Source: linux Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Ubuntu Kernel Team Standards-Version: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cpio, module-init-tools, kernel-wedge (>= 2.24ubuntu1), makedumpfile [amd64 i386], device-tree-compiler [powerpc], libelf-dev, binutils-dev, rsync, libdw-dev, dpkg (>= 1.16.0~ubuntu4), util-linux Build-Depends-Indep: xmlto, docbook-utils, ghostscript, transfig, bzip2, sharutils, asciidoc Build-Conflicts: findutils (= 4.4.1-1ubuntu1) Vcs-Git: Package: SRCPKGNAME-source-PKGVER Architecture: all Section: devel Priority: optional Provides: SRCPKGNAME-source, SRCPKGNAME-source-3 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, binutils, bzip2, coreutils | fileutils (>= 4.0) Recommends: libc-dev, gcc, make Suggests: libncurses-dev | ncurses-dev, kernel-package, libqt3-dev Description: Linux kernel source for version PKGVER with Ubuntu patches This package provides the source code for the Linux kernel version PKGVER. . This package is mainly meant for other packages to use, in order to build custom flavours. . If you wish to use this package to create a custom Linux kernel, then it is suggested that you investigate the package kernel-package, which has been designed to ease the task of creating kernel image packages. . If you are simply trying to build third-party modules for your kernel, you do not want this package. Install the appropriate linux-headers package instead. Package: SRCPKGNAME-doc Architecture: all Section: doc Priority: optional Depends: ${misc:Depends} Conflicts: SRCPKGNAME-doc-3 Replaces: SRCPKGNAME-doc-3 Description: Linux kernel specific documentation for version PKGVER This package provides the various documents in the PKGVER kernel Documentation/ subdirectory. These document kernel subsystems, APIs, device drivers, and so on. See /usr/share/doc/SRCPKGNAME-doc/00-INDEX for a list of what is contained in each file. Package: SRCPKGNAME-tools-common Architecture: all Section: admin Priority: optional Depends: ${misc:Depends} Replaces: SRCPKGNAME-tools (<= 2.6.32-16.25) Description: Linux kernel specific tools for version PKGVER This package provides the architecture independent parts for kernel version locked tools in the PKGVER kernel source. Package: linux-headers-PKGVER-ABINUM Architecture: all Section: devel Priority: optional Depends: ${misc:Depends}, coreutils | fileutils (>= 4.0) Provides: SRCPKGNAME-headers, SRCPKGNAME-headers-3 Description: Header files related to Linux kernel version PKGVER This package provides kernel header files for version PKGVER, for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/SRCPKGNAME-headers-PKGVER-ABINUM/debian.README.gz for details Package: SRCPKGNAME-libc-dev Architecture: i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 armel armhf Depends: ${misc:Depends} Conflicts: libc6-dev (<< 2.3.2.ds1-6), libc6.1-dev (<< 2.3.2.ds1-6), dvb-dev (<< 1.0.1-6), amd64-libs-dev (<= 1.1), SRCPKGNAME-kernel-headers Replaces: libc6-dev (<< 2.3.2.ds1-6), libc6.1-dev (<< 2.3.2.ds1-6), dvb-dev (<< 1.0.1-6), SRCPKGNAME-kernel-headers, libdrm-dev Provides: SRCPKGNAME-kernel-headers Multi-Arch: same Description: Linux Kernel Headers for development This package provides headers from the Linux kernel. These headers are used by the installed headers for GNU glibc and other system libraries. They are NOT meant to be used to build third-party modules for your kernel. Use SRCPKGNAME-headers-* packages for that. Package: linux-tools-PKGVER-ABINUM Architecture: i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 armel armhf Section: devel Priority: optional Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, linux-tools-common Description: Linux kernel tools for version PKGVER-ABINUM This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for version PKGVER-ABINUM on DESC.