path: root/drivers/dsp/bridge/rmgr/rmm.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/dsp/bridge/rmgr/rmm.c')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/dsp/bridge/rmgr/rmm.c b/drivers/dsp/bridge/rmgr/rmm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..575f6751bac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/dsp/bridge/rmgr/rmm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+ * rmm.c
+ *
+ * DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Texas Instruments, Inc.
+ *
+ * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ */
+ * ======== rmm.c ========
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * This memory manager provides general heap management and arbitrary
+ * alignment for any number of memory segments.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *
+ * Memory blocks are allocated from the end of the first free memory
+ * block large enough to satisfy the request. Alignment requirements
+ * are satisfied by "sliding" the block forward until its base satisfies
+ * the alignment specification; if this is not possible then the next
+ * free block large enough to hold the request is tried.
+ *
+ * Since alignment can cause the creation of a new free block - the
+ * unused memory formed between the start of the original free block
+ * and the start of the allocated block - the memory manager must free
+ * this memory to prevent a memory leak.
+ *
+ * Overlay memory is managed by reserving through RMM_alloc, and freeing
+ * it through RMM_free. The memory manager prevents DSP code/data that is
+ * overlayed from being overwritten as long as the memory it runs at has
+ * been allocated, and not yet freed.
+ *
+ *! Revision History
+ *! ================
+ *! 18-Feb-2003 vp Code review updates.
+ *! 18-Oct-2002 vp Ported to Linux Platform.
+ *! 24-Sep-2002 map Updated from Code Review
+ *! 25-Jun-2002 jeh Free from segid passed to RMM_free().
+ *! 24-Apr-2002 jeh Determine segid based on address in RMM_free(). (No way
+ *! to keep track of segid with dynamic loader library.)
+ *! 16-Oct-2001 jeh Based on gen tree rm.c. Added support for overlays.
+ */
+/* ----------------------------------- DSP/BIOS Bridge */
+#include <dspbridge/std.h>
+#include <dspbridge/dbdefs.h>
+#include <dspbridge/errbase.h>
+/* ----------------------------------- Trace & Debug */
+#include <dspbridge/dbc.h>
+#include <dspbridge/gt.h>
+/* ----------------------------------- OS Adaptation Layer */
+#include <dspbridge/list.h>
+#include <dspbridge/mem.h>
+/* ----------------------------------- This */
+#include <dspbridge/rmm.h>
+#define RMM_TARGSIGNATURE 0x544d4d52 /* "TMMR" */
+ * ======== RMM_Header ========
+ * This header is used to maintain a list of free memory blocks.
+ */
+struct RMM_Header {
+ struct RMM_Header *next; /* form a free memory link list */
+ u32 size; /* size of the free memory */
+ u32 addr; /* DSP address of memory block */
+} ;
+ * ======== RMM_OvlySect ========
+ * Keeps track of memory occupied by overlay section.
+ */
+struct RMM_OvlySect {
+ struct LST_ELEM listElem;
+ u32 addr; /* Start of memory section */
+ u32 size; /* Length (target MAUs) of section */
+ s32 page; /* Memory page */
+ * ======== RMM_TargetObj ========
+ */
+struct RMM_TargetObj {
+ u32 dwSignature;
+ struct RMM_Segment *segTab;
+ struct RMM_Header **freeList;
+ u32 numSegs;
+ struct LST_LIST *ovlyList; /* List of overlay memory in use */
+static struct GT_Mask RMM_debugMask = { NULL, NULL }; /* GT trace variable */
+static u32 cRefs; /* module reference count */
+static bool allocBlock(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 size,
+ u32 align, u32 *dspAddr);
+static bool freeBlock(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 addr,
+ u32 size);
+ * ======== RMM_alloc ========
+ */
+DSP_STATUS RMM_alloc(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 size,
+ u32 align, u32 *dspAddr, bool reserve)
+ struct RMM_OvlySect *sect;
+ struct RMM_OvlySect *prevSect = NULL;
+ struct RMM_OvlySect *newSect;
+ u32 addr;
+ DSP_STATUS status = DSP_SOK;
+ DBC_Require(MEM_IsValidHandle(target, RMM_TARGSIGNATURE));
+ DBC_Require(dspAddr != NULL);
+ DBC_Require(size > 0);
+ DBC_Require(reserve || (target->numSegs > 0));
+ DBC_Require(cRefs > 0);
+ GT_6trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_ENTER,
+ "RMM_alloc(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, "
+ "0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", target, segid, size, align, dspAddr,
+ reserve);
+ if (!reserve) {
+ if (!allocBlock(target, segid, size, align, dspAddr)) {
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ } else {
+ /* Increment the number of allocated blocks in this
+ * segment */
+ target->segTab[segid].number++;
+ }
+ goto func_end;
+ }
+ /* An overlay section - See if block is already in use. If not,
+ * insert into the list in ascending address size. */
+ addr = *dspAddr;
+ sect = (struct RMM_OvlySect *)LST_First(target->ovlyList);
+ /* Find place to insert new list element. List is sorted from
+ * smallest to largest address. */
+ while (sect != NULL) {
+ if (addr <= sect->addr) {
+ /* Check for overlap with sect */
+ if ((addr + size > sect->addr) || (prevSect &&
+ (prevSect->addr + prevSect->size > addr))) {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ prevSect = sect;
+ sect = (struct RMM_OvlySect *)LST_Next(target->ovlyList,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)sect);
+ }
+ if (DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
+ /* No overlap - allocate list element for new section. */
+ newSect = MEM_Calloc(sizeof(struct RMM_OvlySect), MEM_PAGED);
+ if (newSect == NULL) {
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ } else {
+ LST_InitElem((struct LST_ELEM *)newSect);
+ newSect->addr = addr;
+ newSect->size = size;
+ newSect->page = segid;
+ if (sect == NULL) {
+ /* Put new section at the end of the list */
+ LST_PutTail(target->ovlyList,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)newSect);
+ } else {
+ /* Put new section just before sect */
+ LST_InsertBefore(target->ovlyList,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)newSect,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)sect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+ * ======== RMM_create ========
+ */
+DSP_STATUS RMM_create(struct RMM_TargetObj **pTarget,
+ struct RMM_Segment segTab[], u32 numSegs)
+ struct RMM_Header *hptr;
+ struct RMM_Segment *sptr, *tmp;
+ struct RMM_TargetObj *target;
+ s32 i;
+ DSP_STATUS status = DSP_SOK;
+ DBC_Require(pTarget != NULL);
+ DBC_Require(numSegs == 0 || segTab != NULL);
+ GT_3trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_ENTER,
+ "RMM_create(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n",
+ pTarget, segTab, numSegs);
+ /* Allocate DBL target object */
+ MEM_AllocObject(target, struct RMM_TargetObj, RMM_TARGSIGNATURE);
+ if (target == NULL) {
+ GT_0trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_6CLASS,
+ "RMM_create: Memory allocation failed\n");
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ }
+ if (DSP_FAILED(status))
+ goto func_cont;
+ target->numSegs = numSegs;
+ if (!(numSegs > 0))
+ goto func_cont;
+ /* Allocate the memory for freelist from host's memory */
+ target->freeList = MEM_Calloc(numSegs * sizeof(struct RMM_Header *),
+ if (target->freeList == NULL) {
+ GT_0trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_6CLASS,
+ "RMM_create: Memory allocation failed\n");
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ } else {
+ /* Allocate headers for each element on the free list */
+ for (i = 0; i < (s32) numSegs; i++) {
+ target->freeList[i] =
+ MEM_Calloc(sizeof(struct RMM_Header),
+ if (target->freeList[i] == NULL) {
+ GT_0trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_6CLASS,
+ "RMM_create: Memory "
+ "allocation failed\n");
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate memory for initial segment table */
+ target->segTab = MEM_Calloc(numSegs *
+ sizeof(struct RMM_Segment), MEM_PAGED);
+ if (target->segTab == NULL) {
+ GT_0trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_6CLASS,
+ "RMM_create: Memory allocation failed\n");
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ } else {
+ /* Initialize segment table and free list */
+ sptr = target->segTab;
+ for (i = 0, tmp = segTab; numSegs > 0; numSegs--, i++) {
+ *sptr = *tmp;
+ hptr = target->freeList[i];
+ hptr->addr = tmp->base;
+ hptr->size = tmp->length;
+ hptr->next = NULL;
+ tmp++;
+ sptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Initialize overlay memory list */
+ if (DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
+ target->ovlyList = LST_Create();
+ if (target->ovlyList == NULL) {
+ GT_0trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_6CLASS,
+ "RMM_create: Memory allocation failed\n");
+ status = DSP_EMEMORY;
+ }
+ }
+ if (DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
+ *pTarget = target;
+ } else {
+ *pTarget = NULL;
+ if (target)
+ RMM_delete(target);
+ }
+ DBC_Ensure((DSP_SUCCEEDED(status) && MEM_IsValidHandle((*pTarget),
+ RMM_TARGSIGNATURE)) || (DSP_FAILED(status) && *pTarget ==
+ NULL));
+ return status;
+ * ======== RMM_delete ========
+ */
+void RMM_delete(struct RMM_TargetObj *target)
+ struct RMM_OvlySect *pSect;
+ struct RMM_Header *hptr;
+ struct RMM_Header *next;
+ u32 i;
+ DBC_Require(MEM_IsValidHandle(target, RMM_TARGSIGNATURE));
+ GT_1trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_ENTER, "RMM_delete(0x%lx)\n", target);
+ if (target->segTab != NULL)
+ MEM_Free(target->segTab);
+ if (target->ovlyList) {
+ while ((pSect = (struct RMM_OvlySect *)LST_GetHead
+ (target->ovlyList))) {
+ MEM_Free(pSect);
+ }
+ DBC_Assert(LST_IsEmpty(target->ovlyList));
+ LST_Delete(target->ovlyList);
+ }
+ if (target->freeList != NULL) {
+ /* Free elements on freelist */
+ for (i = 0; i < target->numSegs; i++) {
+ hptr = next = target->freeList[i];
+ while (next) {
+ hptr = next;
+ next = hptr->next;
+ MEM_Free(hptr);
+ }
+ }
+ MEM_Free(target->freeList);
+ }
+ MEM_FreeObject(target);
+ * ======== RMM_exit ========
+ */
+void RMM_exit(void)
+ DBC_Require(cRefs > 0);
+ cRefs--;
+ GT_1trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_5CLASS, "RMM_exit() ref count: 0x%x\n",
+ cRefs);
+ if (cRefs == 0)
+ MEM_Exit();
+ DBC_Ensure(cRefs >= 0);
+ * ======== RMM_free ========
+ */
+bool RMM_free(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 addr, u32 size,
+ bool reserved)
+ struct RMM_OvlySect *sect;
+ bool retVal = true;
+ DBC_Require(MEM_IsValidHandle(target, RMM_TARGSIGNATURE));
+ DBC_Require(reserved || segid < target->numSegs);
+ DBC_Require(reserved || (addr >= target->segTab[segid].base &&
+ (addr + size) <= (target->segTab[segid].base +
+ target->segTab[segid].length)));
+ GT_5trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_ENTER,
+ "RMM_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, "
+ "0x%lx)\n", target, segid, addr, size, reserved);
+ /*
+ * Free or unreserve memory.
+ */
+ if (!reserved) {
+ retVal = freeBlock(target, segid, addr, size);
+ if (retVal)
+ target->segTab[segid].number--;
+ } else {
+ /* Unreserve memory */
+ sect = (struct RMM_OvlySect *)LST_First(target->ovlyList);
+ while (sect != NULL) {
+ if (addr == sect->addr) {
+ DBC_Assert(size == sect->size);
+ /* Remove from list */
+ LST_RemoveElem(target->ovlyList,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)sect);
+ MEM_Free(sect);
+ break;
+ }
+ sect = (struct RMM_OvlySect *)LST_Next(target->ovlyList,
+ (struct LST_ELEM *)sect);
+ }
+ if (sect == NULL)
+ retVal = false;
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ * ======== RMM_init ========
+ */
+bool RMM_init(void)
+ bool retVal = true;
+ DBC_Require(cRefs >= 0);
+ if (cRefs == 0) {
+ DBC_Assert(!RMM_debugMask.flags);
+ GT_create(&RMM_debugMask, "RM"); /* "RM" for RMm */
+ retVal = MEM_Init();
+ if (!retVal)
+ MEM_Exit();
+ }
+ if (retVal)
+ cRefs++;
+ GT_1trace(RMM_debugMask, GT_5CLASS,
+ "RMM_init(), ref count: 0x%x\n",
+ cRefs);
+ DBC_Ensure((retVal && (cRefs > 0)) || (!retVal && (cRefs >= 0)));
+ return retVal;
+ * ======== RMM_stat ========
+ */
+bool RMM_stat(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, enum DSP_MEMTYPE segid,
+ struct DSP_MEMSTAT *pMemStatBuf)
+ struct RMM_Header *head;
+ bool retVal = false;
+ u32 maxFreeSize = 0;
+ u32 totalFreeSize = 0;
+ u32 freeBlocks = 0;
+ DBC_Require(pMemStatBuf != NULL);
+ DBC_Assert(target != NULL);
+ if ((u32) segid < target->numSegs) {
+ head = target->freeList[segid];
+ /* Collect data from freeList */
+ while (head != NULL) {
+ maxFreeSize = max(maxFreeSize, head->size);
+ totalFreeSize += head->size;
+ freeBlocks++;
+ head = head->next;
+ }
+ /* ulSize */
+ pMemStatBuf->ulSize = target->segTab[segid].length;
+ /* ulNumFreeBlocks */
+ pMemStatBuf->ulNumFreeBlocks = freeBlocks;
+ /* ulTotalFreeSize */
+ pMemStatBuf->ulTotalFreeSize = totalFreeSize;
+ /* ulLenMaxFreeBlock */
+ pMemStatBuf->ulLenMaxFreeBlock = maxFreeSize;
+ /* ulNumAllocBlocks */
+ pMemStatBuf->ulNumAllocBlocks = target->segTab[segid].number;
+ retVal = true;
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ * ======== balloc ========
+ * This allocation function allocates memory from the lowest addresses
+ * first.
+ */
+static bool allocBlock(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 size,
+ u32 align, u32 *dspAddr)
+ struct RMM_Header *head;
+ struct RMM_Header *prevhead = NULL;
+ struct RMM_Header *next;
+ u32 tmpalign;
+ u32 alignbytes;
+ u32 hsize;
+ u32 allocsize;
+ u32 addr;
+ alignbytes = (align == 0) ? 1 : align;
+ prevhead = NULL;
+ head = target->freeList[segid];
+ do {
+ hsize = head->size;
+ next = head->next;
+ addr = head->addr; /* alloc from the bottom */
+ /* align allocation */
+ (tmpalign = (u32) addr % alignbytes);
+ if (tmpalign != 0)
+ tmpalign = alignbytes - tmpalign;
+ allocsize = size + tmpalign;
+ if (hsize >= allocsize) { /* big enough */
+ if (hsize == allocsize && prevhead != NULL) {
+ prevhead->next = next;
+ MEM_Free(head);
+ } else {
+ head->size = hsize - allocsize;
+ head->addr += allocsize;
+ }
+ /* free up any hole created by alignment */
+ if (tmpalign)
+ freeBlock(target, segid, addr, tmpalign);
+ *dspAddr = addr + tmpalign;
+ return true;
+ }
+ prevhead = head;
+ head = next;
+ } while (head != NULL);
+ return false;
+ * ======== freeBlock ========
+ * TO DO: freeBlock() allocates memory, which could result in failure.
+ * Could allocate an RMM_Header in RMM_alloc(), to be kept in a pool.
+ * freeBlock() could use an RMM_Header from the pool, freeing as blocks
+ * are coalesced.
+ */
+static bool freeBlock(struct RMM_TargetObj *target, u32 segid, u32 addr,
+ u32 size)
+ struct RMM_Header *head;
+ struct RMM_Header *thead;
+ struct RMM_Header *rhead;
+ bool retVal = true;
+ /* Create a memory header to hold the newly free'd block. */
+ rhead = MEM_Calloc(sizeof(struct RMM_Header), MEM_PAGED);
+ if (rhead == NULL) {
+ retVal = false;
+ } else {
+ /* search down the free list to find the right place for addr */
+ head = target->freeList[segid];
+ if (addr >= head->addr) {
+ while (head->next != NULL && addr > head->next->addr)
+ head = head->next;
+ thead = head->next;
+ head->next = rhead;
+ rhead->next = thead;
+ rhead->addr = addr;
+ rhead->size = size;
+ } else {
+ *rhead = *head;
+ head->next = rhead;
+ head->addr = addr;
+ head->size = size;
+ thead = rhead->next;
+ }
+ /* join with upper block, if possible */
+ if (thead != NULL && (rhead->addr + rhead->size) ==
+ thead->addr) {
+ head->next = rhead->next;
+ thead->size = size + thead->size;
+ thead->addr = addr;
+ MEM_Free(rhead);
+ rhead = thead;
+ }
+ /* join with the lower block, if possible */
+ if ((head->addr + head->size) == rhead->addr) {
+ head->next = rhead->next;
+ head->size = head->size + rhead->size;
+ MEM_Free(rhead);
+ }
+ }
+ return retVal;