quotacheck - scan a file system for disk usages


quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] -a
quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] filesys ...


Quotacheck performs a filesystems scan for usage of files and directories, used by either user or group. The output is the quota file for the corresponding filesystem. By default the names for these files are:

The resulting file consist of a struct dqblk for each possible id up to the highest existing uid or gid and contains the values for the disk file and block usage and possibly excess time for these values. ( for definitions of struct dqblk see <linux/quota.h> )

Quotacheck should be run each time the system boots and mounts non-valid file systems. This is most likely to happen after a system crash.

The speed of the scan decrease with the amount of directories increasing. The time needed doubles when disk usage is doubled as well. A 100 MB partition used for 94% is scanned in 1 minute, the same partition used for 50% is done in 25 seconds.



Quotacheck should only be run as Super User. Non-privilidged users are presumably not allowed to read all the directories on the given file system.


quota.user located at the filesystem root with user quotas located at the filesystem root with group quotas
/etc/fstab to find filesystem names and locations


quota (1), quotactl (2), fstab (5), edquota (8), quotaon (8), repquota (8)