/* * * Utility for reporting quotas * * Based on old repquota. * Jan Kara - Sponsored by SuSE CZ */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pot.h" #include "common.h" #include "quotasys.h" #include "quotaio.h" #define PRINTNAMELEN 9 /* Number of characters to be reserved for name on screen */ #define MAX_CACHE_DQUOTS 1024 /* Number of dquots in cache */ #define FL_USER 1 #define FL_GROUP 2 #define FL_VERBOSE 4 #define FL_ALL 8 /* Dump quota files on all filesystems */ #define FL_TRUNCNAMES 16 /* Truncate names to fit into the screen */ #define FL_SHORTNUMS 32 /* Try to print space in appropriate units */ #define FL_NONAME 64 /* Don't translate ids to names */ #define FL_NOCACHE 128 /* Don't cache dquots before resolving */ #define FL_NOAUTOFS 256 /* Ignore autofs mountpoints */ #define FL_RAWGRACE 512 /* Print grace times in seconds since epoch */ static int flags, fmt = -1, ofmt = QOF_DEFAULT; static char **mnt; static int mntcnt; static int cached_dquots; static struct dquot dquot_cache[MAX_CACHE_DQUOTS]; char *progname; static void usage(void) { errstr(_("Utility for reporting quotas.\nUsage:\n%s [-vugsi] [-c|C] [-t|n] [-F quotaformat] [-O (default | xml | csv)] (-a | mntpoint)\n\n\ -v, --verbose display also users/groups without any usage\n\ -u, --user display information about users\n\ -g, --group display information about groups\n\ -s, --human-readable show numbers in human friendly units (MB, GB, ...)\n\ -t, --truncate-names truncate names to 9 characters\n\ -p, --raw-grace print grace time in seconds since epoch\n\ -n, --no-names do not translate uid/gid to name\n\ -i, --no-autofs avoid autofs mountpoints\n\ -c, --cache translate big number of ids at once\n\ -C, --no-cache translate ids one by one\n\ -F, --format=formatname report information for specific format\n\ -O, --output=format format output as xml or csv\n\ -a, --all report information for all mount points with quotas\n\ -h, --help display this help message and exit\n\ -V, --version display version information and exit\n\n"), progname); fprintf(stderr, _("Bugs to %s\n"), MY_EMAIL); exit(1); } static void parse_options(int argcnt, char **argstr) { int ret; int cache_specified = 0; struct option long_opts[] = { { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, { "all", 0, NULL, 'a' }, { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { "user", 0, NULL, 'u' }, { "group", 0, NULL, 'g' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "truncate-names", 0, NULL, 't' }, { "raw-grace", 0, NULL, 'p' }, { "human-readable", 0, NULL, 's' }, { "no-names", 0, NULL, 'n' }, { "cache", 0, NULL, 'c' }, { "no-cache", 0, NULL, 'C' }, { "no-autofs", 0, NULL, 'i' }, { "format", 1, NULL, 'F' }, { "output", 1, NULL, 'O' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; while ((ret = getopt_long(argcnt, argstr, "VavughtspncCiFO:", long_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ret) { case '?': case 'h': usage(); case 'V': version(); exit(0); case 'u': flags |= FL_USER; break; case 'g': flags |= FL_GROUP; break; case 'v': flags |= FL_VERBOSE; break; case 'a': flags |= FL_ALL; break; case 't': flags |= FL_TRUNCNAMES; break; case 'p': flags |= FL_RAWGRACE; break; case 's': flags |= FL_SHORTNUMS; break; case 'C': flags |= FL_NOCACHE; cache_specified = 1; break; case 'c': cache_specified = 1; break; case 'i': flags |= FL_NOAUTOFS; break; case 'F': if ((fmt = name2fmt(optarg)) == QF_ERROR) exit(1); break; case 'O': if ((ofmt = name2ofmt(optarg)) == QOF_ERROR) exit(1); break; case 'n': flags |= FL_NONAME; break; } } if ((flags & FL_ALL && optind != argcnt) || (!(flags & FL_ALL) && optind == argcnt)) { fputs(_("Bad number of arguments.\n"), stderr); usage(); } if (fmt == QF_RPC) { fputs(_("Repquota cannot report through RPC calls.\n"), stderr); exit(1); } if (flags & FL_NONAME && flags & FL_TRUNCNAMES) { fputs(_("Specified both -n and -t but only one of them can be used.\n"), stderr); exit(1); } if (!(flags & (FL_USER | FL_GROUP))) flags |= FL_USER; if (!(flags & FL_ALL)) { mnt = argstr + optind; mntcnt = argcnt - optind; } if (!cache_specified && !(flags & FL_NONAME) && passwd_handling() == PASSWD_DB) flags |= FL_NOCACHE; } /* Are we over soft or hard limit? */ static char overlim(qsize_t usage, qsize_t softlim, qsize_t hardlim) { if ((usage > softlim && softlim) || (usage > hardlim && hardlim)) return '+'; return '-'; } /* Are we over soft or hard limit? More descriptive */ static char * overlimd(qsize_t usage, qsize_t softlim, qsize_t hardlim) { if (usage > hardlim && hardlim) return "hard"; else if (usage > softlim && softlim) return "soft"; else return "ok"; } /* Print one quota entry */ static void print(struct dquot *dquot, char *name) { char pname[MAXNAMELEN]; char time[MAXTIMELEN]; char numbuf[3][MAXNUMLEN]; struct util_dqblk *entry = &dquot->dq_dqb; if (!entry->dqb_curspace && !entry->dqb_curinodes && !(flags & FL_VERBOSE)) return; sstrncpy(pname, name, sizeof(pname)); if (flags & FL_TRUNCNAMES) pname[PRINTNAMELEN] = 0; if (entry->dqb_bsoftlimit && toqb(entry->dqb_curspace) >= entry->dqb_bsoftlimit) if (flags & FL_RAWGRACE) sprintf(time, "%llu", (unsigned long long)entry->dqb_btime); else difftime2str(entry->dqb_btime, time); else if (flags & FL_RAWGRACE) strcpy(time, "0"); else time[0] = 0; space2str(toqb(entry->dqb_curspace), numbuf[0], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); space2str(entry->dqb_bsoftlimit, numbuf[1], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); space2str(entry->dqb_bhardlimit, numbuf[2], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); if (ofmt == QOF_DEFAULT) { printf("%-*s %c%c %7s %7s %7s %6s", PRINTNAMELEN, pname, overlim(qb2kb(toqb(entry->dqb_curspace)), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bsoftlimit), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bhardlimit)), overlim(entry->dqb_curinodes, entry->dqb_isoftlimit, entry->dqb_ihardlimit), numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); } else if (ofmt == QOF_CSV) { printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", pname, overlimd(qb2kb(toqb(entry->dqb_curspace)), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bsoftlimit), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bhardlimit)), overlimd(entry->dqb_curinodes, entry->dqb_isoftlimit, entry->dqb_ihardlimit), numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); } else if (ofmt == QOF_XML) { char *spacehdr; if (flags & FL_SHORTNUMS) spacehdr = "Space"; else spacehdr = "Block"; printf(" \n\ \n\ <%sLimits used='%s' soft='%s' hard='%s' grace='%s' />\n", pname, spacehdr, overlimd(qb2kb(toqb(entry->dqb_curspace)), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bsoftlimit), qb2kb(entry->dqb_bhardlimit)), overlimd(entry->dqb_curinodes, entry->dqb_isoftlimit, entry->dqb_ihardlimit), spacehdr, numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); } if (entry->dqb_isoftlimit && entry->dqb_curinodes >= entry->dqb_isoftlimit) if (flags & FL_RAWGRACE) sprintf(time, "%llu", (unsigned long long)entry->dqb_itime); else difftime2str(entry->dqb_itime, time); else if (flags & FL_RAWGRACE) strcpy(time, "0"); else time[0] = 0; number2str(entry->dqb_curinodes, numbuf[0], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); number2str(entry->dqb_isoftlimit, numbuf[1], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); number2str(entry->dqb_ihardlimit, numbuf[2], flags & FL_SHORTNUMS); if (ofmt == QOF_DEFAULT) printf(" %7s %5s %5s %6s\n", numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); else if (ofmt == QOF_CSV) printf(",%s,%s,%s,%s\n", numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); else if (ofmt == QOF_XML) printf(" \n \n", numbuf[0], numbuf[1], numbuf[2], time); } /* Print all dquots in the cache */ static void dump_cached_dquots(int type) { int i; char namebuf[MAXNAMELEN]; if (!cached_dquots) return; if (type == USRQUOTA) { struct passwd *pwent; setpwent(); while ((pwent = getpwent())) { for (i = 0; i < cached_dquots && pwent->pw_uid != dquot_cache[i].dq_id; i++); if (i < cached_dquots && !(dquot_cache[i].dq_flags & DQ_PRINTED)) { print(dquot_cache+i, pwent->pw_name); dquot_cache[i].dq_flags |= DQ_PRINTED; } } endpwent(); } else { struct group *grent; setgrent(); while ((grent = getgrent())) { for (i = 0; i < cached_dquots && grent->gr_gid != dquot_cache[i].dq_id; i++); if (i < cached_dquots && !(dquot_cache[i].dq_flags & DQ_PRINTED)) { print(dquot_cache+i, grent->gr_name); dquot_cache[i].dq_flags |= DQ_PRINTED; } } endgrent(); } for (i = 0; i < cached_dquots; i++) if (!(dquot_cache[i].dq_flags & DQ_PRINTED)) { sprintf(namebuf, "#%u", dquot_cache[i].dq_id); print(dquot_cache+i, namebuf); } cached_dquots = 0; } /* Callback routine called by scan_dquots on each dquot */ static int output(struct dquot *dquot, char *name) { if (flags & FL_NONAME) { /* We should translate names? */ char namebuf[MAXNAMELEN]; sprintf(namebuf, "#%u", dquot->dq_id); print(dquot, namebuf); } else if (name || flags & FL_NOCACHE) { /* We shouldn't do batched id->name translations? */ char namebuf[MAXNAMELEN]; if (!name) { id2name(dquot->dq_id, dquot->dq_h->qh_type, namebuf); name = namebuf; } print(dquot, name); } else { /* Lets cache the dquot for later printing */ memcpy(dquot_cache+cached_dquots++, dquot, sizeof(struct dquot)); if (cached_dquots >= MAX_CACHE_DQUOTS) dump_cached_dquots(dquot->dq_h->qh_type); } return 0; } /* Dump information stored in one quota file */ static void report_it(struct quota_handle *h, int type) { char bgbuf[MAXTIMELEN], igbuf[MAXTIMELEN]; char *spacehdr; char *typestr; if (type == USRQUOTA) typestr = _("User"); else typestr = _("Group"); if (ofmt == QOF_DEFAULT ) printf(_("*** Report for %s quotas on device %s\n"), _(type2name(type)), h->qh_quotadev); else if (ofmt == QOF_XML) printf("\n", type2name(type), h->qh_quotadev); time2str(h->qh_info.dqi_bgrace, bgbuf, TF_ROUND); time2str(h->qh_info.dqi_igrace, igbuf, TF_ROUND); if (ofmt == QOF_DEFAULT) { if (flags & FL_SHORTNUMS) spacehdr = _("Space"); else spacehdr = _("Block"); printf(_("Block grace time: %s; Inode grace time: %s\n"), bgbuf, igbuf); printf(_(" %s limits File limits\n"), spacehdr); printf(_("%-9s used soft hard grace used soft hard grace\n"), typestr); printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else if (ofmt == QOF_XML) { printf(" %s\n %s\n", bgbuf, igbuf); } else if (ofmt == QOF_CSV) { if (flags & FL_SHORTNUMS) spacehdr = "Space"; else spacehdr = "Block"; printf("%s,%sStatus,FileStatus,%sUsed,%sSoftLimit,%sHardLimit,%sGrace,FileUsed,FileSoftLimit,FileHardLimit,FileGrace\n", typestr,spacehdr, spacehdr, spacehdr, spacehdr, spacehdr); } if (h->qh_ops->scan_dquots(h, output) < 0) return; dump_cached_dquots(type); if (h->qh_ops->report && ofmt == QOF_DEFAULT) { putchar('\n'); h->qh_ops->report(h, flags & FL_VERBOSE); putchar('\n'); } if (ofmt == QOF_XML) printf("\n"); } static void report(int type) { struct quota_handle **handles; int i; if (flags & FL_ALL) handles = create_handle_list(0, NULL, type, fmt, IOI_READONLY | IOI_INITSCAN, MS_LOCALONLY | (flags & FL_NOAUTOFS ? MS_NO_AUTOFS : 0)); else handles = create_handle_list(mntcnt, mnt, type, fmt, IOI_READONLY | IOI_INITSCAN, MS_LOCALONLY | (flags & FL_NOAUTOFS ? MS_NO_AUTOFS : 0)); for (i = 0; handles[i]; i++) report_it(handles[i], type); dispose_handle_list(handles); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gettexton(); progname = basename(argv[0]); parse_options(argc, argv); init_kernel_interface(); if (ofmt == QOF_XML) printf("\n"); if (flags & FL_USER) report(USRQUOTA); if (flags & FL_GROUP) report(GRPQUOTA); return 0; }