avg = \Sum se->avg.runable_load_avg */ int __update_load_avg_blocked_se(u64 now, struct sched_entity *se) { - if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, 0, 0, 0)) { - ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se), se_runnable(se)); + if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, 0, 0)) { + ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se)); trace_pelt_se_tp(se); return 1; } @@ -290,10 +278,9 @@ int __update_load_avg_blocked_se(u64 now, struct sched_entity *se) int __update_load_avg_se(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { - if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, !!se->on_rq, !!se->on_rq, - cfs_rq->curr == se)) { + if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, !!se->on_rq, cfs_rq->curr == se)) { - ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se), se_runnable(se)); + ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se)); cfs_se_util_change(&se->avg); trace_pelt_se_tp(se); return 1; @@ -306,10 +293,9 @@ int __update_load_avg_cfs_rq(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &cfs_rq->avg, scale_load_down(cfs_rq->load.weight), - scale_load_down(cfs_rq->runnable_weight), cfs_rq->curr != NULL)) { - ___update_load_avg(&cfs_rq->avg, 1, 1); + ___update_load_avg(&cfs_rq->avg, 1); trace_pelt_cfs_tp(cfs_rq); return 1; } @@ -322,20 +308,19 @@ int __update_load_avg_cfs_rq(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) * * util_sum = \Sum se->avg.util_sum but se->avg.util_sum is not tracked * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum - * runnable_load_sum = load_sum + * runnable_sum = util_sum * - * load_avg and runnable_load_avg are not supported and meaningless. + * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. * */ int update_rt_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &rq->avg_rt, - running, running, running)) { - ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_rt, 1, 1); + ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_rt, 1); trace_pelt_rt_tp(rq); return 1; } @@ -348,18 +333,19 @@ int update_rt_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) * * util_sum = \Sum se->avg.util_sum but se->avg.util_sum is not tracked * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum - * runnable_load_sum = load_sum + * runnable_sum = util_sum + * + * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. * */ int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &rq->avg_dl, - running, running, running)) { - ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_dl, 1, 1); + ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_dl, 1); trace_pelt_dl_tp(rq); return 1; } @@ -373,7 +359,9 @@ int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) * * util_sum = \Sum se->avg.util_sum but se->avg.util_sum is not tracked * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum - * runnable_load_sum = load_sum + * runnable_sum = util_sum + * + * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. * */ @@ -401,16 +389,14 @@ int update_irq_load_avg(struct rq *rq, u64 running) * rq->clock += delta with delta >= running */ ret = ___update_load_sum(rq->clock - running, &rq->avg_irq, - 0, 0, 0); ret += ___update_load_sum(rq->clock, &rq->avg_irq, - 1, 1, 1); if (ret) { - ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_irq, 1, 1); + ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_irq, 1); trace_pelt_irq_tp(rq); } diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 12bf82d86156..ce27e588fa7c 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -489,7 +489,6 @@ struct cfs_bandwidth { }; /* CFS-related fields in a runqueue */ struct cfs_rq { struct load_weight load; - unsigned long runnable_weight; unsigned int nr_running; unsigned int h_nr_running; /* SCHED_{NORMAL,BATCH,IDLE} */ unsigned int idle_h_nr_running; /* SCHED_IDLE */ @@ -688,8 +687,10 @@ struct dl_rq { #ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED /* An entity is a task if it doesn't "own" a runqueue */ #define entity_is_task(se) (!se->my_q) + #else #define entity_is_task(se) 1 + #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SMP @@ -701,10 +702,6 @@ static inline long se_weight(struct sched_entity *se) return scale_load_down(se->load.weight); } -static inline long se_runnable(struct sched_entity *se) -{ - return scale_load_down(se->runnable_weight); -} static inline bool sched_asym_prefer(int a, int b) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9f68395333ad7f5bfe2f83473fed363d4229f11c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:18 +0000 Subject: sched/pelt: Add a new runnable average signal Now that runnable_load_avg has been removed, we can replace it by a new signal that will highlight the runnable pressure on a cfs_rq. This signal track the waiting time of tasks on rq and can help to better define the state of rqs. At now, only util_avg is used to define the state of a rq: A rq with more that around 80% of utilization and more than 1 tasks is considered as overloaded. But the util_avg signal of a rq can become temporaly low after that a task migrated onto another rq which can bias the classification of the rq. When tasks compete for the same rq, their runnable average signal will be higher than util_avg as it will include the waiting time and we can use this signal to better classify cfs_rqs. The new runnable_avg will track the runnable time of a task which simply adds the waiting time to the running time. The runnable _avg of cfs_rq will be the /Sum of se's runnable_avg and the runnable_avg of group entity will follow the one of the rq similarly to util_avg. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: "Dietmar Eggemann " Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- include/linux/sched.h | 26 ++++++++++------- kernel/sched/debug.c | 9 ++++-- kernel/sched/fair.c | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- kernel/sched/pelt.c | 39 ++++++++++++++++++-------- kernel/sched/sched.h | 22 ++++++++++++++- 5 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/sched.h b/include/linux/sched.h index 037eaffabc24..2e9199bf947b 100644 --- a/include/linux/sched.h +++ b/include/linux/sched.h @@ -356,28 +356,30 @@ struct util_est { } __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(u64)))); /* - * The load_avg/util_avg accumulates an infinite geometric series + * The load/runnable/util_avg accumulates an infinite geometric series * (see __update_load_avg_cfs_rq() in kernel/sched/pelt.c). * * [load_avg definition] * * load_avg = runnable% * scale_load_down(load) * - * where runnable% is the time ratio that a sched_entity is runnable. - * For cfs_rq, it is the aggregated load_avg of all runnable and - * blocked sched_entities. + * [runnable_avg definition] + * + * runnable_avg = runnable% * SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE * * [util_avg definition] * * util_avg = running% * SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE * - * where running% is the time ratio that a sched_entity is running on - * a CPU. For cfs_rq, it is the aggregated util_avg of all runnable - * and blocked sched_entities. + * where runnable% is the time ratio that a sched_entity is runnable and + * running% the time ratio that a sched_entity is running. + * + * For cfs_rq, they are the aggregated values of all runnable and blocked + * sched_entities. * - * load_avg and util_avg don't direcly factor frequency scaling and CPU - * capacity scaling. The scaling is done through the rq_clock_pelt that - * is used for computing those signals (see update_rq_clock_pelt()) + * The load/runnable/util_avg doesn't direcly factor frequency scaling and CPU + * capacity scaling. The scaling is done through the rq_clock_pelt that is used + * for computing those signals (see update_rq_clock_pelt()) * * N.B., the above ratios (runnable% and running%) themselves are in the * range of [0, 1]. To do fixed point arithmetics, we therefore scale them @@ -401,9 +403,11 @@ struct util_est { struct sched_avg { u64 last_update_time; u64 load_sum; + u64 runnable_sum; u32 util_sum; u32 period_contrib; unsigned long load_avg; + unsigned long runnable_avg; unsigned long util_avg; struct util_est util_est; } ____cacheline_aligned; @@ -467,6 +471,8 @@ struct sched_entity { struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq; /* rq "owned" by this entity/group: */ struct cfs_rq *my_q; + /* cached value of my_q->h_nr_running */ + unsigned long runnable_weight; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SMP diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c index cfecaad387c0..8331bc04aea2 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/debug.c +++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c @@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ static void print_cfs_group_stats(struct seq_file *m, int cpu, struct task_group #ifdef CONFIG_SMP P(se->avg.load_avg); P(se->avg.util_avg); + P(se->avg.runnable_avg); #endif #undef PN_SCHEDSTAT @@ -524,6 +525,8 @@ void print_cfs_rq(struct seq_file *m, int cpu, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) #ifdef CONFIG_SMP SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "load_avg", cfs_rq->avg.load_avg); + SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "runnable_avg", + cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "util_avg", cfs_rq->avg.util_avg); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %u\n", "util_est_enqueued", @@ -532,8 +535,8 @@ void print_cfs_rq(struct seq_file *m, int cpu, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) cfs_rq->removed.load_avg); SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %ld\n", "removed.util_avg", cfs_rq->removed.util_avg); - SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %ld\n", "removed.runnable_sum", - cfs_rq->removed.runnable_sum); + SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %ld\n", "removed.runnable_avg", + cfs_rq->removed.runnable_avg); #ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED SEQ_printf(m, " .%-30s: %lu\n", "tg_load_avg_contrib", cfs_rq->tg_load_avg_contrib); @@ -944,8 +947,10 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, P(se.load.weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP P(se.avg.load_sum); + P(se.avg.runnable_sum); P(se.avg.util_sum); P(se.avg.load_avg); + P(se.avg.runnable_avg); P(se.avg.util_avg); P(se.avg.last_update_time); P(se.avg.util_est.ewma); diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index b0fb3d6a6185..49b36d62cc35 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -794,6 +794,8 @@ void post_init_entity_util_avg(struct task_struct *p) } } + sa->runnable_avg = cpu_scale; + if (p->sched_class != &fair_sched_class) { /* * For !fair tasks do: @@ -3215,9 +3217,9 @@ void set_task_rq_fair(struct sched_entity *se, * _IFF_ we look at the pure running and runnable sums. Because they * represent the very same entity, just at different points in the hierarchy. * - * Per the above update_tg_cfs_util() is trivial * and simply copies the - * running sum over (but still wrong, because the group entity and group rq do - * not have their PELT windows aligned). + * Per the above update_tg_cfs_util() and update_tg_cfs_runnable() are trivial + * and simply copies the running/runnable sum over (but still wrong, because + * the group entity and group rq do not have their PELT windows aligned). * * However, update_tg_cfs_load() is more complex. So we have: * @@ -3299,6 +3301,32 @@ update_tg_cfs_util(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq cfs_rq->avg.util_sum = cfs_rq->avg.util_avg * LOAD_AVG_MAX; } +static inline void +update_tg_cfs_runnable(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq *gcfs_rq) +{ + long delta = gcfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg - se->avg.runnable_avg; + + /* Nothing to update */ + if (!delta) + return; + + /* + * The relation between sum and avg is: + * + * LOAD_AVG_MAX - 1024 + sa->period_contrib + * + * however, the PELT windows are not aligned between grq and gse. + */ + + /* Set new sched_entity's runnable */ + se->avg.runnable_avg = gcfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg; + se->avg.runnable_sum = se->avg.runnable_avg * LOAD_AVG_MAX; + + /* Update parent cfs_rq runnable */ + add_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg, delta); + cfs_rq->avg.runnable_sum = cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg * LOAD_AVG_MAX; +} + static inline void update_tg_cfs_load(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, struct cfs_rq *gcfs_rq) { @@ -3379,6 +3407,7 @@ static inline int propagate_entity_load_avg(struct sched_entity *se) add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, gcfs_rq->prop_runnable_sum); update_tg_cfs_util(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); + update_tg_cfs_runnable(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); update_tg_cfs_load(cfs_rq, se, gcfs_rq); trace_pelt_cfs_tp(cfs_rq); @@ -3449,7 +3478,7 @@ static inline void add_tg_cfs_propagate(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, long runnable_sum static inline int update_cfs_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) { - unsigned long removed_load = 0, removed_util = 0, removed_runnable_sum = 0; + unsigned long removed_load = 0, removed_util = 0, removed_runnable = 0; struct sched_avg *sa = &cfs_rq->avg; int decayed = 0; @@ -3460,7 +3489,7 @@ update_cfs_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) raw_spin_lock(&cfs_rq->removed.lock); swap(cfs_rq->removed.util_avg, removed_util); swap(cfs_rq->removed.load_avg, removed_load); - swap(cfs_rq->removed.runnable_sum, removed_runnable_sum); + swap(cfs_rq->removed.runnable_avg, removed_runnable); cfs_rq-> = 0; raw_spin_unlock(&cfs_rq->removed.lock); @@ -3472,7 +3501,16 @@ update_cfs_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) sub_positive(&sa->util_avg, r); sub_positive(&sa->util_sum, r * divider); - add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, -(long)removed_runnable_sum); + r = removed_runnable; + sub_positive(&sa->runnable_avg, r); + sub_positive(&sa->runnable_sum, r * divider); + + /* + * removed_runnable is the unweighted version of removed_load so we + * can use it to estimate removed_load_sum. + */ + add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, + -(long)(removed_runnable * divider) >> SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT); decayed = 1; } @@ -3517,6 +3555,8 @@ static void attach_entity_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *s */ se->avg.util_sum = se->avg.util_avg * divider; + se->avg.runnable_sum = se->avg.runnable_avg * divider; + se->avg.load_sum = divider; if (se_weight(se)) { se->avg.load_sum = @@ -3526,6 +3566,8 @@ static void attach_entity_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *s enqueue_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); cfs_rq->avg.util_avg += se->avg.util_avg; cfs_rq->avg.util_sum += se->avg.util_sum; + cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg += se->avg.runnable_avg; + cfs_rq->avg.runnable_sum += se->avg.runnable_sum; add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, se->avg.load_sum); @@ -3547,6 +3589,8 @@ static void detach_entity_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *s dequeue_load_avg(cfs_rq, se); sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.util_avg, se->avg.util_avg); sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.util_sum, se->avg.util_sum); + sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg, se->avg.runnable_avg); + sub_positive(&cfs_rq->avg.runnable_sum, se->avg.runnable_sum); add_tg_cfs_propagate(cfs_rq, -se->avg.load_sum); @@ -3653,10 +3697,15 @@ static void remove_entity_load_avg(struct sched_entity *se) ++cfs_rq->; cfs_rq->removed.util_avg += se->avg.util_avg; cfs_rq->removed.load_avg += se->avg.load_avg; - cfs_rq->removed.runnable_sum += se->avg.load_sum; /* == runnable_sum */ + cfs_rq->removed.runnable_avg += se->avg.runnable_avg; raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfs_rq->removed.lock, flags); } +static inline unsigned long cfs_rq_runnable_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) +{ + return cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg; +} + static inline unsigned long cfs_rq_load_avg(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) { return cfs_rq->avg.load_avg; @@ -3983,11 +4032,13 @@ enqueue_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags) /* * When enqueuing a sched_entity, we must: * - Update loads to have both entity and cfs_rq synced with now. + * - Add its load to cfs_rq->runnable_avg * - For group_entity, update its weight to reflect the new share of * its group cfs_rq * - Add its new weight to cfs_rq->load.weight */ update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG | DO_ATTACH); + se_update_runnable(se); update_cfs_group(se); account_entity_enqueue(cfs_rq, se); @@ -4065,11 +4116,13 @@ dequeue_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags) /* * When dequeuing a sched_entity, we must: * - Update loads to have both entity and cfs_rq synced with now. + * - Subtract its load from the cfs_rq->runnable_avg. * - Subtract its previous weight from cfs_rq->load.weight. * - For group entity, update its weight to reflect the new share * of its group cfs_rq. */ update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); + se_update_runnable(se); update_stats_dequeue(cfs_rq, se, flags); @@ -5240,6 +5293,7 @@ enqueue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) goto enqueue_throttle; update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); + se_update_runnable(se); update_cfs_group(se); cfs_rq->h_nr_running++; @@ -5337,6 +5391,7 @@ static void dequeue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) goto dequeue_throttle; update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); + se_update_runnable(se); update_cfs_group(se); cfs_rq->h_nr_running--; @@ -5409,6 +5464,11 @@ static unsigned long cpu_load_without(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) return load; } +static unsigned long cpu_runnable(struct rq *rq) +{ + return cfs_rq_runnable_avg(&rq->cfs); +} + static unsigned long capacity_of(int cpu) { return cpu_rq(cpu)->cpu_capacity; @@ -7554,6 +7614,9 @@ static inline bool cfs_rq_is_decayed(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) if (cfs_rq->avg.util_sum) return false; + if (cfs_rq->avg.runnable_sum) + return false; + return true; } diff --git a/kernel/sched/pelt.c b/kernel/sched/pelt.c index 3eb0ed333dcb..c40d57a2a248 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/pelt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/pelt.c @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static u32 __accumulate_pelt_segments(u64 periods, u32 d1, u32 d3) */ static __always_inline u32 accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, - unsigned long load, int running) + unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running) { u32 contrib = (u32)delta; /* p == 0 -> delta < 1024 */ u64 periods; @@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, */ if (periods) { sa->load_sum = decay_load(sa->load_sum, periods); + sa->runnable_sum = + decay_load(sa->runnable_sum, periods); sa->util_sum = decay_load((u64)(sa->util_sum), periods); /* @@ -146,6 +148,8 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, if (load) sa->load_sum += load * contrib; + if (runnable) + sa->runnable_sum += runnable * contrib << SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT; if (running) sa->util_sum += contrib << SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT; @@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ accumulate_sum(u64 delta, struct sched_avg *sa, */ static __always_inline int ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, - unsigned long load, int running) + unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running) { u64 delta; @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, * Also see the comment in accumulate_sum(). */ if (!load) - running = 0; + runnable = running = 0; /* * Now we know we crossed measurement unit boundaries. The *_avg @@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ ___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa, * Step 1: accumulate *_sum since last_update_time. If we haven't * crossed period boundaries, finish. */ - if (!accumulate_sum(delta, sa, load, running)) + if (!accumulate_sum(delta, sa, load, runnable, running)) return 0; return 1; @@ -242,6 +246,7 @@ ___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load) * Step 2: update *_avg. */ sa->load_avg = div_u64(load * sa->load_sum, divider); + sa->runnable_avg = div_u64(sa->runnable_sum, divider); WRITE_ONCE(sa->util_avg, sa->util_sum / divider); } @@ -250,24 +255,30 @@ ___update_load_avg(struct sched_avg *sa, unsigned long load) * * task: * se_weight() = se->load.weight + * se_runnable() = !!on_rq * * group: [ see update_cfs_group() ] * se_weight() = tg->weight * grq->load_avg / tg->load_avg + * se_runnable() = grq->h_nr_running + * + * runnable_sum = se_runnable() * runnable = grq->runnable_sum + * runnable_avg = runnable_sum * * load_sum := runnable * load_avg = se_weight(se) * load_sum * - * XXX collapse load_sum and runnable_load_sum - * * cfq_rq: * + * runnable_sum = \Sum se->avg.runnable_sum + * runnable_avg = \Sum se->avg.runnable_avg + * * load_sum = \Sum se_weight(se) * se->avg.load_sum * load_avg = \Sum se->avg.load_avg */ int __update_load_avg_blocked_se(u64 now, struct sched_entity *se) { - if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, 0, 0)) { + if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, 0, 0, 0)) { ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se)); trace_pelt_se_tp(se); return 1; @@ -278,7 +289,8 @@ int __update_load_avg_blocked_se(u64 now, struct sched_entity *se) int __update_load_avg_se(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se) { - if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, !!se->on_rq, cfs_rq->curr == se)) { + if (___update_load_sum(now, &se->avg, !!se->on_rq, se_runnable(se), + cfs_rq->curr == se)) { ___update_load_avg(&se->avg, se_weight(se)); cfs_se_util_change(&se->avg); @@ -293,6 +305,7 @@ int __update_load_avg_cfs_rq(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &cfs_rq->avg, scale_load_down(cfs_rq->load.weight), + cfs_rq->h_nr_running, cfs_rq->curr != NULL)) { ___update_load_avg(&cfs_rq->avg, 1); @@ -310,13 +323,14 @@ int __update_load_avg_cfs_rq(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum * runnable_sum = util_sum * - * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. + * load_avg and runnable_avg are not supported and meaningless. * */ int update_rt_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &rq->avg_rt, + running, running, running)) { @@ -335,13 +349,14 @@ int update_rt_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum * runnable_sum = util_sum * - * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. + * load_avg and runnable_avg are not supported and meaningless. * */ int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) { if (___update_load_sum(now, &rq->avg_dl, + running, running, running)) { @@ -361,7 +376,7 @@ int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) * util_sum = cpu_scale * load_sum * runnable_sum = util_sum * - * load_avg is not supported and meaningless. + * load_avg and runnable_avg are not supported and meaningless. * */ @@ -389,9 +404,11 @@ int update_irq_load_avg(struct rq *rq, u64 running) * rq->clock += delta with delta >= running */ ret = ___update_load_sum(rq->clock - running, &rq->avg_irq, + 0, 0, 0); ret += ___update_load_sum(rq->clock, &rq->avg_irq, + 1, 1, 1); diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index ce27e588fa7c..2a0caf394dd4 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ struct cfs_rq { int nr; unsigned long load_avg; unsigned long util_avg; - unsigned long runnable_sum; + unsigned long runnable_avg; } removed; #ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED @@ -688,9 +688,29 @@ struct dl_rq { /* An entity is a task if it doesn't "own" a runqueue */ #define entity_is_task(se) (!se->my_q) +static inline void se_update_runnable(struct sched_entity *se) +{ + if (!entity_is_task(se)) + se->runnable_weight = se->my_q->h_nr_running; +} + +static inline long se_runnable(struct sched_entity *se) +{ + if (entity_is_task(se)) + return !!se->on_rq; + else + return se->runnable_weight; +} + #else #define entity_is_task(se) 1 +static inline void se_update_runnable(struct sched_entity *se) {} + +static inline long se_runnable(struct sched_entity *se) +{ + return !!se->on_rq; +} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SMP -- cgit v1.2.3 From 070f5e860ee2bf588c99ef7b4c202451faa48236 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:19 +0000 Subject: sched/fair: Take into account runnable_avg to classify group Take into account the new runnable_avg signal to classify a group and to mitigate the volatility of util_avg in face of intensive migration or new task with random utilization. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Reviewed-by: "Dietmar Eggemann " Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 49b36d62cc35..87521acb3698 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -5469,6 +5469,24 @@ static unsigned long cpu_runnable(struct rq *rq) return cfs_rq_runnable_avg(&rq->cfs); } +static unsigned long cpu_runnable_without(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) +{ + struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq; + unsigned int runnable; + + /* Task has no contribution or is new */ + if (cpu_of(rq) != task_cpu(p) || !READ_ONCE(p->se.avg.last_update_time)) + return cpu_runnable(rq); + + cfs_rq = &rq->cfs; + runnable = READ_ONCE(cfs_rq->avg.runnable_avg); + + /* Discount task's runnable from CPU's runnable */ + lsub_positive(&runnable, p->se.avg.runnable_avg); + + return runnable; +} + static unsigned long capacity_of(int cpu) { return cpu_rq(cpu)->cpu_capacity; @@ -7752,7 +7770,8 @@ struct sg_lb_stats { unsigned long avg_load; /*Avg load across the CPUs of the group */ unsigned long group_load; /* Total load over the CPUs of the group */ unsigned long group_capacity; - unsigned long group_util; /* Total utilization of the group */ + unsigned long group_util; /* Total utilization over the CPUs of the group */ + unsigned long group_runnable; /* Total runnable time over the CPUs of the group */ unsigned int sum_nr_running; /* Nr of tasks running in the group */ unsigned int sum_h_nr_running; /* Nr of CFS tasks running in the group */ unsigned int idle_cpus; @@ -7973,6 +7992,10 @@ group_has_capacity(unsigned int imbalance_pct, struct sg_lb_stats *sgs) if (sgs->sum_nr_running < sgs->group_weight) return true; + if ((sgs->group_capacity * imbalance_pct) < + (sgs->group_runnable * 100)) + return false; + if ((sgs->group_capacity * 100) > (sgs->group_util * imbalance_pct)) return true; @@ -7998,6 +8021,10 @@ group_is_overloaded(unsigned int imbalance_pct, struct sg_lb_stats *sgs) (sgs->group_util * imbalance_pct)) return true; + if ((sgs->group_capacity * imbalance_pct) < + (sgs->group_runnable * 100)) + return true; + return false; } @@ -8092,6 +8119,7 @@ static inline void update_sg_lb_stats(struct lb_env *env, sgs->group_load += cpu_load(rq); sgs->group_util += cpu_util(i); + sgs->group_runnable += cpu_runnable(rq); sgs->sum_h_nr_running += rq->cfs.h_nr_running; nr_running = rq->nr_running; @@ -8367,6 +8395,7 @@ static inline void update_sg_wakeup_stats(struct sched_domain *sd, sgs->group_load += cpu_load_without(rq, p); sgs->group_util += cpu_util_without(i, p); + sgs->group_runnable += cpu_runnable_without(rq, p); local = task_running_on_cpu(i, p); sgs->sum_h_nr_running += rq->cfs.h_nr_running - local; -- cgit v1.2.3 From ff7db0bf24db919f69121bf5df8f3cb6d79f49af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:20 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Prefer using an idle CPU as a migration target instead of comparing tasks task_numa_find_cpu() can scan a node multiple times. Minimally it scans to gather statistics and later to find a suitable target. In some cases, the second scan will simply pick an idle CPU if the load is not imbalanced. This patch caches information on an idle core while gathering statistics and uses it immediately if load is not imbalanced to avoid a second scan of the node runqueues. Preference is given to an idle core rather than an idle SMT sibling to avoid packing HT siblings due to linearly scanning the node cpumask. As a side-effect, even when the second scan is necessary, the importance of using select_idle_sibling is much reduced because information on idle CPUs is cached and can be reused. Note that this patch actually makes is harder to move to an idle CPU as multiple tasks can race for the same idle CPU due to a race checking numa_migrate_on. This is addressed in the next patch. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 87521acb3698..2da21f44e4d0 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1500,8 +1500,29 @@ struct numa_stats { unsigned int nr_running; unsigned int weight; enum numa_type node_type; + int idle_cpu; }; +static inline bool is_core_idle(int cpu) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_SMT + int sibling; + + for_each_cpu(sibling, cpu_smt_mask(cpu)) { + if (cpu == sibling) + continue; + + if (!idle_cpu(cpu)) + return false; + } +#endif + + return true; +} + +/* Forward declarations of select_idle_sibling helpers */ +static inline bool test_idle_cores(int cpu, bool def); + struct task_numa_env { struct task_struct *p; @@ -1537,15 +1558,39 @@ numa_type numa_classify(unsigned int imbalance_pct, return node_fully_busy; } +static inline int numa_idle_core(int idle_core, int cpu) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_SMT + if (!static_branch_likely(&sched_smt_present) || + idle_core >= 0 || !test_idle_cores(cpu, false)) + return idle_core; + + /* + * Prefer cores instead of packing HT siblings + * and triggering future load balancing. + */ + if (is_core_idle(cpu)) + idle_core = cpu; +#endif + + return idle_core; +} + /* - * XXX borrowed from update_sg_lb_stats + * Gather all necessary information to make NUMA balancing placement + * decisions that are compatible with standard load balancer. This + * borrows code and logic from update_sg_lb_stats but sharing a + * common implementation is impractical. */ static void update_numa_stats(struct task_numa_env *env, - struct numa_stats *ns, int nid) + struct numa_stats *ns, int nid, + bool find_idle) { - int cpu; + int cpu, idle_core = -1; memset(ns, 0, sizeof(*ns)); + ns->idle_cpu = -1; + for_each_cpu(cpu, cpumask_of_node(nid)) { struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu); @@ -1553,11 +1598,25 @@ static void update_numa_stats(struct task_numa_env *env, ns->util += cpu_util(cpu); ns->nr_running += rq->cfs.h_nr_running; ns->compute_capacity += capacity_of(cpu); + + if (find_idle && !rq->nr_running && idle_cpu(cpu)) { + if (READ_ONCE(rq->numa_migrate_on) || + !cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, env->p->cpus_ptr)) + continue; + + if (ns->idle_cpu == -1) + ns->idle_cpu = cpu; + + idle_core = numa_idle_core(idle_core, cpu); + } } ns->weight = cpumask_weight(cpumask_of_node(nid)); ns->node_type = numa_classify(env->imbalance_pct, ns); + + if (idle_core >= 0) + ns->idle_cpu = idle_core; } static void task_numa_assign(struct task_numa_env *env, @@ -1566,7 +1625,7 @@ static void task_numa_assign(struct task_numa_env *env, struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(env->dst_cpu); /* Bail out if run-queue part of active NUMA balance. */ - if (xchg(&rq->numa_migrate_on, 1)) + if (env->best_cpu != env->dst_cpu && xchg(&rq->numa_migrate_on, 1)) return; /* @@ -1730,19 +1789,39 @@ static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, goto unlock; assign: - /* - * One idle CPU per node is evaluated for a task numa move. - * Call select_idle_sibling to maybe find a better one. - */ + /* Evaluate an idle CPU for a task numa move. */ if (!cur) { + int cpu = env->dst_stats.idle_cpu; + + /* Nothing cached so current CPU went idle since the search. */ + if (cpu < 0) + cpu = env->dst_cpu; + /* - * select_idle_siblings() uses an per-CPU cpumask that - * can be used from IRQ context. + * If the CPU is no longer truly idle and the previous best CPU + * is, keep using it. */ - local_irq_disable(); - env->dst_cpu = select_idle_sibling(env->p, env->src_cpu, + if (!idle_cpu(cpu) && env->best_cpu >= 0 && + idle_cpu(env->best_cpu)) { + cpu = env->best_cpu; + } + + /* + * Use select_idle_sibling if the previously found idle CPU is + * not idle any more. + */ + if (!idle_cpu(cpu)) { + /* + * select_idle_siblings() uses an per-CPU cpumask that + * can be used from IRQ context. + */ + local_irq_disable(); + cpu = select_idle_sibling(env->p, env->src_cpu, env->dst_cpu); - local_irq_enable(); + local_irq_enable(); + } + + env->dst_cpu = cpu; } task_numa_assign(env, cur, imp); @@ -1776,8 +1855,14 @@ static void task_numa_find_cpu(struct task_numa_env *env, imbalance = adjust_numa_imbalance(imbalance, src_running); /* Use idle CPU if there is no imbalance */ - if (!imbalance) + if (!imbalance) { maymove = true; + if (env->dst_stats.idle_cpu >= 0) { + env->dst_cpu = env->dst_stats.idle_cpu; + task_numa_assign(env, NULL, 0); + return; + } + } } else { long src_load, dst_load, load; /* @@ -1850,10 +1935,10 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) dist = env.dist = node_distance(env.src_nid, env.dst_nid); taskweight = task_weight(p, env.src_nid, dist); groupweight = group_weight(p, env.src_nid, dist); - update_numa_stats(&env, &env.src_stats, env.src_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.src_stats, env.src_nid, false); taskimp = task_weight(p, env.dst_nid, dist) - taskweight; groupimp = group_weight(p, env.dst_nid, dist) - groupweight; - update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid, true); /* Try to find a spot on the preferred nid. */ task_numa_find_cpu(&env, taskimp, groupimp); @@ -1886,7 +1971,7 @@ static int task_numa_migrate(struct task_struct *p) env.dist = dist; env.dst_nid = nid; - update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid); + update_numa_stats(&env, &env.dst_stats, env.dst_nid, true); task_numa_find_cpu(&env, taskimp, groupimp); } } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5fb52dd93a2fe9a738f730de9da108bd1f6c30d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:21 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Find an alternative idle CPU if the CPU is part of an active NUMA balance Multiple tasks can attempt to select and idle CPU but fail because numa_migrate_on is already set and the migration fails. Instead of failing, scan for an alternative idle CPU. select_idle_sibling is not used because it requires IRQs to be disabled and it ignores numa_migrate_on allowing multiple tasks to stack. This scan may still fail if there are idle candidate CPUs due to races but if this occurs, it's best that a task stay on an available CPU that move to a contended one. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 2da21f44e4d0..050c1b19bfc0 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1624,15 +1624,34 @@ static void task_numa_assign(struct task_numa_env *env, { struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(env->dst_cpu); - /* Bail out if run-queue part of active NUMA balance. */ - if (env->best_cpu != env->dst_cpu && xchg(&rq->numa_migrate_on, 1)) + /* Check if run-queue part of active NUMA balance. */ + if (env->best_cpu != env->dst_cpu && xchg(&rq->numa_migrate_on, 1)) { + int cpu; + int start = env->dst_cpu; + + /* Find alternative idle CPU. */ + for_each_cpu_wrap(cpu, cpumask_of_node(env->dst_nid), start) { + if (cpu == env->best_cpu || !idle_cpu(cpu) || + !cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, env->p->cpus_ptr)) { + continue; + } + + env->dst_cpu = cpu; + rq = cpu_rq(env->dst_cpu); + if (!xchg(&rq->numa_migrate_on, 1)) + goto assign; + } + + /* Failed to find an alternative idle CPU */ return; + } +assign: /* * Clear previous best_cpu/rq numa-migrate flag, since task now * found a better CPU to move/swap. */ - if (env->best_cpu != -1) { + if (env->best_cpu != -1 && env->best_cpu != env->dst_cpu) { rq = cpu_rq(env->best_cpu); WRITE_ONCE(rq->numa_migrate_on, 0); } @@ -1806,21 +1825,6 @@ assign: cpu = env->best_cpu; } - /* - * Use select_idle_sibling if the previously found idle CPU is - * not idle any more. - */ - if (!idle_cpu(cpu)) { - /* - * select_idle_siblings() uses an per-CPU cpumask that - * can be used from IRQ context. - */ - local_irq_disable(); - cpu = select_idle_sibling(env->p, env->src_cpu, - env->dst_cpu); - local_irq_enable(); - } - env->dst_cpu = cpu; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 88cca72c9673e631b63eca7a1dba4a9722a3f414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:22 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Bias swapping tasks based on their preferred node When swapping tasks for NUMA balancing, it is preferred that tasks move to or remain on their preferred node. When considering an imbalance, encourage tasks to move to their preferred node and discourage tasks from moving away from their preferred node. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 050c1b19bfc0..8c1ac01a10d5 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1741,18 +1741,27 @@ static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, goto unlock; } + /* Skip this swap candidate if cannot move to the source cpu. */ + if (!cpumask_test_cpu(env->src_cpu, cur->cpus_ptr)) + goto unlock; + + /* + * Skip this swap candidate if it is not moving to its preferred + * node and the best task is. + */ + if (env->best_task && + env->best_task->numa_preferred_nid == env->src_nid && + cur->numa_preferred_nid != env->src_nid) { + goto unlock; + } + /* * "imp" is the fault differential for the source task between the * source and destination node. Calculate the total differential for * the source task and potential destination task. The more negative * the value is, the more remote accesses that would be expected to * be incurred if the tasks were swapped. - */ - /* Skip this swap candidate if cannot move to the source cpu */ - if (!cpumask_test_cpu(env->src_cpu, cur->cpus_ptr)) - goto unlock; - - /* + * * If dst and source tasks are in the same NUMA group, or not * in any group then look only at task weights. */ @@ -1779,12 +1788,34 @@ static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, task_weight(cur, env->dst_nid, dist); } + /* Discourage picking a task already on its preferred node */ + if (cur->numa_preferred_nid == env->dst_nid) + imp -= imp / 16; + + /* + * Encourage picking a task that moves to its preferred node. + * This potentially makes imp larger than it's maximum of + * 1998 (see SMALLIMP and task_weight for why) but in this + * case, it does not matter. + */ + if (cur->numa_preferred_nid == env->src_nid) + imp += imp / 8; + if (maymove && moveimp > imp && moveimp > env->best_imp) { imp = moveimp; cur = NULL; goto assign; } + /* + * Prefer swapping with a task moving to its preferred node over a + * task that is not. + */ + if (env->best_task && cur->numa_preferred_nid == env->src_nid && + env->best_task->numa_preferred_nid != env->src_nid) { + goto assign; + } + /* * If the NUMA importance is less than SMALLIMP, * task migration might only result in ping pong -- cgit v1.2.3 From a0f03b617c3b2644d3d47bf7d9e60aed01bd5b10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:52:23 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Stop an exhastive search if a reasonable swap candidate or idle CPU is found When domains are imbalanced or overloaded a search of all CPUs on the target domain is searched and compared with task_numa_compare. In some circumstances, a candidate is found that is an obvious win. o A task can move to an idle CPU and an idle CPU is found o A swap candidate is found that would move to its preferred domain This patch terminates the search when either condition is met. Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Valentin Schneider Cc: Phil Auld Cc: Hillf Danton Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 8c1ac01a10d5..fcc968669aea 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ static bool load_too_imbalanced(long src_load, long dst_load, * into account that it might be best if task running on the dst_cpu should * be exchanged with the source task */ -static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, +static bool task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, long taskimp, long groupimp, bool maymove) { struct numa_group *cur_ng, *p_ng = deref_curr_numa_group(env->p); @@ -1718,9 +1718,10 @@ static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, int dist = env->dist; long moveimp = imp; long load; + bool stopsearch = false; if (READ_ONCE(dst_rq->numa_migrate_on)) - return; + return false; rcu_read_lock(); cur = rcu_dereference(dst_rq->curr); @@ -1731,8 +1732,10 @@ static void task_numa_compare(struct task_numa_env *env, * Because we have preemption enabled we can get migrated around and * end try selecting ourselves (current == env->p) as a swap candidate. */ - if (cur == env->p) + if (cur == env->p) { + stopsearch = true; goto unlock; + } if (!cur) { if (maymove && moveimp >= env->best_imp) @@ -1860,8 +1863,27 @@ assign: } task_numa_assign(env, cur, imp); + + /* + * If a move to idle is allowed because there is capacity or load + * balance improves then stop the search. While a better swap + * candidate may exist, a search is not free. + */ + if (maymove && !cur && env->best_cpu >= 0 && idle_cpu(env->best_cpu)) + stopsearch = true; + + /* + * If a swap candidate must be identified and the current best task + * moves its preferred node then stop the search. + */ + if (!maymove && env->best_task && + env->best_task->numa_preferred_nid == env->src_nid) { + stopsearch = true; + } unlock: rcu_read_unlock(); + + return stopsearch; } static void task_numa_find_cpu(struct task_numa_env *env, @@ -1916,7 +1938,8 @@ static void task_numa_find_cpu(struct task_numa_env *env, continue; env->dst_cpu = cpu; - task_numa_compare(env, taskimp, groupimp, maymove); + if (task_numa_compare(env, taskimp, groupimp, maymove)) + break; } } -- cgit v1.2.3 From f1dfdab694eb3838ac26f4b73695929c07d92a33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Wilson Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 19:08:49 +0100 Subject: sched/vtime: Prevent unstable evaluation of WARN(vtime->state) As the vtime is sampled under loose seqcount protection by kcpustat, the vtime fields may change as the code flows. Where logic dictates a field has a static value, use a READ_ONCE. Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson Signed-off-by: Frederic Weisbecker Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 74722bb223d0 ("sched/vtime: Bring up complete kcpustat accessor") Link: --- kernel/sched/cputime.c | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/cputime.c b/kernel/sched/cputime.c index cff3e656566d..dac9104d126f 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cputime.c +++ b/kernel/sched/cputime.c @@ -909,8 +909,10 @@ void task_cputime(struct task_struct *t, u64 *utime, u64 *stime) } while (read_seqcount_retry(&vtime->seqcount, seq)); } -static int vtime_state_check(struct vtime *vtime, int cpu) +static int vtime_state_fetch(struct vtime *vtime, int cpu) { + int state = READ_ONCE(vtime->state); + /* * We raced against a context switch, fetch the * kcpustat task again. @@ -927,10 +929,10 @@ static int vtime_state_check(struct vtime *vtime, int cpu) * * Case 1) is ok but 2) is not. So wait for a safe VTIME state. */ - if (vtime->state == VTIME_INACTIVE) + if (state == VTIME_INACTIVE) return -EAGAIN; - return 0; + return state; } static u64 kcpustat_user_vtime(struct vtime *vtime) @@ -949,14 +951,15 @@ static int kcpustat_field_vtime(u64 *cpustat, { struct vtime *vtime = &tsk->vtime; unsigned int seq; - int err; do { + int state; + seq = read_seqcount_begin(&vtime->seqcount); - err = vtime_state_check(vtime, cpu); - if (err < 0) - return err; + state = vtime_state_fetch(vtime, cpu); + if (state < 0) + return state; *val = cpustat[usage]; @@ -969,7 +972,7 @@ static int kcpustat_field_vtime(u64 *cpustat, */ switch (usage) { case CPUTIME_SYSTEM: - if (vtime->state == VTIME_SYS) + if (state == VTIME_SYS) *val += vtime->stime + vtime_delta(vtime); break; case CPUTIME_USER: @@ -981,11 +984,11 @@ static int kcpustat_field_vtime(u64 *cpustat, *val += kcpustat_user_vtime(vtime); break; case CPUTIME_GUEST: - if (vtime->state == VTIME_GUEST && task_nice(tsk) <= 0) + if (state == VTIME_GUEST && task_nice(tsk) <= 0) *val += vtime->gtime + vtime_delta(vtime); break; case CPUTIME_GUEST_NICE: - if (vtime->state == VTIME_GUEST && task_nice(tsk) > 0) + if (state == VTIME_GUEST && task_nice(tsk) > 0) *val += vtime->gtime + vtime_delta(vtime); break; default: @@ -1036,23 +1039,23 @@ static int kcpustat_cpu_fetch_vtime(struct kernel_cpustat *dst, { struct vtime *vtime = &tsk->vtime; unsigned int seq; - int err; do { u64 *cpustat; u64 delta; + int state; seq = read_seqcount_begin(&vtime->seqcount); - err = vtime_state_check(vtime, cpu); - if (err < 0) - return err; + state = vtime_state_fetch(vtime, cpu); + if (state < 0) + return state; *dst = *src; cpustat = dst->cpustat; /* Task is sleeping, dead or idle, nothing to add */ - if (vtime->state < VTIME_SYS) + if (state < VTIME_SYS) continue; delta = vtime_delta(vtime); @@ -1061,15 +1064,15 @@ static int kcpustat_cpu_fetch_vtime(struct kernel_cpustat *dst, * Task runs either in user (including guest) or kernel space, * add pending nohz time to the right place. */ - if (vtime->state == VTIME_SYS) { + if (state == VTIME_SYS) { cpustat[CPUTIME_SYSTEM] += vtime->stime + delta; - } else if (vtime->state == VTIME_USER) { + } else if (state == VTIME_USER) { if (task_nice(tsk) > 0) cpustat[CPUTIME_NICE] += vtime->utime + delta; else cpustat[CPUTIME_USER] += vtime->utime + delta; } else { - WARN_ON_ONCE(vtime->state != VTIME_GUEST); + WARN_ON_ONCE(state != VTIME_GUEST); if (task_nice(tsk) > 0) { cpustat[CPUTIME_GUEST_NICE] += vtime->gtime + delta; cpustat[CPUTIME_NICE] += vtime->gtime + delta; @@ -1080,7 +1083,7 @@ static int kcpustat_cpu_fetch_vtime(struct kernel_cpustat *dst, } } while (read_seqcount_retry(&vtime->seqcount, seq)); - return err; + return 0; } void kcpustat_cpu_fetch(struct kernel_cpustat *dst, int cpu) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 765047932f153265db6ef15be208d6cbfc03dc62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thara Gopinath Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:52:05 -0500 Subject: sched/pelt: Add support to track thermal pressure Extrapolating on the existing framework to track rt/dl utilization using pelt signals, add a similar mechanism to track thermal pressure. The difference here from rt/dl utilization tracking is that, instead of tracking time spent by a CPU running a RT/DL task through util_avg, the average thermal pressure is tracked through load_avg. This is because thermal pressure signal is weighted time "delta" capacity unlike util_avg which is binary. "delta capacity" here means delta between the actual capacity of a CPU and the decreased capacity a CPU due to a thermal event. In order to track average thermal pressure, a new sched_avg variable avg_thermal is introduced. Function update_thermal_load_avg can be called to do the periodic bookkeeping (accumulate, decay and average) of the thermal pressure. Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Thara Gopinath Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- include/trace/events/sched.h | 4 ++++ init/Kconfig | 4 ++++ kernel/sched/pelt.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ kernel/sched/pelt.h | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ kernel/sched/sched.h | 3 +++ 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/trace/events/sched.h b/include/trace/events/sched.h index 9c3ebb7c83a5..ed168b0e2c53 100644 --- a/include/trace/events/sched.h +++ b/include/trace/events/sched.h @@ -618,6 +618,10 @@ DECLARE_TRACE(pelt_dl_tp, TP_PROTO(struct rq *rq), TP_ARGS(rq)); +DECLARE_TRACE(pelt_thermal_tp, + TP_PROTO(struct rq *rq), + TP_ARGS(rq)); + DECLARE_TRACE(pelt_irq_tp, TP_PROTO(struct rq *rq), TP_ARGS(rq)); diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig index 20a6ac33761c..275c848b02c6 100644 --- a/init/Kconfig +++ b/init/Kconfig @@ -451,6 +451,10 @@ config HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQ depends on IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING || PARAVIRT_TIME_ACCOUNTING depends on SMP +config SCHED_THERMAL_PRESSURE + bool "Enable periodic averaging of thermal pressure" + depends on SMP + config BSD_PROCESS_ACCT bool "BSD Process Accounting" depends on MULTIUSER diff --git a/kernel/sched/pelt.c b/kernel/sched/pelt.c index c40d57a2a248..b647d04d9c8b 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/pelt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/pelt.c @@ -368,6 +368,37 @@ int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) return 0; } +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_THERMAL_PRESSURE +/* + * thermal: + * + * load_sum = \Sum se->avg.load_sum but se->avg.load_sum is not tracked + * + * util_avg and runnable_load_avg are not supported and meaningless. + * + * Unlike rt/dl utilization tracking that track time spent by a cpu + * running a rt/dl task through util_avg, the average thermal pressure is + * tracked through load_avg. This is because thermal pressure signal is + * time weighted "delta" capacity unlike util_avg which is binary. + * "delta capacity" = actual capacity - + * capped capacity a cpu due to a thermal event. + */ + +int update_thermal_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, u64 capacity) +{ + if (___update_load_sum(now, &rq->avg_thermal, + capacity, + capacity, + capacity)) { + ___update_load_avg(&rq->avg_thermal, 1); + trace_pelt_thermal_tp(rq); + return 1; + } + + return 0; +} +#endif + #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQ /* * irq: diff --git a/kernel/sched/pelt.h b/kernel/sched/pelt.h index afff644da065..eb034d9f024d 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/pelt.h +++ b/kernel/sched/pelt.h @@ -7,6 +7,26 @@ int __update_load_avg_cfs_rq(u64 now, struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq); int update_rt_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running); int update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running); +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_THERMAL_PRESSURE +int update_thermal_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, u64 capacity); + +static inline u64 thermal_load_avg(struct rq *rq) +{ + return READ_ONCE(rq->avg_thermal.load_avg); +} +#else +static inline int +update_thermal_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, u64 capacity) +{ + return 0; +} + +static inline u64 thermal_load_avg(struct rq *rq) +{ + return 0; +} +#endif + #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQ int update_irq_load_avg(struct rq *rq, u64 running); #else @@ -158,6 +178,17 @@ update_dl_rq_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, int running) return 0; } +static inline int +update_thermal_load_avg(u64 now, struct rq *rq, u64 capacity) +{ + return 0; +} + +static inline u64 thermal_load_avg(struct rq *rq) +{ + return 0; +} + static inline int update_irq_load_avg(struct rq *rq, u64 running) { diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 2a0caf394dd4..6c839f829a25 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -960,6 +960,9 @@ struct rq { struct sched_avg avg_dl; #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQ struct sched_avg avg_irq; +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_THERMAL_PRESSURE + struct sched_avg avg_thermal; #endif u64 idle_stamp; u64 avg_idle; -- cgit v1.2.3 From b4eccf5f8e1dcade112d97be86ad455a94501a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thara Gopinath Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:52:10 -0500 Subject: sched/fair: Enable periodic update of average thermal pressure Introduce support in scheduler periodic tick and other CFS bookkeeping APIs to trigger the process of computing average thermal pressure for a CPU. Also consider avg_thermal.load_avg in others_have_blocked which allows for decay of pelt signals. Signed-off-by: Thara Gopinath Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 3 +++ kernel/sched/fair.c | 7 +++++++ 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 8e6f38073ab3..3e620fe8e3a0 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3586,6 +3586,7 @@ void scheduler_tick(void) struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu); struct task_struct *curr = rq->curr; struct rq_flags rf; + unsigned long thermal_pressure; arch_scale_freq_tick(); sched_clock_tick(); @@ -3593,6 +3594,8 @@ void scheduler_tick(void) rq_lock(rq, &rf); update_rq_clock(rq); + thermal_pressure = arch_scale_thermal_pressure(cpu_of(rq)); + update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_task(rq), rq, thermal_pressure); curr->sched_class->task_tick(rq, curr, 0); calc_global_load_tick(rq); psi_task_tick(rq); diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 4b5d5e5e701e..11f8488f83d7 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -7719,6 +7719,9 @@ static inline bool others_have_blocked(struct rq *rq) if (READ_ONCE(rq->avg_dl.util_avg)) return true; + if (thermal_load_avg(rq)) + return true; + #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQ if (READ_ONCE(rq->avg_irq.util_avg)) return true; @@ -7744,6 +7747,7 @@ static bool __update_blocked_others(struct rq *rq, bool *done) { const struct sched_class *curr_class; u64 now = rq_clock_pelt(rq); + unsigned long thermal_pressure; bool decayed; /* @@ -7752,8 +7756,11 @@ static bool __update_blocked_others(struct rq *rq, bool *done) */ curr_class = rq->curr->sched_class; + thermal_pressure = arch_scale_thermal_pressure(cpu_of(rq)); + decayed = update_rt_rq_load_avg(now, rq, curr_class == &rt_sched_class) | update_dl_rq_load_avg(now, rq, curr_class == &dl_sched_class) | + update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_task(rq), rq, thermal_pressure) | update_irq_load_avg(rq, 0); if (others_have_blocked(rq)) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 467b7d01c469dc6aa492c17d1f1d1952632728f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thara Gopinath Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:52:11 -0500 Subject: sched/fair: Update cpu_capacity to reflect thermal pressure cpu_capacity initially reflects the maximum possible capacity of a CPU. Thermal pressure on a CPU means this maximum possible capacity is unavailable due to thermal events. This patch subtracts the average thermal pressure for a CPU from its maximum possible capacity so that cpu_capacity reflects the remaining maximum capacity. Signed-off-by: Thara Gopinath Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 11f8488f83d7..aa51286c66da 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -7984,8 +7984,15 @@ static unsigned long scale_rt_capacity(struct sched_domain *sd, int cpu) if (unlikely(irq >= max)) return 1; + /* + * avg_rt.util_avg and avg_dl.util_avg track binary signals + * (running and not running) with weights 0 and 1024 respectively. + * avg_thermal.load_avg tracks thermal pressure and the weighted + * average uses the actual delta max capacity(load). + */ used = READ_ONCE(rq->avg_rt.util_avg); used += READ_ONCE(rq->avg_dl.util_avg); + used += thermal_load_avg(rq); if (unlikely(used >= max)) return 1; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 05289b90c2e40ae80f5c70431cd0be4cc8a6038d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thara Gopinath Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:52:13 -0500 Subject: sched/fair: Enable tuning of decay period Thermal pressure follows pelt signals which means the decay period for thermal pressure is the default pelt decay period. Depending on SoC characteristics and thermal activity, it might be beneficial to decay thermal pressure slower, but still in-tune with the pelt signals. One way to achieve this is to provide a command line parameter to set a decay shift parameter to an integer between 0 and 10. Signed-off-by: Thara Gopinath Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt | 16 ++++++++++++++++ kernel/sched/core.c | 2 +- kernel/sched/fair.c | 15 ++++++++++++++- kernel/sched/sched.h | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt index c07815d230bc..dac8245ef588 100644 --- a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt +++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt @@ -4392,6 +4392,22 @@ incurs a small amount of overhead in the scheduler but is useful for debugging and performance tuning. + sched_thermal_decay_shift= + [KNL, SMP] Set a decay shift for scheduler thermal + pressure signal. Thermal pressure signal follows the + default decay period of other scheduler pelt + signals(usually 32 ms but configurable). Setting + sched_thermal_decay_shift will left shift the decay + period for the thermal pressure signal by the shift + value. + i.e. with the default pelt decay period of 32 ms + sched_thermal_decay_shift thermal pressure decay pr + 1 64 ms + 2 128 ms + and so on. + Format: integer between 0 and 10 + Default is 0. + skew_tick= [KNL] Offset the periodic timer tick per cpu to mitigate xtime_lock contention on larger systems, and/or RCU lock contention on all systems with CONFIG_MAXSMP set. diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 3e620fe8e3a0..4d76df33418e 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3595,7 +3595,7 @@ void scheduler_tick(void) update_rq_clock(rq); thermal_pressure = arch_scale_thermal_pressure(cpu_of(rq)); - update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_task(rq), rq, thermal_pressure); + update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_thermal(rq), rq, thermal_pressure); curr->sched_class->task_tick(rq, curr, 0); calc_global_load_tick(rq); psi_task_tick(rq); diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index aa51286c66da..79bb423de1e6 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -86,6 +86,19 @@ static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity = 1000000UL; const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_migration_cost = 500000UL; +int sched_thermal_decay_shift; +static int __init setup_sched_thermal_decay_shift(char *str) +{ + int _shift = 0; + + if (kstrtoint(str, 0, &_shift)) + pr_warn("Unable to set scheduler thermal pressure decay shift parameter\n"); + + sched_thermal_decay_shift = clamp(_shift, 0, 10); + return 1; +} +__setup("sched_thermal_decay_shift=", setup_sched_thermal_decay_shift); + #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* * For asym packing, by default the lower numbered CPU has higher priority. @@ -7760,7 +7773,7 @@ static bool __update_blocked_others(struct rq *rq, bool *done) decayed = update_rt_rq_load_avg(now, rq, curr_class == &rt_sched_class) | update_dl_rq_load_avg(now, rq, curr_class == &dl_sched_class) | - update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_task(rq), rq, thermal_pressure) | + update_thermal_load_avg(rq_clock_thermal(rq), rq, thermal_pressure) | update_irq_load_avg(rq, 0); if (others_have_blocked(rq)) diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 6c839f829a25..7f1a85bd540d 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -1127,6 +1127,24 @@ static inline u64 rq_clock_task(struct rq *rq) return rq->clock_task; } +/** + * By default the decay is the default pelt decay period. + * The decay shift can change the decay period in + * multiples of 32. + * Decay shift Decay period(ms) + * 0 32 + * 1 64 + * 2 128 + * 3 256 + * 4 512 + */ +extern int sched_thermal_decay_shift; + +static inline u64 rq_clock_thermal(struct rq *rq) +{ + return rq_clock_task(rq) >> sched_thermal_decay_shift; +} + static inline void rq_clock_skip_update(struct rq *rq) { lockdep_assert_held(&rq->lock); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 76c389ab2b5e300698eab87f9d4b7916f14117ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 11:02:57 +0000 Subject: sched/fair: Fix kernel build warning in test_idle_cores() for !SMT NUMA Building against the tip/sched/core as ff7db0bf24db ("sched/numa: Prefer using an idle CPU as a migration target instead of comparing tasks") with the arm64 defconfig (which doesn't have CONFIG_SCHED_SMT set) leads to: kernel/sched/fair.c:1525:20: warning: 'test_idle_cores' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] static inline bool test_idle_cores(int cpu, bool def); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rather than define it in its own CONFIG_SCHED_SMT #define island, bunch it up with test_idle_cores(). Reported-by: Anshuman Khandual Reported-by: Naresh Kamboju Reviewed-by: Lukasz Luba [ Edit changelog, minor style change] Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: ff7db0bf24db ("sched/numa: Prefer using an idle CPU as a migration target instead of comparing tasks") Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 14 +++++++++----- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 79bb423de1e6..bba945277205 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1533,9 +1533,6 @@ static inline bool is_core_idle(int cpu) return true; } -/* Forward declarations of select_idle_sibling helpers */ -static inline bool test_idle_cores(int cpu, bool def); - struct task_numa_env { struct task_struct *p; @@ -1571,9 +1568,11 @@ numa_type numa_classify(unsigned int imbalance_pct, return node_fully_busy; } +#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_SMT +/* Forward declarations of select_idle_sibling helpers */ +static inline bool test_idle_cores(int cpu, bool def); static inline int numa_idle_core(int idle_core, int cpu) { -#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_SMT if (!static_branch_likely(&sched_smt_present) || idle_core >= 0 || !test_idle_cores(cpu, false)) return idle_core; @@ -1584,10 +1583,15 @@ static inline int numa_idle_core(int idle_core, int cpu) */ if (is_core_idle(cpu)) idle_core = cpu; -#endif return idle_core; } +#else +static inline int numa_idle_core(int idle_core, int cpu) +{ + return idle_core; +} +#endif /* * Gather all necessary information to make NUMA balancing placement -- cgit v1.2.3 From 0621df315402dd7bc56f7272fae9778701289825 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mel Gorman Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:18:04 +0000 Subject: sched/numa: Acquire RCU lock for checking idle cores during NUMA balancing Qian Cai reported the following bug: The linux-next commit ff7db0bf24db ("sched/numa: Prefer using an idle CPU as a migration target instead of comparing tasks") introduced a boot warning, [ 86.520534][ T1] WARNING: suspicious RCU usage [ 86.520540][ T1] 5.6.0-rc3-next-20200227 #7 Not tainted [ 86.520545][ T1] ----------------------------- [ 86.520551][ T1] kernel/sched/fair.c:5914 suspicious rcu_dereference_check() usage! [ 86.520555][ T1] [ 86.520555][ T1] other info that might help us debug this: [ 86.520555][ T1] [ 86.520561][ T1] [ 86.520561][ T1] rcu_scheduler_active = 2, debug_locks = 1 [ 86.520567][ T1] 1 lock held by systemd/1: [ 86.520571][ T1] #0: ffff8887f4b14848 (&mm->mmap_sem#2){++++}, at: do_page_fault+0x1d2/0x998 [ 86.520594][ T1] [ 86.520594][ T1] stack backtrace: [ 86.520602][ T1] CPU: 1 PID: 1 Comm: systemd Not tainted 5.6.0-rc3-next-20200227 #7 task_numa_migrate() checks for idle cores when updating NUMA-related statistics. This relies on reading a RCU-protected structure in test_idle_cores() via this call chain task_numa_migrate -> update_numa_stats -> numa_idle_core -> test_idle_cores While the locking could be fine-grained, it is more appropriate to acquire the RCU lock for the entire scan of the domain. This patch removes the warning triggered at boot time. Reported-by: Qian Cai Reviewed-by: Paul E. McKenney Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: ff7db0bf24db ("sched/numa: Prefer using an idle CPU as a migration target instead of comparing tasks") Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index bba945277205..3887b7323abd 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -1608,6 +1608,7 @@ static void update_numa_stats(struct task_numa_env *env, memset(ns, 0, sizeof(*ns)); ns->idle_cpu = -1; + rcu_read_lock(); for_each_cpu(cpu, cpumask_of_node(nid)) { struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu); @@ -1627,6 +1628,7 @@ static void update_numa_stats(struct task_numa_env *env, idle_core = numa_idle_core(idle_core, cpu); } } + rcu_read_unlock(); ns->weight = cpumask_weight(cpumask_of_node(nid)); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 38502ab4bf3c463081bfd53356980a9ec2f32d1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:14:32 +0000 Subject: sched/topology: Don't enable EAS on SMT systems EAS already requires asymmetric CPU capacities to be enabled, and mixing this with SMT is an aberration, but better be safe than sorry. Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann Acked-by: Quentin Perret Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/topology.c | 12 ++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/topology.c b/kernel/sched/topology.c index 00911884b7e7..8344757bba6e 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/topology.c +++ b/kernel/sched/topology.c @@ -317,8 +317,9 @@ static void sched_energy_set(bool has_eas) * EAS can be used on a root domain if it meets all the following conditions: * 1. an Energy Model (EM) is available; * 2. the SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY flag is set in the sched_domain hierarchy. - * 3. the EM complexity is low enough to keep scheduling overheads low; - * 4. schedutil is driving the frequency of all CPUs of the rd; + * 3. no SMT is detected. + * 4. the EM complexity is low enough to keep scheduling overheads low; + * 5. schedutil is driving the frequency of all CPUs of the rd; * * The complexity of the Energy Model is defined as: * @@ -360,6 +361,13 @@ static bool build_perf_domains(const struct cpumask *cpu_map) goto free; } + /* EAS definitely does *not* handle SMT */ + if (sched_smt_active()) { + pr_warn("rd %*pbl: Disabling EAS, SMT is not supported\n", + cpumask_pr_args(cpu_map)); + goto free; + } + for_each_cpu(i, cpu_map) { /* Skip already covered CPUs. */ if (find_pd(pd, i)) -- cgit v1.2.3 From ba4f7bc1dee318a0fd9c0e3bd46227aca21ac2f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yu Chen Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 18:03:29 +0800 Subject: sched/deadline: Make two functions static Since commit 06a76fe08d4 ("sched/deadline: Move DL related code from sched/core.c to sched/deadline.c"), DL related code moved to deadline.c. Make the following two functions static since they're only used in deadline.c: dl_change_utilization() init_dl_rq_bw_ratio() Signed-off-by: Yu Chen Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/deadline.c | 6 ++++-- kernel/sched/sched.h | 2 -- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/deadline.c b/kernel/sched/deadline.c index 43323f875cb9..504d2f51b0d6 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/deadline.c +++ b/kernel/sched/deadline.c @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void sub_running_bw(struct sched_dl_entity *dl_se, struct dl_rq *dl_rq) __sub_running_bw(dl_se->dl_bw, dl_rq); } -void dl_change_utilization(struct task_struct *p, u64 new_bw) +static void dl_change_utilization(struct task_struct *p, u64 new_bw) { struct rq *rq; @@ -334,6 +334,8 @@ static inline int is_leftmost(struct task_struct *p, struct dl_rq *dl_rq) return dl_rq->root.rb_leftmost == &dl_se->rb_node; } +static void init_dl_rq_bw_ratio(struct dl_rq *dl_rq); + void init_dl_bandwidth(struct dl_bandwidth *dl_b, u64 period, u64 runtime) { raw_spin_lock_init(&dl_b->dl_runtime_lock); @@ -2496,7 +2498,7 @@ int sched_dl_global_validate(void) return ret; } -void init_dl_rq_bw_ratio(struct dl_rq *dl_rq) +static void init_dl_rq_bw_ratio(struct dl_rq *dl_rq) { if (global_rt_runtime() == RUNTIME_INF) { dl_rq->bw_ratio = 1 << RATIO_SHIFT; diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 7f1a85bd540d..9e173fad0425 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -305,7 +305,6 @@ bool __dl_overflow(struct dl_bw *dl_b, int cpus, u64 old_bw, u64 new_bw) dl_b->bw * cpus < dl_b->total_bw - old_bw + new_bw; } -extern void dl_change_utilization(struct task_struct *p, u64 new_bw); extern void init_dl_bw(struct dl_bw *dl_b); extern int sched_dl_global_validate(void); extern void sched_dl_do_global(void); @@ -1905,7 +1904,6 @@ extern struct dl_bandwidth def_dl_bandwidth; extern void init_dl_bandwidth(struct dl_bandwidth *dl_b, u64 period, u64 runtime); extern void init_dl_task_timer(struct sched_dl_entity *dl_se); extern void init_dl_inactive_task_timer(struct sched_dl_entity *dl_se); -extern void init_dl_rq_bw_ratio(struct dl_rq *dl_rq); #define BW_SHIFT 20 #define BW_UNIT (1 << BW_SHIFT) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6212437f0f6043e825e021e4afc5cd63e248a2b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:41:15 +0100 Subject: sched/fair: Fix runnable_avg for throttled cfs When a cfs_rq is throttled, its group entity is dequeued and its running tasks are removed. We must update runnable_avg with the old h_nr_running and update group_se->runnable_weight with the new h_nr_running at each level of the hierarchy. Reviewed-by: Ben Segall Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 9f68395333ad ("sched/pelt: Add a new runnable average signal") Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 14 ++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 3887b7323abd..54bd6280676e 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -4720,8 +4720,13 @@ static void throttle_cfs_rq(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) if (!se->on_rq) break; - if (dequeue) + if (dequeue) { dequeue_entity(qcfs_rq, se, DEQUEUE_SLEEP); + } else { + update_load_avg(qcfs_rq, se, 0); + se_update_runnable(se); + } + qcfs_rq->h_nr_running -= task_delta; qcfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running -= idle_task_delta; @@ -4789,8 +4794,13 @@ void unthrottle_cfs_rq(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) enqueue = 0; cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); - if (enqueue) + if (enqueue) { enqueue_entity(cfs_rq, se, ENQUEUE_WAKEUP); + } else { + update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, 0); + se_update_runnable(se); + } + cfs_rq->h_nr_running += task_delta; cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running += idle_task_delta; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5ab297bab984310267734dfbcc8104566658ebef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 09:42:08 +0100 Subject: sched/fair: Fix reordering of enqueue/dequeue_task_fair() Even when a cgroup is throttled, the group se of a child cgroup can still be enqueued and its gse->on_rq stays true. When a task is enqueued on such child, we still have to update the load_avg and increase h_nr_running of the throttled cfs. Nevertheless, the 1st for_each_sched_entity() loop is skipped because of gse->on_rq == true and the 2nd loop because the cfs is throttled whereas we have to update both load_avg with the old h_nr_running and increase h_nr_running in such case. The same sequence can happen during dequeue when se moves to parent before breaking in the 1st loop. Note that the update of load_avg will effectively happen only once in order to sync up to the throttled time. Next call for updating load_avg will stop early because the clock stays unchanged. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 6d4d22468dae ("sched/fair: Reorder enqueue/dequeue_task_fair path") Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 54bd6280676e..1dea8554ead0 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -5460,16 +5460,16 @@ enqueue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) for_each_sched_entity(se) { cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); - /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ - if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - goto enqueue_throttle; - update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); se_update_runnable(se); update_cfs_group(se); cfs_rq->h_nr_running++; cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running += idle_h_nr_running; + + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ + if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) + goto enqueue_throttle; } enqueue_throttle: @@ -5558,16 +5558,17 @@ static void dequeue_task_fair(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags) for_each_sched_entity(se) { cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); - /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ - if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) - goto dequeue_throttle; - update_load_avg(cfs_rq, se, UPDATE_TG); se_update_runnable(se); update_cfs_group(se); cfs_rq->h_nr_running--; cfs_rq->idle_h_nr_running -= idle_h_nr_running; + + /* end evaluation on encountering a throttled cfs_rq */ + if (cfs_rq_throttled(cfs_rq)) + goto dequeue_throttle; + } dequeue_throttle: -- cgit v1.2.3 From d9cb236b9429044dc694ea70a50163ddd283cea6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 13:27:16 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: cpupri_find: Implement fallback mechanism for !fit case When searching for the best lowest_mask with a fitness_fn passed, make sure we record the lowest_level that returns a valid lowest_mask so that we can use that as a fallback in case we fail to find a fitting CPU at all levels. The intention in the original patch was not to allow a down migration to unfitting CPU. But this missed the case where we are already running on unfitting one. With this change now RT tasks can still move between unfitting CPUs when they're already running on such CPU. And as Steve suggested; to adhere to the strict priority rules of RT, if a task is already running on a fitting CPU but due to priority it can't run on it, allow it to downmigrate to unfitting CPU so it can run. Reported-by: Pavan Kondeti Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 804d402fb6f6 ("sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware") Link: Link: --- kernel/sched/cpupri.c | 157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c index 1a2719e1350a..1bcfa1995550 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c +++ b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c @@ -41,6 +41,59 @@ static int convert_prio(int prio) return cpupri; } +static inline int __cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, + struct cpumask *lowest_mask, int idx) +{ + struct cpupri_vec *vec = &cp->pri_to_cpu[idx]; + int skip = 0; + + if (!atomic_read(&(vec)->count)) + skip = 1; + /* + * When looking at the vector, we need to read the counter, + * do a memory barrier, then read the mask. + * + * Note: This is still all racey, but we can deal with it. + * Ideally, we only want to look at masks that are set. + * + * If a mask is not set, then the only thing wrong is that we + * did a little more work than necessary. + * + * If we read a zero count but the mask is set, because of the + * memory barriers, that can only happen when the highest prio + * task for a run queue has left the run queue, in which case, + * it will be followed by a pull. If the task we are processing + * fails to find a proper place to go, that pull request will + * pull this task if the run queue is running at a lower + * priority. + */ + smp_rmb(); + + /* Need to do the rmb for every iteration */ + if (skip) + return 0; + + if (cpumask_any_and(p->cpus_ptr, vec->mask) >= nr_cpu_ids) + return 0; + + if (lowest_mask) { + cpumask_and(lowest_mask, p->cpus_ptr, vec->mask); + + /* + * We have to ensure that we have at least one bit + * still set in the array, since the map could have + * been concurrently emptied between the first and + * second reads of vec->mask. If we hit this + * condition, simply act as though we never hit this + * priority level and continue on. + */ + if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} + /** * cpupri_find - find the best (lowest-pri) CPU in the system * @cp: The cpupri context @@ -62,80 +115,72 @@ int cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, struct cpumask *lowest_mask, bool (*fitness_fn)(struct task_struct *p, int cpu)) { - int idx = 0; int task_pri = convert_prio(p->prio); + int best_unfit_idx = -1; + int idx = 0, cpu; BUG_ON(task_pri >= CPUPRI_NR_PRIORITIES); for (idx = 0; idx < task_pri; idx++) { - struct cpupri_vec *vec = &cp->pri_to_cpu[idx]; - int skip = 0; - if (!atomic_read(&(vec)->count)) - skip = 1; - /* - * When looking at the vector, we need to read the counter, - * do a memory barrier, then read the mask. - * - * Note: This is still all racey, but we can deal with it. - * Ideally, we only want to look at masks that are set. - * - * If a mask is not set, then the only thing wrong is that we - * did a little more work than necessary. - * - * If we read a zero count but the mask is set, because of the - * memory barriers, that can only happen when the highest prio - * task for a run queue has left the run queue, in which case, - * it will be followed by a pull. If the task we are processing - * fails to find a proper place to go, that pull request will - * pull this task if the run queue is running at a lower - * priority. - */ - smp_rmb(); - - /* Need to do the rmb for every iteration */ - if (skip) - continue; - - if (cpumask_any_and(p->cpus_ptr, vec->mask) >= nr_cpu_ids) + if (!__cpupri_find(cp, p, lowest_mask, idx)) continue; - if (lowest_mask) { - int cpu; + if (!lowest_mask || !fitness_fn) + return 1; - cpumask_and(lowest_mask, p->cpus_ptr, vec->mask); + /* Ensure the capacity of the CPUs fit the task */ + for_each_cpu(cpu, lowest_mask) { + if (!fitness_fn(p, cpu)) + cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, lowest_mask); + } + /* + * If no CPU at the current priority can fit the task + * continue looking + */ + if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) { /* - * We have to ensure that we have at least one bit - * still set in the array, since the map could have - * been concurrently emptied between the first and - * second reads of vec->mask. If we hit this - * condition, simply act as though we never hit this - * priority level and continue on. + * Store our fallback priority in case we + * didn't find a fitting CPU */ - if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) - continue; + if (best_unfit_idx == -1) + best_unfit_idx = idx; - if (!fitness_fn) - return 1; - - /* Ensure the capacity of the CPUs fit the task */ - for_each_cpu(cpu, lowest_mask) { - if (!fitness_fn(p, cpu)) - cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, lowest_mask); - } - - /* - * If no CPU at the current priority can fit the task - * continue looking - */ - if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) - continue; + continue; } return 1; } + /* + * If we failed to find a fitting lowest_mask, make sure we fall back + * to the last known unfitting lowest_mask. + * + * Note that the map of the recorded idx might have changed since then, + * so we must ensure to do the full dance to make sure that level still + * holds a valid lowest_mask. + * + * As per above, the map could have been concurrently emptied while we + * were busy searching for a fitting lowest_mask at the other priority + * levels. + * + * This rule favours honouring priority over fitting the task in the + * correct CPU (Capacity Awareness being the only user now). + * The idea is that if a higher priority task can run, then it should + * run even if this ends up being on unfitting CPU. + * + * The cost of this trade-off is not entirely clear and will probably + * be good for some workloads and bad for others. + * + * The main idea here is that if some CPUs were overcommitted, we try + * to spread which is what the scheduler traditionally did. Sys admins + * must do proper RT planning to avoid overloading the system if they + * really care. + */ + if (best_unfit_idx != -1) + return __cpupri_find(cp, p, lowest_mask, best_unfit_idx); + return 0; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From b28bc1e002c23ff8a4999c4a2fb1d4d412bc6f5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 13:27:17 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: Re-instate old behavior in select_task_rq_rt() When RT Capacity Aware support was added, the logic in select_task_rq_rt was modified to force a search for a fitting CPU if the task currently doesn't run on one. But if the search failed, and the search was only triggered to fulfill the fitness request; we could end up selecting a new CPU unnecessarily. Fix this and re-instate the original behavior by ensuring we bail out in that case. This behavior change only affected asymmetric systems that are using util_clamp to implement capacity aware. None asymmetric systems weren't affected. LINK: Reported-by: Pavan Kondeti Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 804d402fb6f6 ("sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware") Link: --- kernel/sched/rt.c | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/rt.c b/kernel/sched/rt.c index 55a4a5042292..f0071fa01c1d 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/rt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/rt.c @@ -1474,6 +1474,13 @@ select_task_rq_rt(struct task_struct *p, int cpu, int sd_flag, int flags) if (test || !rt_task_fits_capacity(p, cpu)) { int target = find_lowest_rq(p); + /* + * Bail out if we were forcing a migration to find a better + * fitting CPU but our search failed. + */ + if (!test && target != -1 && !rt_task_fits_capacity(p, target)) + goto out_unlock; + /* * Don't bother moving it if the destination CPU is * not running a lower priority task. @@ -1482,6 +1489,8 @@ select_task_rq_rt(struct task_struct *p, int cpu, int sd_flag, int flags) p->prio < cpu_rq(target)->rt.highest_prio.curr) cpu = target; } + +out_unlock: rcu_read_unlock(); out: -- cgit v1.2.3 From a1bd02e1f28b1939cac8c64072a0e578c3cbc345 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 13:27:18 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: Optimize cpupri_find() on non-heterogenous systems By introducing a new cpupri_find_fitness() function that takes the fitness_fn as an argument and only called when asym_system static key is enabled. cpupri_find() is now a wrapper function that calls cpupri_find_fitness() passing NULL as a fitness_fn, hence disabling the logic that handles fitness by default. LINK: Reported-by: Dietmar Eggemann Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 804d402fb6f6 ("sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware") Link: --- kernel/sched/cpupri.c | 10 ++++++++-- kernel/sched/cpupri.h | 6 ++++-- kernel/sched/rt.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++---- 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c index 1bcfa1995550..dd3f16d1a04a 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c +++ b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c @@ -94,8 +94,14 @@ static inline int __cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, return 1; } +int cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, + struct cpumask *lowest_mask) +{ + return cpupri_find_fitness(cp, p, lowest_mask, NULL); +} + /** - * cpupri_find - find the best (lowest-pri) CPU in the system + * cpupri_find_fitness - find the best (lowest-pri) CPU in the system * @cp: The cpupri context * @p: The task * @lowest_mask: A mask to fill in with selected CPUs (or NULL) @@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ static inline int __cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, * * Return: (int)bool - CPUs were found */ -int cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, +int cpupri_find_fitness(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, struct cpumask *lowest_mask, bool (*fitness_fn)(struct task_struct *p, int cpu)) { diff --git a/kernel/sched/cpupri.h b/kernel/sched/cpupri.h index 32dd520db11f..efbb492bb94c 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cpupri.h +++ b/kernel/sched/cpupri.h @@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ struct cpupri { #ifdef CONFIG_SMP int cpupri_find(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, - struct cpumask *lowest_mask, - bool (*fitness_fn)(struct task_struct *p, int cpu)); + struct cpumask *lowest_mask); +int cpupri_find_fitness(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, + struct cpumask *lowest_mask, + bool (*fitness_fn)(struct task_struct *p, int cpu)); void cpupri_set(struct cpupri *cp, int cpu, int pri); int cpupri_init(struct cpupri *cp); void cpupri_cleanup(struct cpupri *cp); diff --git a/kernel/sched/rt.c b/kernel/sched/rt.c index f0071fa01c1d..29a86959bda4 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/rt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/rt.c @@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ static void check_preempt_equal_prio(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) * let's hope p can move out. */ if (rq->curr->nr_cpus_allowed == 1 || - !cpupri_find(&rq->rd->cpupri, rq->curr, NULL, NULL)) + !cpupri_find(&rq->rd->cpupri, rq->curr, NULL)) return; /* @@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ static void check_preempt_equal_prio(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) * see if it is pushed or pulled somewhere else. */ if (p->nr_cpus_allowed != 1 && - cpupri_find(&rq->rd->cpupri, p, NULL, NULL)) + cpupri_find(&rq->rd->cpupri, p, NULL)) return; /* @@ -1691,6 +1691,7 @@ static int find_lowest_rq(struct task_struct *task) struct cpumask *lowest_mask = this_cpu_cpumask_var_ptr(local_cpu_mask); int this_cpu = smp_processor_id(); int cpu = task_cpu(task); + int ret; /* Make sure the mask is initialized first */ if (unlikely(!lowest_mask)) @@ -1699,8 +1700,22 @@ static int find_lowest_rq(struct task_struct *task) if (task->nr_cpus_allowed == 1) return -1; /* No other targets possible */ - if (!cpupri_find(&task_rq(task)->rd->cpupri, task, lowest_mask, - rt_task_fits_capacity)) + /* + * If we're on asym system ensure we consider the different capacities + * of the CPUs when searching for the lowest_mask. + */ + if (static_branch_unlikely(&sched_asym_cpucapacity)) { + + ret = cpupri_find_fitness(&task_rq(task)->rd->cpupri, + task, lowest_mask, + rt_task_fits_capacity); + } else { + + ret = cpupri_find(&task_rq(task)->rd->cpupri, + task, lowest_mask); + } + + if (!ret) return -1; /* No targets found */ /* -- cgit v1.2.3 From 98ca645f824301bde72e0a51cdc8bdbbea6774a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 13:27:19 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: Allow pulling unfitting task When implemented RT Capacity Awareness; the logic was done such that if a task was running on a fitting CPU, then it was sticky and we would try our best to keep it there. But as Steve suggested, to adhere to the strict priority rules of RT class; allow pulling an RT task to unfitting CPU to ensure it gets a chance to run ASAP. LINK: Suggested-by: Steven Rostedt Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 804d402fb6f6 ("sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware") Link: --- kernel/sched/rt.c | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/rt.c b/kernel/sched/rt.c index 29a86959bda4..bcb143661a86 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/rt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/rt.c @@ -1656,8 +1656,7 @@ static void put_prev_task_rt(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) static int pick_rt_task(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int cpu) { if (!task_running(rq, p) && - cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr) && - rt_task_fits_capacity(p, cpu)) + cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr)) return 1; return 0; -- cgit v1.2.3 From d94a9df49069ba8ff7c4aaeca1229e6471a01a15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 13:27:20 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: Remove unnecessary push for unfit tasks In task_woken_rt() and switched_to_rto() we try trigger push-pull if the task is unfit. But the logic is found lacking because if the task was the only one running on the CPU, then rt_rq is not in overloaded state and won't trigger a push. The necessity of this logic was under a debate as well, a summary of the discussion can be found in the following thread: Remove the logic for now until a better approach is agreed upon. Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Fixes: 804d402fb6f6 ("sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware") Link: --- kernel/sched/rt.c | 7 ++----- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/rt.c b/kernel/sched/rt.c index bcb143661a86..df11d88c9895 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/rt.c +++ b/kernel/sched/rt.c @@ -2225,7 +2225,7 @@ static void task_woken_rt(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) (rq->curr->nr_cpus_allowed < 2 || rq->curr->prio <= p->prio); - if (need_to_push || !rt_task_fits_capacity(p, cpu_of(rq))) + if (need_to_push) push_rt_tasks(rq); } @@ -2297,10 +2297,7 @@ static void switched_to_rt(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) */ if (task_on_rq_queued(p) && rq->curr != p) { #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - bool need_to_push = rq->rt.overloaded || - !rt_task_fits_capacity(p, cpu_of(rq)); - - if (p->nr_cpus_allowed > 1 && need_to_push) + if (p->nr_cpus_allowed > 1 && rq->rt.overloaded) rt_queue_push_tasks(rq); #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */ if (p->prio < rq->curr->prio && cpu_online(cpu_of(rq))) -- cgit v1.2.3 From fd3eafda8f146d4ad8f95f91a8c2b9a5319ff6b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Xu Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 16:31:25 -0500 Subject: sched/core: Remove rq.hrtick_csd_pending Now smp_call_function_single_async() provides the protection that we'll return with -EBUSY if the csd object is still pending, then we don't need the rq.hrtick_csd_pending any more. Signed-off-by: Peter Xu Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 9 ++------- kernel/sched/sched.h | 1 - 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 1a9983da4408..b70ec3814ca5 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ static void __hrtick_start(void *arg) rq_lock(rq, &rf); __hrtick_restart(rq); - rq->hrtick_csd_pending = 0; rq_unlock(rq, &rf); } @@ -293,12 +292,10 @@ void hrtick_start(struct rq *rq, u64 delay) hrtimer_set_expires(timer, time); - if (rq == this_rq()) { + if (rq == this_rq()) __hrtick_restart(rq); - } else if (!rq->hrtick_csd_pending) { + else smp_call_function_single_async(cpu_of(rq), &rq->hrtick_csd); - rq->hrtick_csd_pending = 1; - } } #else @@ -322,8 +319,6 @@ void hrtick_start(struct rq *rq, u64 delay) static void hrtick_rq_init(struct rq *rq) { #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - rq->hrtick_csd_pending = 0; - rq->hrtick_csd.flags = 0; rq->hrtick_csd.func = __hrtick_start; rq-> = rq; diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 9ea647835fd6..38e60b84e3b4 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -967,7 +967,6 @@ struct rq { #ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_HRTICK #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - int hrtick_csd_pending; call_single_data_t hrtick_csd; #endif struct hrtimer hrtick_timer; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 14533a16c46db70b8a75eda8fa633c25ac446d81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ingo Molnar Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 14:26:31 +0100 Subject: thermal/cpu-cooling, sched/core: Move the arch_set_thermal_pressure() API to generic scheduler code drivers/base/arch_topology.c is only built if CONFIG_GENERIC_ARCH_TOPOLOGY=y, resulting in such build failures: cpufreq_cooling.c:(.text+0x1e7): undefined reference to `arch_set_thermal_pressure' Move it to sched/core.c instead, and keep it enabled on x86 despite us not having a arch_scale_thermal_pressure() facility there, to build-test this thing. Cc: Thara Gopinath Cc: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar --- drivers/base/arch_topology.c | 11 ----------- kernel/sched/core.c | 11 +++++++++++ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/drivers/base/arch_topology.c b/drivers/base/arch_topology.c index 68dfa49d3b63..6119e11a9f95 100644 --- a/drivers/base/arch_topology.c +++ b/drivers/base/arch_topology.c @@ -42,17 +42,6 @@ void topology_set_cpu_scale(unsigned int cpu, unsigned long capacity) per_cpu(cpu_scale, cpu) = capacity; } -DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, thermal_pressure); - -void arch_set_thermal_pressure(struct cpumask *cpus, - unsigned long th_pressure) -{ - int cpu; - - for_each_cpu(cpu, cpus) - WRITE_ONCE(per_cpu(thermal_pressure, cpu), th_pressure); -} - static ssize_t cpu_capacity_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 4d76df33418e..978bf6f6e0ff 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -3576,6 +3576,17 @@ unsigned long long task_sched_runtime(struct task_struct *p) return ns; } +DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, thermal_pressure); + +void arch_set_thermal_pressure(struct cpumask *cpus, + unsigned long th_pressure) +{ + int cpu; + + for_each_cpu(cpu, cpus) + WRITE_ONCE(per_cpu(thermal_pressure, cpu), th_pressure); +} + /* * This function gets called by the timer code, with HZ frequency. * We call it with interrupts disabled. -- cgit v1.2.3 From fe61468b2cbc2b7ce5f8d3bf32ae5001d4c434e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 14:52:57 +0100 Subject: sched/fair: Fix enqueue_task_fair warning When a cfs rq is throttled, the latter and its child are removed from the leaf list but their nr_running is not changed which includes staying higher than 1. When a task is enqueued in this throttled branch, the cfs rqs must be added back in order to ensure correct ordering in the list but this can only happens if nr_running == 1. When cfs bandwidth is used, we call unconditionnaly list_add_leaf_cfs_rq() when enqueuing an entity to make sure that the complete branch will be added. Similarly unthrottle_cfs_rq() can stop adding cfs in the list when a parent is throttled. Iterate the remaining entity to ensure that the complete branch will be added in the list. Reported-by: Christian Borntraeger Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann Tested-by: Christian Borntraeger Tested-by: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Cc: #v5.1+ Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 1dea8554ead0..c7aaae2b1030 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -4136,6 +4136,7 @@ static inline void check_schedstat_required(void) #endif } +static inline bool cfs_bandwidth_used(void); /* * MIGRATION @@ -4214,10 +4215,16 @@ enqueue_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags) __enqueue_entity(cfs_rq, se); se->on_rq = 1; - if (cfs_rq->nr_running == 1) { + /* + * When bandwidth control is enabled, cfs might have been removed + * because of a parent been throttled but cfs->nr_running > 1. Try to + * add it unconditionnally. + */ + if (cfs_rq->nr_running == 1 || cfs_bandwidth_used()) list_add_leaf_cfs_rq(cfs_rq); + + if (cfs_rq->nr_running == 1) check_enqueue_throttle(cfs_rq); - } } static void __clear_buddies_last(struct sched_entity *se) @@ -4808,11 +4815,22 @@ void unthrottle_cfs_rq(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) break; } - assert_list_leaf_cfs_rq(rq); - if (!se) add_nr_running(rq, task_delta); + /* + * The cfs_rq_throttled() breaks in the above iteration can result in + * incomplete leaf list maintenance, resulting in triggering the + * assertion below. + */ + for_each_sched_entity(se) { + cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se); + + list_add_leaf_cfs_rq(cfs_rq); + } + + assert_list_leaf_cfs_rq(rq); + /* Determine whether we need to wake up potentially idle CPU: */ if (rq->curr == rq->idle && rq->cfs.nr_running) resched_curr(rq); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 46a87b3851f0d6eb05e6d83d5c5a30df0eca8f76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Turner Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2020 18:01:13 -0700 Subject: sched/core: Distribute tasks within affinity masks Currently, when updating the affinity of tasks via either cpusets.cpus, or, sched_setaffinity(); tasks not currently running within the newly specified mask will be arbitrarily assigned to the first CPU within the mask. This (particularly in the case that we are restricting masks) can result in many tasks being assigned to the first CPUs of their new masks. This: 1) Can induce scheduling delays while the load-balancer has a chance to spread them between their new CPUs. 2) Can antogonize a poor load-balancer behavior where it has a difficult time recognizing that a cross-socket imbalance has been forced by an affinity mask. This change adds a new cpumask interface to allow iterated calls to distribute within the intersection of the provided masks. The cases that this mainly affects are: - modifying cpuset.cpus - when tasks join a cpuset - when modifying a task's affinity via sched_setaffinity(2) Signed-off-by: Paul Turner Signed-off-by: Josh Don Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Qais Yousef Tested-by: Qais Yousef Link: --- include/linux/cpumask.h | 7 +++++++ kernel/sched/core.c | 7 ++++++- lib/cpumask.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/cpumask.h b/include/linux/cpumask.h index d5cc88514aee..f0d895d6ac39 100644 --- a/include/linux/cpumask.h +++ b/include/linux/cpumask.h @@ -194,6 +194,11 @@ static inline unsigned int cpumask_local_spread(unsigned int i, int node) return 0; } +static inline int cpumask_any_and_distribute(const struct cpumask *src1p, + const struct cpumask *src2p) { + return cpumask_next_and(-1, src1p, src2p); +} + #define for_each_cpu(cpu, mask) \ for ((cpu) = 0; (cpu) < 1; (cpu)++, (void)mask) #define for_each_cpu_not(cpu, mask) \ @@ -245,6 +250,8 @@ static inline unsigned int cpumask_next_zero(int n, const struct cpumask *srcp) int cpumask_next_and(int n, const struct cpumask *, const struct cpumask *); int cpumask_any_but(const struct cpumask *mask, unsigned int cpu); unsigned int cpumask_local_spread(unsigned int i, int node); +int cpumask_any_and_distribute(const struct cpumask *src1p, + const struct cpumask *src2p); /** * for_each_cpu - iterate over every cpu in a mask diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 978bf6f6e0ff..014d4f793313 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -1650,7 +1650,12 @@ static int __set_cpus_allowed_ptr(struct task_struct *p, if (cpumask_equal(p->cpus_ptr, new_mask)) goto out; - dest_cpu = cpumask_any_and(cpu_valid_mask, new_mask); + /* + * Picking a ~random cpu helps in cases where we are changing affinity + * for groups of tasks (ie. cpuset), so that load balancing is not + * immediately required to distribute the tasks within their new mask. + */ + dest_cpu = cpumask_any_and_distribute(cpu_valid_mask, new_mask); if (dest_cpu >= nr_cpu_ids) { ret = -EINVAL; goto out; diff --git a/lib/cpumask.c b/lib/cpumask.c index 0cb672eb107c..fb22fb266f93 100644 --- a/lib/cpumask.c +++ b/lib/cpumask.c @@ -232,3 +232,32 @@ unsigned int cpumask_local_spread(unsigned int i, int node) BUG(); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cpumask_local_spread); + +static DEFINE_PER_CPU(int, distribute_cpu_mask_prev); + +/** + * Returns an arbitrary cpu within srcp1 & srcp2. + * + * Iterated calls using the same srcp1 and srcp2 will be distributed within + * their intersection. + * + * Returns >= nr_cpu_ids if the intersection is empty. + */ +int cpumask_any_and_distribute(const struct cpumask *src1p, + const struct cpumask *src2p) +{ + int next, prev; + + /* NOTE: our first selection will skip 0. */ + prev = __this_cpu_read(distribute_cpu_mask_prev); + + next = cpumask_next_and(prev, src1p, src2p); + if (next >= nr_cpu_ids) + next = cpumask_first_and(src1p, src2p); + + if (next < nr_cpu_ids) + __this_cpu_write(distribute_cpu_mask_prev, next); + + return next; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(cpumask_any_and_distribute); -- cgit v1.2.3 From b05e75d611380881e73edc58a20fd8c6bb71720b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Johannes Weiner Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 15:13:31 -0400 Subject: psi: Fix cpu.pressure for cpu.max and competing cgroups For simplicity, cpu pressure is defined as having more than one runnable task on a given CPU. This works on the system-level, but it has limitations in a cgrouped reality: When cpu.max is in use, it doesn't capture the time in which a task is not executing on the CPU due to throttling. Likewise, it doesn't capture the time in which a competing cgroup is occupying the CPU - meaning it only reflects cgroup-internal competitive pressure, not outside pressure. Enable tracking of currently executing tasks, and then change the definition of cpu pressure in a cgroup from NR_RUNNING > 1 to NR_RUNNING > ON_CPU which will capture the effects of cpu.max as well as competition from outside the cgroup. After this patch, a cgroup running `stress -c 1` with a cpu.max setting of 5000 10000 shows ~50% continuous CPU pressure. Signed-off-by: Johannes Weiner Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Link: --- include/linux/psi_types.h | 10 +++++++++- kernel/sched/core.c | 2 ++ kernel/sched/psi.c | 12 +++++++----- kernel/sched/stats.h | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/psi_types.h b/include/linux/psi_types.h index 07aaf9b82241..4b7258495a04 100644 --- a/include/linux/psi_types.h +++ b/include/linux/psi_types.h @@ -14,13 +14,21 @@ enum psi_task_count { NR_IOWAIT, NR_MEMSTALL, NR_RUNNING, - NR_PSI_TASK_COUNTS = 3, + /* + * This can't have values other than 0 or 1 and could be + * implemented as a bit flag. But for now we still have room + * in the first cacheline of psi_group_cpu, and this way we + * don't have to special case any state tracking for it. + */ + NR_ONCPU, + NR_PSI_TASK_COUNTS = 4, }; /* Task state bitmasks */ #define TSK_IOWAIT (1 << NR_IOWAIT) #define TSK_MEMSTALL (1 << NR_MEMSTALL) #define TSK_RUNNING (1 << NR_RUNNING) +#define TSK_ONCPU (1 << NR_ONCPU) /* Resources that workloads could be stalled on */ enum psi_res { diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 014d4f793313..c1f923d647ee 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -4091,6 +4091,8 @@ static void __sched notrace __schedule(bool preempt) */ ++*switch_count; + psi_sched_switch(prev, next, !task_on_rq_queued(prev)); + trace_sched_switch(preempt, prev, next); /* Also unlocks the rq: */ diff --git a/kernel/sched/psi.c b/kernel/sched/psi.c index 028520702717..50128297a4f9 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/psi.c +++ b/kernel/sched/psi.c @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ static bool test_state(unsigned int *tasks, enum psi_states state) case PSI_MEM_FULL: return tasks[NR_MEMSTALL] && !tasks[NR_RUNNING]; case PSI_CPU_SOME: - return tasks[NR_RUNNING] > 1; + return tasks[NR_RUNNING] > tasks[NR_ONCPU]; case PSI_NONIDLE: return tasks[NR_IOWAIT] || tasks[NR_MEMSTALL] || tasks[NR_RUNNING]; @@ -695,10 +695,10 @@ static u32 psi_group_change(struct psi_group *group, int cpu, if (!(m & (1 << t))) continue; if (groupc->tasks[t] == 0 && !psi_bug) { - printk_deferred(KERN_ERR "psi: task underflow! cpu=%d t=%d tasks=[%u %u %u] clear=%x set=%x\n", + printk_deferred(KERN_ERR "psi: task underflow! cpu=%d t=%d tasks=[%u %u %u %u] clear=%x set=%x\n", cpu, t, groupc->tasks[0], groupc->tasks[1], groupc->tasks[2], - clear, set); + groupc->tasks[3], clear, set); psi_bug = 1; } groupc->tasks[t]--; @@ -916,9 +916,11 @@ void cgroup_move_task(struct task_struct *task, struct css_set *to) rq = task_rq_lock(task, &rf); - if (task_on_rq_queued(task)) + if (task_on_rq_queued(task)) { task_flags = TSK_RUNNING; - else if (task->in_iowait) + if (task_current(rq, task)) + task_flags |= TSK_ONCPU; + } else if (task->in_iowait) task_flags = TSK_IOWAIT; if (task->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) diff --git a/kernel/sched/stats.h b/kernel/sched/stats.h index ba683fe81a6e..6ff0ac1a803f 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/stats.h +++ b/kernel/sched/stats.h @@ -93,6 +93,14 @@ static inline void psi_dequeue(struct task_struct *p, bool sleep) if (p->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) clear |= TSK_MEMSTALL; } else { + /* + * When a task sleeps, schedule() dequeues it before + * switching to the next one. Merge the clearing of + * TSK_RUNNING and TSK_ONCPU to save an unnecessary + * psi_task_change() call in psi_sched_switch(). + */ + clear |= TSK_ONCPU; + if (p->in_iowait) set |= TSK_IOWAIT; } @@ -126,6 +134,23 @@ static inline void psi_ttwu_dequeue(struct task_struct *p) } } +static inline void psi_sched_switch(struct task_struct *prev, + struct task_struct *next, + bool sleep) +{ + if (static_branch_likely(&psi_disabled)) + return; + + /* + * Clear the TSK_ONCPU state if the task was preempted. If + * it's a voluntary sleep, dequeue will have taken care of it. + */ + if (!sleep) + psi_task_change(prev, TSK_ONCPU, 0); + + psi_task_change(next, 0, TSK_ONCPU); +} + static inline void psi_task_tick(struct rq *rq) { if (static_branch_likely(&psi_disabled)) @@ -138,6 +163,9 @@ static inline void psi_task_tick(struct rq *rq) static inline void psi_enqueue(struct task_struct *p, bool wakeup) {} static inline void psi_dequeue(struct task_struct *p, bool sleep) {} static inline void psi_ttwu_dequeue(struct task_struct *p) {} +static inline void psi_sched_switch(struct task_struct *prev, + struct task_struct *next, + bool sleep) {} static inline void psi_task_tick(struct rq *rq) {} #endif /* CONFIG_PSI */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 36b238d5717279163859fb6ba0f4360abcafab83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Johannes Weiner Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 15:13:32 -0400 Subject: psi: Optimize switching tasks inside shared cgroups When switching tasks running on a CPU, the psi state of a cgroup containing both of these tasks does not change. Right now, we don't exploit that, and can perform many unnecessary state changes in nested hierarchies, especially when most activity comes from one leaf cgroup. This patch implements an optimization where we only update cgroups whose state actually changes during a task switch. These are all cgroups that contain one task but not the other, up to the first shared ancestor. When both tasks are in the same group, we don't need to update anything at all. We can identify the first shared ancestor by walking the groups of the incoming task until we see TSK_ONCPU set on the local CPU; that's the first group that also contains the outgoing task. The new psi_task_switch() is similar to psi_task_change(). To allow code reuse, move the task flag maintenance code into a new function and the poll/avg worker wakeups into the shared psi_group_change(). Suggested-by: Peter Zijlstra Signed-off-by: Johannes Weiner Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Link: --- include/linux/psi.h | 2 ++ kernel/sched/psi.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ kernel/sched/stats.h | 9 +----- 3 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/psi.h b/include/linux/psi.h index 7b3de7321219..7361023f3fdd 100644 --- a/include/linux/psi.h +++ b/include/linux/psi.h @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ extern struct psi_group psi_system; void psi_init(void); void psi_task_change(struct task_struct *task, int clear, int set); +void psi_task_switch(struct task_struct *prev, struct task_struct *next, + bool sleep); void psi_memstall_tick(struct task_struct *task, int cpu); void psi_memstall_enter(unsigned long *flags); diff --git a/kernel/sched/psi.c b/kernel/sched/psi.c index 50128297a4f9..955a124bae81 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/psi.c +++ b/kernel/sched/psi.c @@ -669,13 +669,14 @@ static void record_times(struct psi_group_cpu *groupc, int cpu, groupc->times[PSI_NONIDLE] += delta; } -static u32 psi_group_change(struct psi_group *group, int cpu, - unsigned int clear, unsigned int set) +static void psi_group_change(struct psi_group *group, int cpu, + unsigned int clear, unsigned int set, + bool wake_clock) { struct psi_group_cpu *groupc; + u32 state_mask = 0; unsigned int t, m; enum psi_states s; - u32 state_mask = 0; groupc = per_cpu_ptr(group->pcpu, cpu); @@ -717,7 +718,11 @@ static u32 psi_group_change(struct psi_group *group, int cpu, write_seqcount_end(&groupc->seq); - return state_mask; + if (state_mask & group->poll_states) + psi_schedule_poll_work(group, 1); + + if (wake_clock && !delayed_work_pending(&group->avgs_work)) + schedule_delayed_work(&group->avgs_work, PSI_FREQ); } static struct psi_group *iterate_groups(struct task_struct *task, void **iter) @@ -744,27 +749,32 @@ static struct psi_group *iterate_groups(struct task_struct *task, void **iter) return &psi_system; } -void psi_task_change(struct task_struct *task, int clear, int set) +static void psi_flags_change(struct task_struct *task, int clear, int set) { - int cpu = task_cpu(task); - struct psi_group *group; - bool wake_clock = true; - void *iter = NULL; - - if (!task->pid) - return; - if (((task->psi_flags & set) || (task->psi_flags & clear) != clear) && !psi_bug) { printk_deferred(KERN_ERR "psi: inconsistent task state! task=%d:%s cpu=%d psi_flags=%x clear=%x set=%x\n", - task->pid, task->comm, cpu, + task->pid, task->comm, task_cpu(task), task->psi_flags, clear, set); psi_bug = 1; } task->psi_flags &= ~clear; task->psi_flags |= set; +} + +void psi_task_change(struct task_struct *task, int clear, int set) +{ + int cpu = task_cpu(task); + struct psi_group *group; + bool wake_clock = true; + void *iter = NULL; + + if (!task->pid) + return; + + psi_flags_change(task, clear, set); /* * Periodic aggregation shuts off if there is a period of no @@ -777,14 +787,51 @@ void psi_task_change(struct task_struct *task, int clear, int set) wq_worker_last_func(task) == psi_avgs_work)) wake_clock = false; - while ((group = iterate_groups(task, &iter))) { - u32 state_mask = psi_group_change(group, cpu, clear, set); + while ((group = iterate_groups(task, &iter))) + psi_group_change(group, cpu, clear, set, wake_clock); +} + +void psi_task_switch(struct task_struct *prev, struct task_struct *next, + bool sleep) +{ + struct psi_group *group, *common = NULL; + int cpu = task_cpu(prev); + void *iter; + + if (next->pid) { + psi_flags_change(next, 0, TSK_ONCPU); + /* + * When moving state between tasks, the group that + * contains them both does not change: we can stop + * updating the tree once we reach the first common + * ancestor. Iterate @next's ancestors until we + * encounter @prev's state. + */ + iter = NULL; + while ((group = iterate_groups(next, &iter))) { + if (per_cpu_ptr(group->pcpu, cpu)->tasks[NR_ONCPU]) { + common = group; + break; + } + + psi_group_change(group, cpu, 0, TSK_ONCPU, true); + } + } + + /* + * If this is a voluntary sleep, dequeue will have taken care + * of the outgoing TSK_ONCPU alongside TSK_RUNNING already. We + * only need to deal with it during preemption. + */ + if (sleep) + return; - if (state_mask & group->poll_states) - psi_schedule_poll_work(group, 1); + if (prev->pid) { + psi_flags_change(prev, TSK_ONCPU, 0); - if (wake_clock && !delayed_work_pending(&group->avgs_work)) - schedule_delayed_work(&group->avgs_work, PSI_FREQ); + iter = NULL; + while ((group = iterate_groups(prev, &iter)) && group != common) + psi_group_change(group, cpu, TSK_ONCPU, 0, true); } } diff --git a/kernel/sched/stats.h b/kernel/sched/stats.h index 6ff0ac1a803f..1339f5bfe513 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/stats.h +++ b/kernel/sched/stats.h @@ -141,14 +141,7 @@ static inline void psi_sched_switch(struct task_struct *prev, if (static_branch_likely(&psi_disabled)) return; - /* - * Clear the TSK_ONCPU state if the task was preempted. If - * it's a voluntary sleep, dequeue will have taken care of it. - */ - if (!sleep) - psi_task_change(prev, TSK_ONCPU, 0); - - psi_task_change(next, 0, TSK_ONCPU); + psi_task_switch(prev, next, sleep); } static inline void psi_task_tick(struct rq *rq) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1066d1b6974e095d5a6c472ad9180a957b496cd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yafang Shao Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 21:28:05 -0400 Subject: psi: Move PF_MEMSTALL out of task->flags The task->flags is a 32-bits flag, in which 31 bits have already been consumed. So it is hardly to introduce other new per process flag. Currently there're still enough spaces in the bit-field section of task_struct, so we can define the memstall state as a single bit in task_struct instead. This patch also removes an out-of-date comment pointed by Matthew. Suggested-by: Johannes Weiner Signed-off-by: Yafang Shao Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Acked-by: Johannes Weiner Link: --- include/linux/sched.h | 6 ++++-- kernel/sched/psi.c | 12 ++++++------ kernel/sched/stats.h | 10 +++++----- 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/sched.h b/include/linux/sched.h index 2e9199bf947b..09bddd9e69a2 100644 --- a/include/linux/sched.h +++ b/include/linux/sched.h @@ -785,9 +785,12 @@ struct task_struct { unsigned frozen:1; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_CGROUP - /* to be used once the psi infrastructure lands upstream. */ unsigned use_memdelay:1; #endif +#ifdef CONFIG_PSI + /* Stalled due to lack of memory */ + unsigned in_memstall:1; +#endif unsigned long atomic_flags; /* Flags requiring atomic access. */ @@ -1480,7 +1483,6 @@ extern struct pid *cad_pid; #define PF_KTHREAD 0x00200000 /* I am a kernel thread */ #define PF_RANDOMIZE 0x00400000 /* Randomize virtual address space */ #define PF_SWAPWRITE 0x00800000 /* Allowed to write to swap */ -#define PF_MEMSTALL 0x01000000 /* Stalled due to lack of memory */ #define PF_UMH 0x02000000 /* I'm an Usermodehelper process */ #define PF_NO_SETAFFINITY 0x04000000 /* Userland is not allowed to meddle with cpus_mask */ #define PF_MCE_EARLY 0x08000000 /* Early kill for mce process policy */ diff --git a/kernel/sched/psi.c b/kernel/sched/psi.c index 955a124bae81..8f45cdb6463b 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/psi.c +++ b/kernel/sched/psi.c @@ -865,17 +865,17 @@ void psi_memstall_enter(unsigned long *flags) if (static_branch_likely(&psi_disabled)) return; - *flags = current->flags & PF_MEMSTALL; + *flags = current->in_memstall; if (*flags) return; /* - * PF_MEMSTALL setting & accounting needs to be atomic wrt + * in_memstall setting & accounting needs to be atomic wrt * changes to the task's scheduling state, otherwise we can * race with CPU migration. */ rq = this_rq_lock_irq(&rf); - current->flags |= PF_MEMSTALL; + current->in_memstall = 1; psi_task_change(current, 0, TSK_MEMSTALL); rq_unlock_irq(rq, &rf); @@ -898,13 +898,13 @@ void psi_memstall_leave(unsigned long *flags) if (*flags) return; /* - * PF_MEMSTALL clearing & accounting needs to be atomic wrt + * in_memstall clearing & accounting needs to be atomic wrt * changes to the task's scheduling state, otherwise we could * race with CPU migration. */ rq = this_rq_lock_irq(&rf); - current->flags &= ~PF_MEMSTALL; + current->in_memstall = 0; psi_task_change(current, TSK_MEMSTALL, 0); rq_unlock_irq(rq, &rf); @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ void cgroup_move_task(struct task_struct *task, struct css_set *to) } else if (task->in_iowait) task_flags = TSK_IOWAIT; - if (task->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) + if (task->in_memstall) task_flags |= TSK_MEMSTALL; if (task_flags) diff --git a/kernel/sched/stats.h b/kernel/sched/stats.h index 1339f5bfe513..33d0daf83842 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/stats.h +++ b/kernel/sched/stats.h @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static inline void psi_enqueue(struct task_struct *p, bool wakeup) return; if (!wakeup || p->sched_psi_wake_requeue) { - if (p->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) + if (p->in_memstall) set |= TSK_MEMSTALL; if (p->sched_psi_wake_requeue) p->sched_psi_wake_requeue = 0; @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ static inline void psi_dequeue(struct task_struct *p, bool sleep) return; if (!sleep) { - if (p->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) + if (p->in_memstall) clear |= TSK_MEMSTALL; } else { /* @@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ static inline void psi_ttwu_dequeue(struct task_struct *p) * deregister its sleep-persistent psi states from the old * queue, and let psi_enqueue() know it has to requeue. */ - if (unlikely(p->in_iowait || (p->flags & PF_MEMSTALL))) { + if (unlikely(p->in_iowait || p->in_memstall)) { struct rq_flags rf; struct rq *rq; int clear = 0; if (p->in_iowait) clear |= TSK_IOWAIT; - if (p->flags & PF_MEMSTALL) + if (p->in_memstall) clear |= TSK_MEMSTALL; rq = __task_rq_lock(p, &rf); @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ static inline void psi_task_tick(struct rq *rq) if (static_branch_likely(&psi_disabled)) return; - if (unlikely(rq->curr->flags & PF_MEMSTALL)) + if (unlikely(rq->curr->in_memstall)) psi_memstall_tick(rq->curr, cpu_of(rq)); } #else /* CONFIG_PSI */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 26cf52229efc87e2effa9d788f9b33c40fb3358a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Wang Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 10:15:15 +0800 Subject: sched: Avoid scale real weight down to zero During our testing, we found a case that shares no longer working correctly, the cgroup topology is like: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/A (shares=102400) /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/A/B (shares=2) /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/A/B/C (shares=1024) /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/D (shares=1024) /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/D/E (shares=1024) /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/D/E/F (shares=1024) The same benchmark is running in group C & F, no other tasks are running, the benchmark is capable to consumed all the CPUs. We suppose the group C will win more CPU resources since it could enjoy all the shares of group A, but it's F who wins much more. The reason is because we have group B with shares as 2, since A->cfs_rq.load.weight == B->se.load.weight == B->shares/nr_cpus, so A->cfs_rq.load.weight become very small. And in calc_group_shares() we calculate shares as: load = max(scale_load_down(cfs_rq->load.weight), cfs_rq->avg.load_avg); shares = (tg_shares * load) / tg_weight; Since the 'cfs_rq->load.weight' is too small, the load become 0 after scale down, although 'tg_shares' is 102400, shares of the se which stand for group A on root cfs_rq become 2. While the se of D on root cfs_rq is far more bigger than 2, so it wins the battle. Thus when scale_load_down() scale real weight down to 0, it's no longer telling the real story, the caller will have the wrong information and the calculation will be buggy. This patch add check in scale_load_down(), so the real weight will be >= MIN_SHARES after scale, after applied the group C wins as expected. Suggested-by: Peter Zijlstra Signed-off-by: Michael Wang Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Link: --- kernel/sched/sched.h | 8 +++++++- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 9e173fad0425..1e72d1b3d3ce 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -118,7 +118,13 @@ extern long calc_load_fold_active(struct rq *this_rq, long adjust); #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT # define NICE_0_LOAD_SHIFT (SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT + SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT) # define scale_load(w) ((w) << SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT) -# define scale_load_down(w) ((w) >> SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT) +# define scale_load_down(w) \ +({ \ + unsigned long __w = (w); \ + if (__w) \ + __w = max(2UL, __w >> SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT); \ + __w; \ +}) #else # define NICE_0_LOAD_SHIFT (SCHED_FIXEDPOINT_SHIFT) # define scale_load(w) (w) -- cgit v1.2.3 From c32b4308295aaaaedd5beae56cb42e205ae63e58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Guittot Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 17:54:29 +0100 Subject: sched/fair: Improve spreading of utilization During load_balancing, a group with spare capacity will try to pull some utilizations from an overloaded group. In such case, the load balance looks for the runqueue with the highest utilization. Nevertheless, it should also ensure that there are some pending tasks to pull otherwise the load balance will fail to pull a task and the spread of the load will be delayed. This situation is quite transient but it's possible to highlight the effect with a short run of sysbench test so the time to spread task impacts the global result significantly. Below are the average results for 15 iterations on an arm64 octo core: sysbench --test=cpu --num-threads=8 --max-requests=1000 run tip/sched/core +patchset total time: 172ms 158ms per-request statistics: avg: 1.337ms 1.244ms max: 21.191ms 10.753ms The average max doesn't fully reflect the wide spread of the value which ranges from 1.350ms to more than 41ms for the tip/sched/core and from 1.350ms to 21ms with the patch. Other factors like waiting for an idle load balance or cache hotness can delay the spreading of the tasks which explains why we can still have up to 21ms with the patch. Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index c7aaae2b1030..783356f96b7b 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -9313,6 +9313,14 @@ static struct rq *find_busiest_queue(struct lb_env *env, case migrate_util: util = cpu_util(cpu_of(rq)); + /* + * Don't try to pull utilization from a CPU with one + * running task. Whatever its utilization, we will fail + * detach the task. + */ + if (nr_running <= 1) + continue; + if (busiest_util < util) { busiest_util = util; busiest = rq; -- cgit v1.2.3 From e94f80f6c49020008e6fa0f3d4b806b8595d17d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qais Yousef Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:24:50 +0000 Subject: sched/rt: cpupri_find: Trigger a full search as fallback If we failed to find a fitting CPU, in cpupri_find(), we only fallback to the level we found a hit at. But Steve suggested to fallback to a second full scan instead as this could be a better effort. We trigger the 2nd search unconditionally since the argument about triggering a full search is that the recorded fall back level might have become empty by then. Which means storing any data about what happened would be meaningless and stale. I had a humble try at timing it and it seemed okay for the small 6 CPUs system I was running on On large system this second full scan could be expensive. But there are no users outside capacity awareness for this fitness function at the moment. Heterogeneous systems tend to be small with 8cores in total. Suggested-by: Steven Rostedt Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) Link: --- kernel/sched/cpupri.c | 29 ++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c index dd3f16d1a04a..0033731a0797 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cpupri.c +++ b/kernel/sched/cpupri.c @@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ int cpupri_find_fitness(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, bool (*fitness_fn)(struct task_struct *p, int cpu)) { int task_pri = convert_prio(p->prio); - int best_unfit_idx = -1; - int idx = 0, cpu; + int idx, cpu; BUG_ON(task_pri >= CPUPRI_NR_PRIORITIES); @@ -145,31 +144,15 @@ int cpupri_find_fitness(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, * If no CPU at the current priority can fit the task * continue looking */ - if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) { - /* - * Store our fallback priority in case we - * didn't find a fitting CPU - */ - if (best_unfit_idx == -1) - best_unfit_idx = idx; - + if (cpumask_empty(lowest_mask)) continue; - } return 1; } /* - * If we failed to find a fitting lowest_mask, make sure we fall back - * to the last known unfitting lowest_mask. - * - * Note that the map of the recorded idx might have changed since then, - * so we must ensure to do the full dance to make sure that level still - * holds a valid lowest_mask. - * - * As per above, the map could have been concurrently emptied while we - * were busy searching for a fitting lowest_mask at the other priority - * levels. + * If we failed to find a fitting lowest_mask, kick off a new search + * but without taking into account any fitness criteria this time. * * This rule favours honouring priority over fitting the task in the * correct CPU (Capacity Awareness being the only user now). @@ -184,8 +167,8 @@ int cpupri_find_fitness(struct cpupri *cp, struct task_struct *p, * must do proper RT planning to avoid overloading the system if they * really care. */ - if (best_unfit_idx != -1) - return __cpupri_find(cp, p, lowest_mask, best_unfit_idx); + if (fitness_fn) + return cpupri_find(cp, p, lowest_mask); return 0; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6c8116c914b65be5e4d6f66d69c8142eb0648c22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tao Zhou Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 11:39:20 +0800 Subject: sched/fair: Fix condition of avg_load calculation In update_sg_wakeup_stats(), the comment says: Computing avg_load makes sense only when group is fully busy or overloaded. But, the code below this comment does not check like this. From reading the code about avg_load in other functions, I confirm that avg_load should be calculated in fully busy or overloaded case. The comment is correct and the checking condition is wrong. So, change that condition. Fixes: 57abff067a08 ("sched/fair: Rework find_idlest_group()") Signed-off-by: Tao Zhou Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Acked-by: Mel Gorman Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 783356f96b7b..d7fb20adabeb 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -8631,7 +8631,8 @@ static inline void update_sg_wakeup_stats(struct sched_domain *sd, * Computing avg_load makes sense only when group is fully busy or * overloaded */ - if (sgs->group_type < group_fully_busy) + if (sgs->group_type == group_fully_busy || + sgs->group_type == group_overloaded) sgs->avg_load = (sgs->group_load * SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE) / sgs->group_capacity; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From b3212fe2bc06fa1014b3063b85b2bac4332a1c28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Gleixner Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 12:25:59 +0100 Subject: sched/swait: Prepare usage in completions As a preparation to use simple wait queues for completions: - Provide swake_up_all_locked() to support complete_all() - Make __prepare_to_swait() public available This is done to enable the usage of complete() within truly atomic contexts on a PREEMPT_RT enabled kernel. Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Link: --- kernel/sched/sched.h | 3 +++ kernel/sched/swait.c | 15 ++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 9ea647835fd6..fdc77e796324 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -2492,3 +2492,6 @@ static inline bool is_per_cpu_kthread(struct task_struct *p) return true; } #endif + +void swake_up_all_locked(struct swait_queue_head *q); +void __prepare_to_swait(struct swait_queue_head *q, struct swait_queue *wait); diff --git a/kernel/sched/swait.c b/kernel/sched/swait.c index e83a3f8449f6..e1c655f928c7 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/swait.c +++ b/kernel/sched/swait.c @@ -32,6 +32,19 @@ void swake_up_locked(struct swait_queue_head *q) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(swake_up_locked); +/* + * Wake up all waiters. This is an interface which is solely exposed for + * completions and not for general usage. + * + * It is intentionally different from swake_up_all() to allow usage from + * hard interrupt context and interrupt disabled regions. + */ +void swake_up_all_locked(struct swait_queue_head *q) +{ + while (!list_empty(&q->task_list)) + swake_up_locked(q); +} + void swake_up_one(struct swait_queue_head *q) { unsigned long flags; @@ -69,7 +82,7 @@ void swake_up_all(struct swait_queue_head *q) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(swake_up_all); -static void __prepare_to_swait(struct swait_queue_head *q, struct swait_queue *wait) +void __prepare_to_swait(struct swait_queue_head *q, struct swait_queue *wait) { wait->task = current; if (list_empty(&wait->task_list)) -- cgit v1.2.3 From a5c6234e10280b3ec65e2410ce34904a2580e5f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Gleixner Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 12:26:00 +0100 Subject: completion: Use simple wait queues completion uses a wait_queue_head_t to enqueue waiters. wait_queue_head_t contains a spinlock_t to protect the list of waiters which excludes it from being used in truly atomic context on a PREEMPT_RT enabled kernel. The spinlock in the wait queue head cannot be replaced by a raw_spinlock because: - wait queues can have custom wakeup callbacks, which acquire other spinlock_t locks and have potentially long execution times - wake_up() walks an unbounded number of list entries during the wake up and may wake an unbounded number of waiters. For simplicity and performance reasons complete() should be usable on PREEMPT_RT enabled kernels. completions do not use custom wakeup callbacks and are usually single waiter, except for a few corner cases. Replace the wait queue in the completion with a simple wait queue (swait), which uses a raw_spinlock_t for protecting the waiter list and therefore is safe to use inside truly atomic regions on PREEMPT_RT. There is no semantical or functional change: - completions use the exclusive wait mode which is what swait provides - complete() wakes one exclusive waiter - complete_all() wakes all waiters while holding the lock which protects the wait queue against newly incoming waiters. The conversion to swait preserves this behaviour. complete_all() might cause unbound latencies with a large number of waiters being woken at once, but most complete_all() usage sites are either in testing or initialization code or have only a really small number of concurrent waiters which for now does not cause a latency problem. Keep it simple for now. The fixup of the warning check in the USB gadget driver is just a straight forward conversion of the lockless waiter check from one waitqueue type to the other. Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Reviewed-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman Reviewed-by: Davidlohr Bueso Reviewed-by: Joel Fernandes (Google) Acked-by: Linus Torvalds Link: --- drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_fs.c | 2 +- include/linux/completion.h | 8 ++++---- kernel/sched/completion.c | 36 +++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_fs.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_fs.c index 571917677d35..234177dd1ed5 100644 --- a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_fs.c +++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_fs.c @@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ static void ffs_data_put(struct ffs_data *ffs) pr_info("%s(): freeing\n", __func__); ffs_data_clear(ffs); BUG_ON(waitqueue_active(&ffs->ev.waitq) || - waitqueue_active(&ffs->ep0req_completion.wait) || + swait_active(&ffs->ep0req_completion.wait) || waitqueue_active(&ffs->wait)); destroy_workqueue(ffs->io_completion_wq); kfree(ffs->dev_name); diff --git a/include/linux/completion.h b/include/linux/completion.h index 519e94915d18..bf8e77001f18 100644 --- a/include/linux/completion.h +++ b/include/linux/completion.h @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * See kernel/sched/completion.c for details. */ -#include +#include /* * struct completion - structure used to maintain state for a "completion" @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ */ struct completion { unsigned int done; - wait_queue_head_t wait; + struct swait_queue_head wait; }; #define init_completion_map(x, m) __init_completion(x) @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static inline void complete_acquire(struct completion *x) {} static inline void complete_release(struct completion *x) {} #define COMPLETION_INITIALIZER(work) \ - { 0, __WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER((work).wait) } + { 0, __SWAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER((work).wait) } #define COMPLETION_INITIALIZER_ONSTACK_MAP(work, map) \ (*({ init_completion_map(&(work), &(map)); &(work); })) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static inline void complete_release(struct completion *x) {} static inline void __init_completion(struct completion *x) { x->done = 0; - init_waitqueue_head(&x->wait); + init_swait_queue_head(&x->wait); } /** diff --git a/kernel/sched/completion.c b/kernel/sched/completion.c index a1ad5b7d5521..f15e96164ff1 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/completion.c +++ b/kernel/sched/completion.c @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ void complete(struct completion *x) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); + raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); if (x->done != UINT_MAX) x->done++; - __wake_up_locked(&x->wait, TASK_NORMAL, 1); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); + swake_up_locked(&x->wait); + raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(complete); @@ -58,10 +58,12 @@ void complete_all(struct completion *x) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); + WARN_ON(irqs_disabled()); + + raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); x->done = UINT_MAX; - __wake_up_locked(&x->wait, TASK_NORMAL, 0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); + swake_up_all_locked(&x->wait); + raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(complete_all); @@ -70,20 +72,20 @@ do_wait_for_common(struct completion *x, long (*action)(long), long timeout, int state) { if (!x->done) { - DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); + DECLARE_SWAITQUEUE(wait); - __add_wait_queue_entry_tail_exclusive(&x->wait, &wait); do { if (signal_pending_state(state, current)) { timeout = -ERESTARTSYS; break; } + __prepare_to_swait(&x->wait, &wait); __set_current_state(state); - spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock); + raw_spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock); timeout = action(timeout); - spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock); + raw_spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock); } while (!x->done && timeout); - __remove_wait_queue(&x->wait, &wait); + __finish_swait(&x->wait, &wait); if (!x->done) return timeout; } @@ -100,9 +102,9 @@ __wait_for_common(struct completion *x, complete_acquire(x); - spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock); + raw_spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock); timeout = do_wait_for_common(x, action, timeout, state); - spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock); + raw_spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock); complete_release(x); @@ -291,12 +293,12 @@ bool try_wait_for_completion(struct completion *x) if (!READ_ONCE(x->done)) return false; - spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); + raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); if (!x->done) ret = false; else if (x->done != UINT_MAX) x->done--; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); + raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(try_wait_for_completion); @@ -322,8 +324,8 @@ bool completion_done(struct completion *x) * otherwise we can end up freeing the completion before complete() * is done referencing it. */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); + raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); + raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&x->wait.lock, flags); return true; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(completion_done); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 8bf6c677ddb9c922423ea3bf494fe7c508bfbb8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sebastian Siewior Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 16:20:19 +0100 Subject: completion: Use lockdep_assert_RT_in_threaded_ctx() in complete_all() The warning was intended to spot complete_all() users from hardirq context on PREEMPT_RT. The warning as-is will also trigger in interrupt handlers, which are threaded on PREEMPT_RT, which was not intended. Use lockdep_assert_RT_in_threaded_ctx() which triggers in non-preemptive context on PREEMPT_RT. Fixes: a5c6234e1028 ("completion: Use simple wait queues") Reported-by: kernel test robot Suggested-by: Peter Zijlstra Signed-off-by: Sebastian Andrzej Siewior Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Link: --- include/linux/lockdep.h | 15 +++++++++++++++ kernel/sched/completion.c | 2 +- 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/lockdep.h b/include/linux/lockdep.h index 425b4ceb7cd0..206774ac6946 100644 --- a/include/linux/lockdep.h +++ b/include/linux/lockdep.h @@ -711,6 +711,21 @@ do { \ # define lockdep_assert_in_irq() do { } while (0) #endif +#ifdef CONFIG_PROVE_RAW_LOCK_NESTING + +# define lockdep_assert_RT_in_threaded_ctx() do { \ + WARN_ONCE(debug_locks && !current->lockdep_recursion && \ + current->hardirq_context && \ + !(current->hardirq_threaded || current->irq_config), \ + "Not in threaded context on PREEMPT_RT as expected\n"); \ +} while (0) + +#else + +# define lockdep_assert_RT_in_threaded_ctx() do { } while (0) + +#endif + #ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP void lockdep_rcu_suspicious(const char *file, const int line, const char *s); #else diff --git a/kernel/sched/completion.c b/kernel/sched/completion.c index f15e96164ff1..a778554f9dad 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/completion.c +++ b/kernel/sched/completion.c @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void complete_all(struct completion *x) { unsigned long flags; - WARN_ON(irqs_disabled()); + lockdep_assert_RT_in_threaded_ctx(); raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&x->wait.lock, flags); x->done = UINT_MAX; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3122e80efc0faf4a2accba7a46c7ed795edbfded Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anshuman Khandual Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 20:03:47 -0700 Subject: mm/vma: make vma_is_accessible() available for general use Lets move vma_is_accessible() helper to include/linux/mm.h which makes it available for general use. While here, this replaces all remaining open encodings for VMA access check with vma_is_accessible(). Signed-off-by: Anshuman Khandual Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton Acked-by: Geert Uytterhoeven Acked-by: Guo Ren Acked-by: Vlastimil Babka Cc: Guo Ren Cc: Geert Uytterhoeven Cc: Ralf Baechle Cc: Paul Burton Cc: Benjamin Herrenschmidt Cc: Paul Mackerras Cc: Michael Ellerman Cc: Yoshinori Sato Cc: Rich Felker Cc: Dave Hansen Cc: Andy Lutomirski Cc: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Thomas Gleixner Cc: Ingo Molnar Cc: Steven Rostedt Cc: Mel Gorman Cc: Alexander Viro Cc: "Aneesh Kumar K.V" Cc: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo Cc: Arnd Bergmann Cc: Nick Piggin Cc: Paul Mackerras Cc: Will Deacon Link: Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds --- arch/csky/mm/fault.c | 2 +- arch/m68k/mm/fault.c | 2 +- arch/mips/mm/fault.c | 2 +- arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c | 2 +- arch/sh/mm/fault.c | 2 +- arch/x86/mm/fault.c | 2 +- include/linux/mm.h | 6 ++++++ kernel/sched/fair.c | 2 +- mm/gup.c | 2 +- mm/memory.c | 5 ----- mm/mempolicy.c | 3 +-- mm/mmap.c | 5 ++--- 12 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/arch/csky/mm/fault.c b/arch/csky/mm/fault.c index d3c61b83e195..a6e8230b6fbf 100644 --- a/arch/csky/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/csky/mm/fault.c @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ good_area: if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE)) goto bad_area; } else { - if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_WRITE | VM_EXEC))) + if (!vma_is_accessible(vma)) goto bad_area; } diff --git a/arch/m68k/mm/fault.c b/arch/m68k/mm/fault.c index f7afb9897966..0c4a21a685d5 100644 --- a/arch/m68k/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/m68k/mm/fault.c @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ good_area: case 1: /* read, present */ goto acc_err; case 0: /* read, not present */ - if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE))) + if (!vma_is_accessible(vma)) goto acc_err; } diff --git a/arch/mips/mm/fault.c b/arch/mips/mm/fault.c index 4a0eafe3d932..fb048ba2b91d 100644 --- a/arch/mips/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/mips/mm/fault.c @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ good_area: goto bad_area; } } else { - if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_WRITE | VM_EXEC))) + if (!vma_is_accessible(vma)) goto bad_area; } } diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c b/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c index d15f0f0ee806..84af6c8eecf7 100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ static bool access_error(bool is_write, bool is_exec, return false; } - if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE)))) + if (unlikely(!vma_is_accessible(vma))) return true; /* * We should ideally do the vma pkey access check here. But in the diff --git a/arch/sh/mm/fault.c b/arch/sh/mm/fault.c index 13ee4d20e622..5f23d7907597 100644 --- a/arch/sh/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/sh/mm/fault.c @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static inline int access_error(int error_code, struct vm_area_struct *vma) return 1; /* read, not present: */ - if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE)))) + if (unlikely(!vma_is_accessible(vma))) return 1; return 0; diff --git a/arch/x86/mm/fault.c b/arch/x86/mm/fault.c index 859519f5b342..a51df516b87b 100644 --- a/arch/x86/mm/fault.c +++ b/arch/x86/mm/fault.c @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ access_error(unsigned long error_code, struct vm_area_struct *vma) return 1; /* read, not present: */ - if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE)))) + if (unlikely(!vma_is_accessible(vma))) return 1; return 0; diff --git a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h index 7dd5c4ccbf85..be49e371e4b5 100644 --- a/include/linux/mm.h +++ b/include/linux/mm.h @@ -629,6 +629,12 @@ static inline bool vma_is_foreign(struct vm_area_struct *vma) return false; } + +static inline bool vma_is_accessible(struct vm_area_struct *vma) +{ + return vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_WRITE | VM_EXEC); +} + #ifdef CONFIG_SHMEM /* * The vma_is_shmem is not inline because it is used only by slow diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index d7fb20adabeb..1ea3dddafe69 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -2799,7 +2799,7 @@ static void task_numa_work(struct callback_head *work) * Skip inaccessible VMAs to avoid any confusion between * PROT_NONE and NUMA hinting ptes */ - if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE))) + if (!vma_is_accessible(vma)) continue; do { diff --git a/mm/gup.c b/mm/gup.c index da3e03185144..4d505c994623 100644 --- a/mm/gup.c +++ b/mm/gup.c @@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ long populate_vma_page_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, * We want mlock to succeed for regions that have any permissions * other than PROT_NONE. */ - if (vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_WRITE | VM_EXEC)) + if (vma_is_accessible(vma)) gup_flags |= FOLL_FORCE; /* diff --git a/mm/memory.c b/mm/memory.c index 586271f3efc6..d2a353c345ad 100644 --- a/mm/memory.c +++ b/mm/memory.c @@ -3964,11 +3964,6 @@ static inline vm_fault_t wp_huge_pmd(struct vm_fault *vmf, pmd_t orig_pmd) return VM_FAULT_FALLBACK; } -static inline bool vma_is_accessible(struct vm_area_struct *vma) -{ - return vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE); -} - static vm_fault_t create_huge_pud(struct vm_fault *vmf) { #if defined(CONFIG_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE) && \ diff --git a/mm/mempolicy.c b/mm/mempolicy.c index 5fb427aed612..b36926ba02e2 100644 --- a/mm/mempolicy.c +++ b/mm/mempolicy.c @@ -678,8 +678,7 @@ static int queue_pages_test_walk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, if (flags & MPOL_MF_LAZY) { /* Similar to task_numa_work, skip inaccessible VMAs */ - if (!is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma) && - (vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC | VM_WRITE)) && + if (!is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma) && vma_is_accessible(vma) && !(vma->vm_flags & VM_MIXEDMAP)) change_prot_numa(vma, start, endvma); return 1; diff --git a/mm/mmap.c b/mm/mmap.c index 94ae18398c59..aa09429d5888 100644 --- a/mm/mmap.c +++ b/mm/mmap.c @@ -2358,8 +2358,7 @@ int expand_upwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address) gap_addr = TASK_SIZE; next = vma->vm_next; - if (next && next->vm_start < gap_addr && - (next->vm_flags & (VM_WRITE|VM_READ|VM_EXEC))) { + if (next && next->vm_start < gap_addr && vma_is_accessible(next)) { if (!(next->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP)) return -ENOMEM; /* Check that both stack segments have the same anon_vma? */ @@ -2440,7 +2439,7 @@ int expand_downwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma, prev = vma->vm_prev; /* Check that both stack segments have the same anon_vma? */ if (prev && !(prev->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN) && - (prev->vm_flags & (VM_WRITE|VM_READ|VM_EXEC))) { + vma_is_accessible(prev)) { if (address - prev->vm_end < stack_guard_gap) return -ENOMEM; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From d76343c6b2b79f5e89c392bc9ce9dabc4c9e90cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 10:01:27 +0100 Subject: sched/fair: Align rq->avg_idle and rq->avg_scan_cost sched/core.c uses update_avg() for rq->avg_idle and sched/fair.c uses an open-coded version (with the exact same decay factor) for rq->avg_scan_cost. On top of that, select_idle_cpu() expects to be able to compare these two fields. The only difference between the two is that rq->avg_scan_cost is computed using a pure division rather than a shift. Turns out it actually matters, first of all because the shifted value can be negative, and the standard has this to say about it: """ The result of E1 >> E2 is E1 right-shifted E2 bit positions. [...] If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the resulting value is implementation-defined. """ Not only this, but (arithmetic) right shifting a negative value (using 2's complement) is *not* equivalent to dividing it by the corresponding power of 2. Let's look at a few examples: -4 -> 0xF..FC -4 >> 3 -> 0xF..FF == -1 != -4 / 8 -8 -> 0xF..F8 -8 >> 3 -> 0xF..FF == -1 == -8 / 8 -9 -> 0xF..F7 -9 >> 3 -> 0xF..FE == -2 != -9 / 8 Make update_avg() use a division, and export it to the private scheduler header to reuse it where relevant. Note that this still lets compilers use a shift here, but should prevent any unwanted surprise. The disassembly of select_idle_cpu() remains unchanged on arm64, and ttwu_do_wakeup() gains 2 instructions; the diff sort of looks like this: - sub x1, x1, x0 + subs x1, x1, x0 // set condition codes + add x0, x1, #0x7 + csel x0, x0, x1, mi // x0 = x1 < 0 ? x0 : x1 add x0, x3, x0, asr #3 which does the right thing (i.e. gives us the expected result while still using an arithmetic shift) Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 6 ------ kernel/sched/fair.c | 7 ++----- kernel/sched/sched.h | 6 ++++++ 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index a2694ba82874..f6b329bca0c6 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -2119,12 +2119,6 @@ int select_task_rq(struct task_struct *p, int cpu, int sd_flags, int wake_flags) return cpu; } -static void update_avg(u64 *avg, u64 sample) -{ - s64 diff = sample - *avg; - *avg += diff >> 3; -} - void sched_set_stop_task(int cpu, struct task_struct *stop) { struct sched_param param = { .sched_priority = MAX_RT_PRIO - 1 }; diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 1ea3dddafe69..fb025e946f83 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -6080,8 +6080,7 @@ static int select_idle_cpu(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int t struct cpumask *cpus = this_cpu_cpumask_var_ptr(select_idle_mask); struct sched_domain *this_sd; u64 avg_cost, avg_idle; - u64 time, cost; - s64 delta; + u64 time; int this = smp_processor_id(); int cpu, nr = INT_MAX; @@ -6119,9 +6118,7 @@ static int select_idle_cpu(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int t } time = cpu_clock(this) - time; - cost = this_sd->avg_scan_cost; - delta = (s64)(time - cost) / 8; - this_sd->avg_scan_cost += delta; + update_avg(&this_sd->avg_scan_cost, time); return cpu; } diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index 0f616bf7bce3..cd008147eccb 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -195,6 +195,12 @@ static inline int task_has_dl_policy(struct task_struct *p) #define cap_scale(v, s) ((v)*(s) >> SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT) +static inline void update_avg(u64 *avg, u64 sample) +{ + s64 diff = sample - *avg; + *avg += diff / 8; +} + /* * !! For sched_setattr_nocheck() (kernel) only !! * -- cgit v1.2.3 From 26a8b12747c975b33b4a82d62e4a307e1c07f31b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Huaixin Chang Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:26:25 +0800 Subject: sched/fair: Fix race between runtime distribution and assignment Currently, there is a potential race between distribute_cfs_runtime() and assign_cfs_rq_runtime(). Race happens when cfs_b->runtime is read, distributes without holding lock and finds out there is not enough runtime to charge against after distribution. Because assign_cfs_rq_runtime() might be called during distribution, and use cfs_b->runtime at the same time. Fibtest is the tool to test this race. Assume all gcfs_rq is throttled and cfs period timer runs, slow threads might run and sleep, returning unused cfs_rq runtime and keeping min_cfs_rq_runtime in their local pool. If all this happens sufficiently quickly, cfs_b->runtime will drop a lot. If runtime distributed is large too, over-use of runtime happens. A runtime over-using by about 70 percent of quota is seen when we test fibtest on a 96-core machine. We run fibtest with 1 fast thread and 95 slow threads in test group, configure 10ms quota for this group and see the CPU usage of fibtest is 17.0%, which is far more than the expected 10%. On a smaller machine with 32 cores, we also run fibtest with 96 threads. CPU usage is more than 12%, which is also more than expected 10%. This shows that on similar workloads, this race do affect CPU bandwidth control. Solve this by holding lock inside distribute_cfs_runtime(). Fixes: c06f04c70489 ("sched: Fix potential near-infinite distribute_cfs_runtime() loop") Reviewed-by: Ben Segall Signed-off-by: Huaixin Chang Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 31 +++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index fb025e946f83..95cbd9e7958d 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -4836,11 +4836,10 @@ void unthrottle_cfs_rq(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq) resched_curr(rq); } -static u64 distribute_cfs_runtime(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b, u64 remaining) +static void distribute_cfs_runtime(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b) { struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq; - u64 runtime; - u64 starting_runtime = remaining; + u64 runtime, remaining = 1; rcu_read_lock(); list_for_each_entry_rcu(cfs_rq, &cfs_b->throttled_cfs_rq, @@ -4855,10 +4854,13 @@ static u64 distribute_cfs_runtime(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b, u64 remaining) /* By the above check, this should never be true */ SCHED_WARN_ON(cfs_rq->runtime_remaining > 0); + raw_spin_lock(&cfs_b->lock); runtime = -cfs_rq->runtime_remaining + 1; - if (runtime > remaining) - runtime = remaining; - remaining -= runtime; + if (runtime > cfs_b->runtime) + runtime = cfs_b->runtime; + cfs_b->runtime -= runtime; + remaining = cfs_b->runtime; + raw_spin_unlock(&cfs_b->lock); cfs_rq->runtime_remaining += runtime; @@ -4873,8 +4875,6 @@ next: break; } rcu_read_unlock(); - - return starting_runtime - remaining; } /* @@ -4885,7 +4885,6 @@ next: */ static int do_sched_cfs_period_timer(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b, int overrun, unsigned long flags) { - u64 runtime; int throttled; /* no need to continue the timer with no bandwidth constraint */ @@ -4914,24 +4913,17 @@ static int do_sched_cfs_period_timer(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b, int overrun, u cfs_b->nr_throttled += overrun; /* - * This check is repeated as we are holding onto the new bandwidth while - * we unthrottle. This can potentially race with an unthrottled group - * trying to acquire new bandwidth from the global pool. This can result - * in us over-using our runtime if it is all used during this loop, but - * only by limited amounts in that extreme case. + * This check is repeated as we release cfs_b->lock while we unthrottle. */ while (throttled && cfs_b->runtime > 0 && !cfs_b->distribute_running) { - runtime = cfs_b->runtime; cfs_b->distribute_running = 1; raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfs_b->lock, flags); /* we can't nest cfs_b->lock while distributing bandwidth */ - runtime = distribute_cfs_runtime(cfs_b, runtime); + distribute_cfs_runtime(cfs_b); raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&cfs_b->lock, flags); cfs_b->distribute_running = 0; throttled = !list_empty(&cfs_b->throttled_cfs_rq); - - lsub_positive(&cfs_b->runtime, runtime); } /* @@ -5065,10 +5057,9 @@ static void do_sched_cfs_slack_timer(struct cfs_bandwidth *cfs_b) if (!runtime) return; - runtime = distribute_cfs_runtime(cfs_b, runtime); + distribute_cfs_runtime(cfs_b); raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&cfs_b->lock, flags); - lsub_positive(&cfs_b->runtime, runtime); cfs_b->distribute_running = 0; raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfs_b->lock, flags); } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 111688ca1c4a43a7e482f5401f82c46326b8ed49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aubrey Li Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:42:29 +0800 Subject: sched/fair: Fix negative imbalance in imbalance calculation A negative imbalance value was observed after imbalance calculation, this happens when the local sched group type is group_fully_busy, and the average load of local group is greater than the selected busiest group. Fix this problem by comparing the average load of the local and busiest group before imbalance calculation formula. Suggested-by: Vincent Guittot Reviewed-by: Phil Auld Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Acked-by: Mel Gorman Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/fair.c | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c index 95cbd9e7958d..02f323b85b6d 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c @@ -9036,6 +9036,14 @@ static inline void calculate_imbalance(struct lb_env *env, struct sd_lb_stats *s sds->avg_load = (sds->total_load * SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE) / sds->total_capacity; + /* + * If the local group is more loaded than the selected + * busiest group don't try to pull any tasks. + */ + if (local->avg_load >= busiest->avg_load) { + env->imbalance = 0; + return; + } } /* -- cgit v1.2.3 From 62849a9612924a655c67cf6962920544aa5c20db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sebastian Andrzej Siewior Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 00:29:59 +0100 Subject: workqueue: Remove the warning in wq_worker_sleeping() The kernel test robot triggered a warning with the following race: task-ctx A interrupt-ctx B worker -> process_one_work() -> work_item() -> schedule(); -> sched_submit_work() -> wq_worker_sleeping() -> ->sleeping = 1 atomic_dec_and_test(nr_running) __schedule(); *interrupt* async_page_fault() -> local_irq_enable(); -> schedule(); -> sched_submit_work() -> wq_worker_sleeping() -> if (WARN_ON(->sleeping)) return -> __schedule() -> sched_update_worker() -> wq_worker_running() -> atomic_inc(nr_running); -> ->sleeping = 0; -> sched_update_worker() -> wq_worker_running() if (!->sleeping) return In this context the warning is pointless everything is fine. An interrupt before wq_worker_sleeping() will perform the ->sleeping assignment (0 -> 1 > 0) twice. An interrupt after wq_worker_sleeping() will trigger the warning and nr_running will be decremented (by A) and incremented once (only by B, A will skip it). This is the case until the ->sleeping is zeroed again in wq_worker_running(). Remove the WARN statement because this condition may happen. Document that preemption around wq_worker_sleeping() needs to be disabled to protect ->sleeping and not just as an optimisation. Fixes: 6d25be5782e48 ("sched/core, workqueues: Distangle worker accounting from rq lock") Reported-by: kernel test robot Signed-off-by: Sebastian Andrzej Siewior Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Cc: Tejun Heo Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 3 ++- kernel/workqueue.c | 6 ++++-- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index f6b329bca0c6..c3d12e3762d4 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -4120,7 +4120,8 @@ static inline void sched_submit_work(struct task_struct *tsk) * it wants to wake up a task to maintain concurrency. * As this function is called inside the schedule() context, * we disable preemption to avoid it calling schedule() again - * in the possible wakeup of a kworker. + * in the possible wakeup of a kworker and because wq_worker_sleeping() + * requires it. */ if (tsk->flags & (PF_WQ_WORKER | PF_IO_WORKER)) { preempt_disable(); diff --git a/kernel/workqueue.c b/kernel/workqueue.c index 3816a18c251e..891ccad5f271 100644 --- a/kernel/workqueue.c +++ b/kernel/workqueue.c @@ -858,7 +858,8 @@ void wq_worker_running(struct task_struct *task) * @task: task going to sleep * * This function is called from schedule() when a busy worker is - * going to sleep. + * going to sleep. Preemption needs to be disabled to protect ->sleeping + * assignment. */ void wq_worker_sleeping(struct task_struct *task) { @@ -875,7 +876,8 @@ void wq_worker_sleeping(struct task_struct *task) pool = worker->pool; - if (WARN_ON_ONCE(worker->sleeping)) + /* Return if preempted before wq_worker_running() was reached */ + if (worker->sleeping) return; worker->sleeping = 1; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 275b2f6723ab9173484e1055ae138d4c2dd9d7c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Donnefort Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 13:21:35 +0000 Subject: sched/core: Remove unused rq::last_load_update_tick The following commit: 5e83eafbfd3b ("sched/fair: Remove the rq->cpu_load[] update code") eliminated the last use case for rq->last_load_update_tick, so remove the field as well. Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot Signed-off-by: Vincent Donnefort Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/core.c | 1 - kernel/sched/sched.h | 1 - 2 files changed, 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index c3d12e3762d4..3a61a3b8eaa9 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -6694,7 +6694,6 @@ void __init sched_init(void) rq_attach_root(rq, &def_root_domain); #ifdef CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON - rq->last_load_update_tick = jiffies; rq->last_blocked_load_update_tick = jiffies; atomic_set(&rq->nohz_flags, 0); #endif diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/sched.h index cd008147eccb..db3a57675ccf 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/sched.h +++ b/kernel/sched/sched.h @@ -888,7 +888,6 @@ struct rq { #endif #ifdef CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - unsigned long last_load_update_tick; unsigned long last_blocked_load_update_tick; unsigned int has_blocked_load; #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From c745a6212c9923eb2253f4229e5d7277ca3d9d8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 12:45:41 +0000 Subject: sched/debug: Remove redundant macro define Most printing macros for procfs are defined globally in debug.c, and they are re-defined (to the exact same thing) within proc_sched_show_task(). Get rid of the duplicate defines. Reviewed-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/debug.c | 12 ------------ 1 file changed, 12 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c index 8331bc04aea2..4670151eb131 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/debug.c +++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c @@ -868,16 +868,8 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, SEQ_printf(m, "---------------------------------------------------------" "----------\n"); -#define __P(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)F) -#define P(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)p->F) #define P_SCHEDSTAT(F) \ SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)schedstat_val(p->F)) -#define __PN(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)F)) -#define PN(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)p->F)) #define PN_SCHEDSTAT(F) \ SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)schedstat_val(p->F))) @@ -963,11 +955,7 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, P(dl.deadline); } #undef PN_SCHEDSTAT -#undef PN -#undef __PN #undef P_SCHEDSTAT -#undef P -#undef __P { unsigned int this_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9e3bf9469c29f7e4e49c5c0d8fecaf8ac57d1fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 12:45:42 +0000 Subject: sched/debug: Factor out printing formats into common macros The printing macros in debug.c keep redefining the same output format. Collect each output format in a single definition, and reuse that definition in the other macros. While at it, add a layer of parentheses and replace printf's with the newly introduced macros. Reviewed-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/debug.c | 26 ++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c index 4670151eb131..315ef6de3cc4 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/debug.c +++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c @@ -816,10 +816,12 @@ static int __init init_sched_debug_procfs(void) __initcall(init_sched_debug_procfs); -#define __P(F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)F) -#define P(F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)p->F) -#define __PN(F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)F)) -#define PN(F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)p->F)) +#define __PS(S, F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", S, (long long)(F)) +#define __P(F) __PS(#F, F) +#define P(F) __PS(#F, p->F) +#define __PSN(S, F) SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", S, SPLIT_NS((long long)(F))) +#define __PN(F) __PSN(#F, F) +#define PN(F) __PSN(#F, p->F) #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING @@ -868,10 +870,9 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, SEQ_printf(m, "---------------------------------------------------------" "----------\n"); -#define P_SCHEDSTAT(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", #F, (long long)schedstat_val(p->F)) -#define PN_SCHEDSTAT(F) \ - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%14Ld.%06ld\n", #F, SPLIT_NS((long long)schedstat_val(p->F))) + +#define P_SCHEDSTAT(F) __PS(#F, schedstat_val(p->F)) +#define PN_SCHEDSTAT(F) __PSN(#F, schedstat_val(p->F)) PN(se.exec_start); PN(se.vruntime); @@ -931,10 +932,8 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, } __P(nr_switches); - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", - "nr_voluntary_switches", (long long)p->nvcsw); - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", - "nr_involuntary_switches", (long long)p->nivcsw); + __PS("nr_voluntary_switches", p->nvcsw); + __PS("nr_involuntary_switches", p->nivcsw); P(se.load.weight); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP @@ -963,8 +962,7 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, t0 = cpu_clock(this_cpu); t1 = cpu_clock(this_cpu); - SEQ_printf(m, "%-45s:%21Ld\n", - "clock-delta", (long long)(t1-t0)); + __PS("clock-delta", t1-t0); } sched_show_numa(p, m); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 96e74ebf8d594496f3dda5f8e26af6b4e161e4e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valentin Schneider Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 12:45:43 +0000 Subject: sched/debug: Add task uclamp values to SCHED_DEBUG procfs Requested and effective uclamp values can be a bit tricky to decipher when playing with cgroup hierarchies. Add them to a task's procfs when SCHED_DEBUG is enabled. Reviewed-by: Qais Yousef Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/debug.c | 6 ++++++ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c index 315ef6de3cc4..a562df57a86e 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/debug.c +++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c @@ -946,6 +946,12 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns, P(se.avg.last_update_time); P(se.avg.util_est.ewma); P(se.avg.util_est.enqueued); +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK + __PS("uclamp.min", p->uclamp[UCLAMP_MIN].value); + __PS("uclamp.max", p->uclamp[UCLAMP_MAX].value); + __PS("effective uclamp.min", uclamp_eff_value(p, UCLAMP_MIN)); + __PS("effective uclamp.max", uclamp_eff_value(p, UCLAMP_MAX)); #endif P(policy); P(prio); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3662daf023500dc084fa3b96f68a6f46179ddc73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Xu Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 18:35:17 -0400 Subject: sched/isolation: Allow "isolcpus=" to skip unknown sub-parameters The "isolcpus=" parameter allows sub-parameters before the cpulist is specified, and if the parser detects an unknown sub-parameters the whole parameter will be ignored. This design is incompatible with itself when new sub-parameters are added. An older kernel will not recognize the new sub-parameter and will invalidate the whole parameter so the CPU isolation will not take effect. It emits a warning: isolcpus: Error, unknown flag The better and compatible way is to allow "isolcpus=" to skip unknown sub-parameters, so that even if new sub-parameters are added an older kernel will still be able to behave as usual even if with the new sub-parameter specified on the command line. Ideally this should have been there when the first sub-parameter for "isolcpus=" was introduced. Suggested-by: Thomas Gleixner Signed-off-by: Peter Xu Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner Link: --- kernel/sched/isolation.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/isolation.c b/kernel/sched/isolation.c index 008d6ac2342b..808244f3ddd9 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/isolation.c +++ b/kernel/sched/isolation.c @@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ __setup("nohz_full=", housekeeping_nohz_full_setup); static int __init housekeeping_isolcpus_setup(char *str) { unsigned int flags = 0; + bool illegal = false; + char *par; + int len; while (isalpha(*str)) { if (!strncmp(str, "nohz,", 5)) { @@ -169,8 +172,22 @@ static int __init housekeeping_isolcpus_setup(char *str) continue; } - pr_warn("isolcpus: Error, unknown flag\n"); - return 0; + /* + * Skip unknown sub-parameter and validate that it is not + * containing an invalid character. + */ + for (par = str, len = 0; *str && *str != ','; str++, len++) { + if (!isalpha(*str) && *str != '_') + illegal = true; + } + + if (illegal) { + pr_warn("isolcpus: Invalid flag %.*s\n", len, par); + return 0; + } + + pr_info("isolcpus: Skipped unknown flag %.*s\n", len, par); + str++; } /* Default behaviour for isolcpus without flags */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From e0d648f9d883ec1efab261af158d73aa30e9dd12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Borislav Petkov Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 22:43:34 +0100 Subject: sched/vtime: Work around an unitialized variable warning MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Work around this warning: kernel/sched/cputime.c: In function ‘kcpustat_field’: kernel/sched/cputime.c:1007:6: warning: ‘val’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] because GCC can't see that val is used only when err is 0. Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra Signed-off-by: Borislav Petkov Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar Link: --- kernel/sched/cputime.c | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/kernel/sched/cputime.c b/kernel/sched/cputime.c index dac9104d126f..ff9435dee1df 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/cputime.c +++ b/kernel/sched/cputime.c @@ -1003,12 +1003,12 @@ u64 kcpustat_field(struct kernel_cpustat *kcpustat, enum cpu_usage_stat usage, int cpu) { u64 *cpustat = kcpustat->cpustat; + u64 val = cpustat[usage]; struct rq *rq; - u64 val; int err; if (!vtime_accounting_enabled_cpu(cpu)) - return cpustat[usage]; + return val; rq = cpu_rq(cpu); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2beaf3280e57bb891f8012dca49c87ed0f01e2f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Paul E. McKenney" Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 14:23:21 -0700 Subject: sched/core: Add function to sample state of locked-down task A running task's state can be sampled in a consistent manner (for example, for diagnostic purposes) simply by invoking smp_call_function_single() on its CPU, which may be obtained using task_cpu(), then having the IPI handler verify that the desired task is in fact still running. However, if the task is not running, this sampling can in theory be done immediately and directly. In practice, the task might start running at any time, including during the sampling period. Gaining a consistent sample of a not-running task therefore requires that something be done to lock down the target task's state. This commit therefore adds a try_invoke_on_locked_down_task() function that invokes a specified function if the specified task can be locked down, returning true if successful and if the specified function returns true. Otherwise this function simply returns false. Given that the function passed to try_invoke_on_nonrunning_task() might be invoked with a runqueue lock held, that function had better be quite lightweight. The function is passed the target task's task_struct pointer and the argument passed to try_invoke_on_locked_down_task(), allowing easy access to task state and to a location for further variables to be passed in and out. Note that the specified function will be called even if the specified task is currently running. The function can use ->on_rq and task_curr() to quickly and easily determine the task's state, and can return false if this state is not to the function's liking. The caller of the try_invoke_on_locked_down_task() would then see the false return value, and could take appropriate action, for example, trying again later or sending an IPI if matters are more urgent. It is expected that use cases such as the RCU CPU stall warning code will simply return false if the task is currently running. However, there are use cases involving nohz_full CPUs where the specified function might instead fall back to an alternative sampling scheme that relies on heavier synchronization (such as memory barriers) in the target task. Cc: Ingo Molnar Cc: Peter Zijlstra Cc: Juri Lelli Cc: Vincent Guittot Cc: Dietmar Eggemann Cc: Ben Segall Cc: Mel Gorman [ paulmck: Apply feedback from Peter Zijlstra and Steven Rostedt. ] [ paulmck: Invoke if running to handle feedback from Mathieu Desnoyers. ] Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) Reviewed-by: Joel Fernandes (Google) Signed-off-by: Paul E. McKenney --- include/linux/wait.h | 2 ++ kernel/sched/core.c | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+) (limited to 'kernel/sched') diff --git a/include/linux/wait.h b/include/linux/wait.h index feeb6be5cad6..898c890fc153 100644 --- a/include/linux/wait.h +++ b/include/linux/wait.h @@ -1149,4 +1149,6 @@ int autoremove_wake_function(struct wait_queue_entry *wq_entry, unsigned mode, i (wait)->flags = 0; \ } while (0) +bool try_invoke_on_locked_down_task(struct task_struct *p, bool (*func)(struct task_struct *t, void *arg), void *arg); + #endif /* _LINUX_WAIT_H */ diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c index 3a61a3b8eaa9..5ca567adfcb9 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/core.c +++ b/kernel/sched/core.c @@ -2566,6 +2566,8 @@ try_to_wake_up(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int state, int wake_flags) * * Pairs with the LOCK+smp_mb__after_spinlock() on rq->lock in * __schedule(). See the comment for smp_mb__after_spinlock(). + * + * A similar smb_rmb() lives in try_invoke_on_locked_down_task(). */ smp_rmb(); if (p->on_rq && ttwu_remote(p, wake_flags)) @@ -2639,6 +2641,52 @@ out: return success; } +/** + * try_invoke_on_locked_down_task - Invoke a function on task in fixed state + * @p: Process for which the function is to be invoked. + * @func: Function to invoke. + * @arg: Argument to function. + * + * If the specified task can be quickly locked into a definite state + * (either sleeping or on a given runqueue), arrange to keep it in that + * state while invoking @func(@arg). This function can use ->on_rq and + * task_curr() to work out what the state is, if required. Given that + * @func can be invoked with a runqueue lock held, it had better be quite + * lightweight. + * + * Returns: + * @false if the task slipped out from under the locks. + * @true if the task was locked onto a runqueue or is sleeping. + * However, @func can override this by returning @false. + */ +bool try_invoke_on_locked_down_task(struct task_struct *p, bool (*func)(struct task_struct *t, void *arg), void *arg) +{ + bool ret = false; + struct rq_flags rf; + struct rq *rq; + + lockdep_assert_irqs_enabled(); + raw_spin_lock_irq(&p->pi_lock); + if (p->on_rq) { + rq = __task_rq_lock(p, &rf); + if (task_rq(p) == rq) + ret = func(p, arg); + rq_unlock(rq, &rf); + } else { + switch (p->state) { + case TASK_RUNNING: + case TASK_WAKING: + break; + default: + smp_rmb(); // See smp_rmb() comment in try_to_wake_up(). + if (!p->on_rq) + ret = func(p, arg); + } + } + raw_spin_unlock_irq(&p->pi_lock); + return ret; +} + /** * wake_up_process - Wake up a specific process * @p: The process to be woken up. -- cgit v1.2.3